Pa. Onsite Auction Furniture, Antique & Collectible Auction
Saturday, September 12 @ 8:30am Sharp
Porters Fire Co.
1199 Porters Rd. Spring Grove, PA 17362
Sale Preview at Porters Fire Co. on
Friday, September 11 from 12-6pm
Living Estate Sale for The Patrick Sullivan Collection.
To View Full Sale Listing & Pictures Visit our Website at:
Due to selling the landmark 1802 yellow brick Himes Mansion on the square
of New Oxford Pa. Mr. Sullivan is selling his collection. Patrick Sullivan was a
former antique dealer & collector & is selling furniture, antiques, collectibles
& household items accumulated over the last 50 years.
Approx. 100 pcs. quality furniture including antique-collectible & modern pcs. ready to set in your home, 18 century walnut tall chest, 1860 Sheraton cherry 4 drawer chest, bonnet top highboy, pie safe, 4 sofas, 1860 walnut card table, circa. 1900 corner cabinet, English tall case clock, Westminster chime tall case clock, chairs, extension table, secretary desk, Empire bureau & 4 drawer chest, 3 = 4 post beds including California King, 3 curio cabinets, lift top bar/server, dropleaf library table, plus other quality furniture, approx. 50 Steimbaclt made in Germany nutcrackers, sterling silver & silver plate pcs., nice pcs. china, old American Flyer train set, old Lionel train set, old Stewart Warner radio w/ butterscotch & brown bakelite case, old walking canes, marbles, clocks, various antique lamps & parts, WWII German Nazi dagger & large banner, approx. 75 very good 1930-40s Dime Store “Manoil” toy soldiers, Lenox Christmas china, cut glass, postcards, glass prisms, gone with the wind lamp, cast iron urns, plus other small antiques & collectibles, household items, hand tools, ladders, extension cords, lawn & garden items, plus much more.SALE TERMS: 10% Buyers Premium. 6% Sales Tax will apply. Cash & Pa. Local checks only.
3% Administrative fee in addition when paying w/ credit card.
For More Information Call (717) 451-5999
Randy Dickensheets Auctioneer • License#Au-003539-L Outstanding
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036