Estate Auction By B & S Auction Service
Wed, July 29, at 6:30pm
Inspections: 12 – 6:30 P.M.
573 Main Street, Cromwell, CT
See more pictures on: – ID # 14542
Auction Of Antique Furniture, Glass,
China, Music Boxes, Krugerrands Gold
Jewelry, Art Work From The Wethersfield
Historical Society And Homes In
Westbrook & Middletown.
Partial listing: 2 part drop front desk w/arch curved glass doors at top & 3 drawers below, sideboard w/ivory scissions, 2 doors, 1 drawer w/original brasses, 6 board chests w/boot jack ends in old blue or red paint, blanket chest, oak chest, Victorian 2 draw stand, round antique candlestand, oval marble top stand, kitchen work table, swing leg/drop leaf table, 3 legged open work stand, kids fainting couch, Kids upholstered wing chair set, 5 empire side chairs, set 4 chairs w/stencil decoration, high chair w/tray & stenciling, Martha Washington chair & ottoman, chairs in pairs & singles, etc. Misc: flow blue plates & platters, flow blue ladle, Chelsea tea pot, early china, mixing bowls, quantity of kettles, fry pans (some w/long handles), foot warmers, copper boiler, large brass pail, foot scraper, early jig saw on peddle stand, candle molds, early kitchen tools, wooden bowls, baskets, crocks – blue w/star, lg. crock #6 w/blue circle & feather, lg gray pitcher – crockery, stoves, shaker, parlor, etc., school desks, 1840’s 3 sectional clock w/eagle on top – oval painting in center & square painting at bottom, kitchen clock w/calendar, collection of animals – taxidermy samples, qt of books by Joe Lincoln – Cape Cod, leather bound books, & other books, Mermod Freres Ideal Sparano Music box w/extra interchangeable cylinders – Swiss made – oak case w/custom made stand, Symphonion music box w/crank & 12 discs, Satsuma lamps, Rochester & others, double barrel shotgun – T Barker, black powder pistol, 6 Krugerrands – 1 oz each coin, Silver dollars, etc., 14K Charm bracelet, 14K rings w/clear stones & other rings, cameos, pendants & other jewelry – some painting, prints & pictures.
Thomas Barrows & Sons Auctioneers
P.O. Box 141, Portland, CT 06480 • Telephone: (860) 342-2540
Day of Sale: (860) 632-8212 • (860) 597-1215
15% Buyers Premium, Cash or Checks
18% Buyers Premium, Credit Cards
Terms: Cash, Checks with established credit, Most major credit cards accepted
Directions: Rt. 9 North Exit 18 (3miles) – Rt. 9 South Exit 19, left on to Main St, turn left. I-91 North Exit 21, left Rt. 372 to Main St., turn left.
Antiques & Estates Bought or Sold on Consignment
No Lot Too Large or Too Small!!!!
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036