Nicholas Auctions Live Auction Audience Only or
Phone Bids, Absentee Bids
175 Buckley Rd • Whitehall, NY
Sat, Oct. 24 at 10 am
Midcentury Furniture, Automotive, Country,
Victorian Furniture, Artwork, Adirondack
Reservations recommended • Social distancing of seating
Preview Thurs & Fri, 10 to 4; day of auction 8 am
Visit our website
NOTABLE ITEMS: Midcentury couch, chair, stands & lighting; early 20th C Wayne gas pump (as found); tin advertising signs; late 18th C dowry chest w/original hardware & 2 drawers; several animal mounts; Fairbanks postal scale; memory jugs; blue decorated stoneware; crazy quilts; butter churn; old books; old license plates; Percy Perkins decoys; fishing rods, reels, lures, creels, backpacks; mantel clocks; guitars; violin; leather jackets; American memorabilia; wooden wagon; several asst. 19th C mirrors; counter top curved glass display cases; dress form; 9×12 hooked rug; electronic slot machine; o/c flower paintings; w/c’s; framed Victorian prints; 19th C export china; lustre ware; Currier & Ives prints; cast iron banks; trunks; chairs; and a nice button collection
So much more than meets this ad.
Go to #3168
Directions: We are located at the Southeast corner of the Adirondacks, the Southern tip of Lake Champlain, just off Rt 4. Turn at RR tracks onto Buckley Road, 1st farm.
10% Buyer’s Premium, cash & checks – 13% credit cards
Nicholas Deutsch Auctioneer • Please call 518-222-3857
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036