New Haven Auction Online Discovery Auction
March 19th beginning at 1OAM EST
Preview Dates & Times: March 16-18, 10-3,
or by appointment
315 Peck Street, Building .4, New Haven, CT
Liveauctioneers or invaluable
Fred Giampietro and New Haven Auctions are pleased to offer over 300 unreserved lots
including items from the estates of Sophie & Michael Coe of New Haven, CT and Susie & Richie Burmann; Native American pottery and beadwork, vintage cowboy boots, Rolleiflex cameras, antique Kodak sign, sterling silver, coins and currency, jewelry, antique stuffed dog collection, Lladro, Americana, folk art, gameboards, whirligigs, vintage fire hats, ship diorama, shooting gallery targets, black hawk horse weathervane, tramp art, early textiles and clothing, blue and white homespun, antique quilts, spider leg candlestand, Queen Ann mirror, early iron cooking and fireplace items, military dress hat, military belt, large collection of antique Mexican tin Nichos, paintings, A. Lassell Rippley paintings, Alfred Birdsey watercolor, F. Matizow landscape, Paul Riba works. Massachusetts 1890 document, centennial needlepoint, painted Windsor highchair, mid century modern, antique books, childrens books including first edition Gorey, Dahl, and Margaret Wise Brown, WWII posters, Chase chrome coffee set, Asian carved bone figures, Netsukes, antique Japanese woodblock prints, Asian porcelain, other Asian items, early very small mandolin, Elastolin toys, Britians, Marklyn train, Steiff, Iron doorstops, Fire Helmets, Burberry coat, Limbert chair, antique
drafting table, vintage bagpipes, much more! 06513 475-234-5120
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036