Mamaroneck, NY Estate Sale
1120 Greacen Pt Rd., Mamaroneck, NY
Thursday-Saturday • JULY 9-11 • 10–4
Due to the Corona Virus guidelines no one will be admitted without a mask and gloves.
Extensive set of Flora Donica,Tiffany Tea set, Nestle chandeliers, Baccarat crystal vases, pr Chinese porcelain urns, large Chinese figures, several Chinese glass and stone figures, Val St. Lambert, antique epergne, French clock, large set of St. Louis crystal, Rock crystal sconces, Royal Doulton China, Castleton china, many pieces of silver, Mayan figures, Paperweight collection, several antique inlaid lap desks, Sange De Boeuf lamps, antique plateau, several pairs of bronze lamps, Nestle crystal sconces, fabulous antique mirrors, lots of fine collectibles, Judaica, and books.
19th century two door English cabinet bought at Stairs, l9th century dining chairs, two very large inlaid dining tables,several Smith & Watson sofas,chairs and desks, Gueridons, Moonface Grandfather clock, pr. French demilunes, Chapman lamps, several English Pembroke tables, large English antique sideboard, Holly Hunt Chinoiserie commode, wonderful 4 poster king bed, antique Chinese carpet, S. Mara needlepoint rugs, room full of chintz down sofas, lots of Mcguire rattan furniture, huge glass top McGuire table & chairs, very large Bakers rack, and pine breakfront. Great Baker bedroom set.
Many paintings & prints, including, Elsley, E. Munier, Monstead, Eberling, large Chinese silk embroidery, antique hanging carpet.
Kitchen full, tools, lawn mowers, exercise equipment, very extensive set Brown Jordan outdoor furniture, planters, cameras, jewelry, clothing, bedrooms, and linens.
DIRECTIONS: Boston Post Rd to Orienta Ave, right on Greacan Pt. Rd.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036