Mazzone’s Exceptional Antique Auction | 2 Auctions
Sunday, October 18 –10:00am & 1:30pm
Preview 9:00am | Auction 10:00am |
Antiques, Gold & Sterling, Military
1:30 Military & Guns:
Carman & Lillian Road
Guilderland, NY
Face Masks and Social Distancing is required | Sale Held Outside – Bring Own Chairs & Umbrellas | Early Saturday Preview for Left Bids Only Between 10:00 & 12:00
Partial Listing: Gold & Silver 1910 – $10.00 Gold Pc, 14 & 18 KT Bracelets, Misc Gold Items, Sterling Z Flatware Set, Many Misc Pcs of Sterling, Large Variety of Coins, 43 Silver Dollars, 6 Carlson City Silver Dollars, Silver Half Dollars & more, Steinway Model L Parlor Baby Grand Piano, Early 1 & 2 Drawer 6 Board Blanket Boxes, Early 6’ Blanket Box, 7’ Tall Mirrored Door French Armoire, Early Cupboards, Early Iron Hallway Mirror w/Hat Hooks, 3 Early Cast Iron Horse Hitching Post, Ornate Parlor Stove, 8’ Tall Vict Walnut Slant Lid Desk w/Bookcase Top, Ornate Vict Walnut Slant Lid Desk, Vict Marble Top Dresser, Marble Top Parlor Table, Marble Top Commode, Nice Oak Hoosier Cabinet, 2 Sets Globe Wernicke Stack Bookcases, 41” Oak Sideboard with Bowed Leaded Door, Nice Oak Slant Lid Desk, Early Cherry Drop Leaf Table, Oak Drop Leaf w/Jenny Lind Legs, Oak 4 Drawer File Cabinet, 2 Wooden Phone Booths, Vict Walnut Square Oak Table, Nice Oak Hall Seat w/Beveled Mirror, Mission Oak 1 Drawer Desk w/Bookcase, Early Wooden Wheel Barrel, Early Primitive Corn Chopper, Vict Cast Iron Urn, Early Pine Dry Sink, Cast Iron Anvil, Large Vice, Large Iron Motor & Pedestal, RR Caboose Stove, 6 RR Engine 12” Brass Bells, 10 RR Lanterns, Over 50 Antique Shaving Mugs, Variety of Decorated Stoneware Crock & Jugs, Advertising Items, Primitive Cigar Mold, 9pc Fish Dinner Set, Vases, Asian Items, Bradley & Hubbard Leaded Lamp, Early Lighting, Clocks, Early 20 cent Cigarette Machine, Electronic Slot Machine, Large Variety of Political Posters & Buttons, Roosevelt Era etc., Art Nouveau Table Lamp, Quilts, Variety of Artwork, Oils on Canvas, Postcards, Scrimshaw Bones, Early Store Showcase Coffee, Early Pretzel Box & more…
Toys: 1 cent Basketball Gun Machine, Cragstan Shaking Car in Box, Robert the Robot in Box, Texaco Fireman’s Hat, In Box Hubbley Colt 45, Johnny Seven Miro Helmet Phone Set, Leaded Soldiers, & more…
Musical Instruments: Early Violins, Flute, Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Orange County Guitar, Mandalin, 5 Original Rock & Roll Posters from 1966 San Fran cisco Grateful Dead, 2 Jefferson Airplane, Butterfield Blues Band, Multi Band Posters & more…
1:30 Military & Guns: Riffles WW2 MI Carbine, WW2 A303, 3 WW2 Rifles Kits in Box, Large Variety of Bayonets & Daggers, Complete Nazi Uniform, Nazi Officer’s Hat, 2’x 22” Nazi Vehicle Flag, Large Podium Flag, 3 Nazi Helmets, Several WW2 American Helmets, Nazi Field Gear, Large Variety of American Field Gear, Radios, 2 Swords, Buffalo Hides, Deer Mounts, Variety of Rifle Barrels & Stocks, 2 Black Powder Pistols, Bows, Hunting Gear, Huge Amount of Ammo & more…
Boat Motors: 6HP Sea King, Johnson Sea Horse, Large Variety of items to choose from…
For Photos & Directions see our website @ or see our ad on #16751
Terms: Cash or Good Check – No Out of State Checks, No Credit Cards, 10% BP
MAZZONE’S AUCTION SERVICE | Guilderland, NY • 518.355.3813
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036