Ron Rhoads New Year Triple Estate Antique Auction
Saturday, January 18, 8:30 am
20 Bonnie Brae Road, Spring City, Pa. 19475
Directions: Route 724 to Bonnie Brae Road,
follow signs.
Preview Two Hours prior to sale
Furniture, Glassware,
Country, Early Prints,
Oriental Rugs, Steiff
Bears, Dolls & Toys
FURNITURE: Antique Walnut Victorian Marble Top Bedroom Set, Walnut Marble Top Table, Victorian Marble Dresser, Victorian Marble Coffee Table, Victorian Sofa and Side Chairs, Victorian Chairs, Oak Chairs Set of Six, Oak Washstand, Oak Coffee Table and Side Tables, Mid Century Chest R-Way, Mid Century Chairs, Two Antique Grandfathers Clocks, Selection of Wall and Mantle Clocks, Mahogany Pencil Post Bed, Mahogany Highboy, Designer Small Size Secretary Desk, Mahogany Table, Antique Rockers and Chairs, Childs A Tables, Stands, Chairs, Country Benches, Stools, Chinese Screen, Oriental Rugs, Mahogany Dining Room set, Curio Cabinet, Pine Coffee Tables, Pair of Lane chairs, Fancy Antique Arm chairs, Jelly Cupboard, Sled, Antique Oriental Rugs, Carved Butler Figure, Childs Oak High Chair, Childrens Chairs, Several Marble Top Tables, Many other pieces of country furniture.
ANTIQUES: Collection of Lladro Figures in original boxes, School House Clock, Advertising clock, Several Mildred Sands Kratz prints, Early Joan Miro, F. Leger, Picasso prints in original frames from Burrison Galleries Philadelphia, Oil Paintings, Baccarat Swan in original box, Orrefores Bowls in original box, Several Hummels Two Full Bee, Lalique Ring Holder in original box, Many pieces of fine glassware in original boxes, Several pieces of fine glassware in original boxes, Brass Oil Table Lamp, Sterling Silver compotes and more, Fine Quality Vintage Silverplate, Bohemian glass Vase, Dresden Lady Figures, Nippon, Lovely German childs tea Set, Royal Doulton Figures, Waterford glassware, Depression glass, Style Prints in vintage frames, Many Oil Paintings, and Prints, Staffordshire and Spode Dishes, Chamber Set, Cameo Glass, ruby Glass, Wooden Washboards, Copper Vintage items, Records, Pewter, Sets of Dishes, Hundreds of Decorative Items: Candles, Frames, Dishes, Figures, Linens, Cut Glass, Press Glass, Antique Brass Lamps, Porcelain Figures, Depression Glass, Fiesta, Wedgewood, Painted Plates, Jugs, Crocks, Limoges Dishes, Gold Rim Glasses, Lots of country Copper pieces vintage Compacts, Vintage Perfume bottles, Contemporary Tiffany Style Lamps, Vintage Stanley Planes, Oriental Jewelry box, Murano Glass, Levengoods Milk Can, Brass Items, Redware plates, blue Canning Jars, Coin Spot Lamps, Costume Jewelry,tables of Bisque Figures, And more!
TOYS: Early Childs Painted Rocking Chair, Cowboy and Cowgirl Toy box, small Painted Childs Chest, Odd Ogg in original box, Marvelous Mike in original box, Pitiful Pearl in original box, Boxes of Barbies: Baywatch and Wizard of Oz and others, some clothing, Tin Pony Express Wagon, Steiff Miniature Teddy Bears, Tennis Lady in ob, other in original boxes, China Heads, Herman, Artist Miniature Bears, Large Steiff Bear, Showcases of Herman and Artist bears, Mink Bears, Stuffed Dogs by Avalon, Chrissy in Original box, Several Vintage Dolls, Heidi Ott, Composition Dolls, Clothing, Small Vintage Furniture , Shirley Temple dolls, Madame Alexander Dolls, and others. Childrens Books: Ships Ahoy, Pop Up books, several Early Books, Paper dolls, Toy Sewing Machine, and More!
13% Buyers Premium
610-385-4818 • WEB: WWW.ECHANT.COM
Ron Rhoads AU 002045L
Eileen Rhoads AU 003750L
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036