William Smith Important Post Labor Day Auction
Smith’s Auction Gallery,
1064 Route 12
Plainfield NH
Saturday, Sept. 12th, 2020 at 10am
Sale to be held under tents with socially distanced limited seating.
Please call to reserve chairs now.
Preview by appointment only:
Beginning Aug. 26th. M-F from 9-4pm (except Labor Day).
To schedule, call Lori at 603-675-2549
or Lori@wsmithauction.com www.wsmithauction.com
An Auction Extravaganza, bringing you our best finds from this summer. Exceptional art from a Sunapee home, Important estate jewelry from the Raley Estate of Peterborough NH, Beautiful silver and European antiquities from the estate of Licia Albanese famed Metropolitan Opera Soprano, 3 Amazing antique automobiles, 2 John Deere tractors and much, much more.
This is a wonderful collection of estate pieces that you will truly appreciate. We look forward to welcoming you back to the auction tent for this enticing sale.
In Part: Important collection of art works by Henri Matisse; Luigi Luicioni; Eric Sloane; Wm Trost Richards; John F. Carlson; Paul Sample; W. B. Hoyt; Henry MacGinnis; John Francis Murphy; Charles Wysocki; B. Champney; AD Shattuck; Margaret Pearson; Paul Emile Pissaro; N. Bezem; Grace Kelly Cleveland; Lurcat oil; marine paintings ; John Pope; Herman D. Murphy; A. Ordway; Wm. Merritt Post; Dean Fausett; Bernard Corey; AIden L. Ripely; John Andrew Wyeth; Thomas Chambers; NA Brooks; John Peto; John O’Shea; Reginald Nickerson; Louis Guarana; R. Choquet; G. Armfield; G. Bennetter; early Italian and Old Master school paintings; Prints by Currier and Ives; Th. Benson litho.; Alexander Calder litho; Jean Miro litho; Louise Nevelson collage; and much more
Fine Americana: PA walnut tall chest quarter columns and old brass, similar 4 drawer PA chest both ca. 1785; Samuel Dunlap maple candle stand other NH candle stands; Fine Federal NH stand (Stephen Ross); Federal Portsmouth 2 drawer stand; Attrib. Wm. Hook Sheraton chest; Q.A. highboys; Federal and Chippendale secretaries; Chippendale tiger-maple slant lid desk; Chippendale and Federal chests; early tavern tables; Federal sofa; Federal cherry corner cupboard; MA card table attrib. to Fiske workshop Salem; other NH card tables; PA fan back Windsor chair; writing arm Windsor chair signed; Chippendale Chapin school tea table, other tea tables and much more at Americana
Clocks: Tiffany and Co. 8 tube tall clock; grain painted NH tall clock by James Cole; Levi Hutchins maple tall clock; English bracket clock; Newport style tall clock; English tall clock; Eli Terry and Henry Judd shelf clocks; 2 repeater carriage clocks; Chelsea Millennium clock; Ships barometer and more
European: 19th C. French ormolu commode; 18th C. French marble top commode; early 18th William and Mary chests, desks and tables in burl walnut; English campaign chest; English library table signed Lamb; French parlor table; pair English rams head torchieres, other European
Accessories: Early tavern/Inn sign (Jenks); exceptional game cock weathervane; Dexter weathervane; carved and painted folk eagles; tea room trade sign; quality tea and other boxes; 2 exceptional convex mirrors; Federal Canterbury; folk art portraits; 18th C. cherry pipe box; Northwest carved and painted stool; Inuit bear; decorate stoneware; Warren Kimble cow trade sign; Gibson guitar; antique floor harp; columns from the Metropolitan Opera; Louis Vuitton suitcases; Cornish NH sampler; early needlework maps; Arts and Crafts Liberty wall mirror and more
High End Custom Furnishings: English yew wood breakfront; Kindel dining table, set of 10 chairs and sideboard; Eldred Wheeler tiger maple chest on frame; Eledred Wheeler queen size bed; Eldred Wheeler armoire, other Eldred Wheeler; Baker Dark Harbor armchair and ottoman; Mason-Art sofa and pillows; Wood and Hogan Cornwall loveseat and the Eton chair; Lee Jofa Wentworth slipper chair; Grange Darkest winged settee; set of 10 Windsor style bow back chairs by Chris Harter; 10’ shoe foot trestle table; Charles Shackleton lounge chairs, chest and entertainment; other high end custom furnishings; Rock-Ola juke box; fine Porter floor model music box, much more
Formal: Venetian floor model globe signed Guglielmo Bleau; Harriet Frishmuth bronze, the vine; bronzes by Joe Beeler and Daro Flood; Austrian bronze; Italian carved and painted sconces; exceptional Tiffany and Co. humidor; Baccarat urns; French bronze candelabra; sets of Steuben and Baccarat stemware; set of Royal Copenhagen China; set of KPM China; KPM plaque; Sevres urn; several sets of quality dinner plates; Dresden fish set; Meissen candelabras; Berlin china; sets of Venetian opalescent swirl stemware; Tiffany glass; Bohemian glassware and much more;
Asian: collection of antique Chinese jade carvings; Chinese hardstone mounted folding screen; Chinese carved Buddha; Chinese porcelains; Blanc De Chine figures; Meiji kitchen tansu; signed Japanese Meiji vase; early large size amber necklace; Republic vases; splash bowl, other Asian
Silver: Important French silver table serving pieces Froment-Meurice, original case; 2 large sterling trays; sterling silver flatware sets; sterling silver tea sets; Tiffany and Co sterling bowls and plates; many pieces of sterling table wares sold in lots, much more silver Estate Jewelry: 3 ct. marquise cut diamond ring; 2.12 ct. round dia. ring; 2 Art Deco diamond pins signed JE Caldwell; approx. 9 ctw dia. Art Deco dress clip; 18k diamond tennis bracelet; star ruby and dia. ring B,B&B; Emerald and diamond ring; various dia. earrings; Patek Philippe pocket watch; men’s Rolex stainless and gold wrist watch; Art Deco ladies watch B,B&B; gold and green jade ring and bracelet; antique pearly and gem set necklaces; gold charm bracelet; 18k gold necklace, 145 grams, other gold bracelets and necklaces; exceptional Navajo silver jewelry plus more
Autos & Misc. Great selection of estate oriental rugs; Steinway and Sons baby grand piano;
Autos: 1948 Oldsmobile Woody, great condition; 1914/15 Ford Model T in (award winning) original condition; 1927 Model T Depot Hack; like new John Deere 3320 tractor with mower deck and snow blower; John Deere 855 tractor with bucket, back hoe, York rake, etc.
William Smith, Inc
Specializing in Fine Antiques
PO Box 49, Plainfield, New Hampshire 03781
Tel. 603-675-2549
NH LICENSE #2825– VT #57-702 – FL#AU-4814
Offices – Plainfield, NH – Greenwich, CT – Sarasota, FL- Phoenix, AZ
18% Buyers Premium
in Effect with
Additional 3% c/c and
2.9% PayPal
Oil, “Weathered Barns” Luigi Lucioni
Fine Chinese lacquered screen with hardstones
Lg. oil, Milk House, Eric Sloane
Old Master’s oil, Francesco
1948 Oldsmobile Woody
Great 19th C. gamecock weathervane, 36” H
Tiffany 8 tube clock
Early Large Globe, signed Blaeu
Bronze, Harriet Frishmuth
Lg. oil, Paul Emile Pissarro
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036