Nathan Auction & Real Estate — Barbara Riley Estate Auction
Part 1 Selected Works of Art
Auction Date: Saturday, November 21, 2020
Location: Southern Vermont Arts Center,
West Road, Manchester, VT 05254
Live Auction Preview, Friday, November 20, 4-6 pm
(802) 362-3194
for photos, details and more information.
Arthur Jones American, 1928- 2020, Old Farm, oil on board, image, 19” x 29”, framed, 24” x 34”, signed lower left. Arthur J
Jonathan Green, American, 1955- Walking Man, oil on canvas, image 12” x 16”, framed 14” x 18” signed upper right
Arthur Jones American, 1928- 2020, Deep Shadows, oil on board, image 17” x 23”, framed 23” x 29” signed lower right
M. C. Poulsen American 1953- Present, Portrait of a Grizzly, Yellowstone, oil on board, image 9” x 12”, framed 14” x 17” signed lower right
Arthur Jones American, 1928-2020, Old Barns on a Hillside, oil on board, image, 19” x 29”, framed, 25” x 35”, signed lower left
William Skilling , American 1862-1964, Two Dogs and an Bone, oil on canvas, image 36” x 47” framed, 42” x 53” signed lower right
Arthur Jones American, 1928- 2020, Summer Solitude, oil on canvas, image 23” x 35” framed 39” x 41”, signed lower left.
Arthur Jones American, 1928- 2020, The Round Barn, Morrisville, VT, oil on board, image 19” x 29”, framed 23.5” 33” signed lower left 84
Luigi Lucioni, American, 1900- 1988, Barns by the Lake, {the Bostwick Barns on Lake Champlain, in Shelburne} oil on artist board, image 10” x 14”, framed 16” x 20” , signed lower right 32
Full Bodied Cow Weathervane, traces of original gilding, ca. 1875, 31” long x 18” high
Barbara Riley was an important supporter of the Manchester and the Mountains community, She
supported the Arts, Education, Athletics and knew how to rally others behind her as she drummed up
support for the myriad initiatives she took on. She truly created the type of positive impact that has
been felt by the entire community and will be so for decades to come.
In addition to her philanthropy, she was a hugely acquisitive collector of artwork and beautiful
objects. Having homes in NYC, Key West, Santa Fe and Manchester, VT, she absorbed each local culture
through it’s art and decorative style. Her collections are of high quality and abundant as future auctions will demonstrate. This first auction of only 32 works of art center around her collection of oil paintings by Dorset, Vermont Artist Arthur Jones. Arthur Jones was her friend and she showed her
love. We have selected 21 of his best paintings for this auction from her collection and decided to do
it in Manchester as a tribute to their friendship and both of their passing’s this year. Other local artists from her collection with work in this auction are Luigi Lucioni, Brian Sweetland, Cleade Enders,
Dean Faucett, plus Jonathan Green, M. C. Poulsen. & William Skilling. Two great weathervanes from
her collection will also be sold.
Ways to Bid at this Auction:
You may bid live at the auction, bid on the internet at
(pre-bid or participate in live time with the auction on 11/21/20 beginning at 10 am EST)
Absentee bids welcomed, telephone bidding available.
Terms: 15% Base Buyers Premium, Masks required, social distancing respected.
Shipping gladly arranged.
Nathan Auction & Real Estate
370 West Road, Manchester, VT 05254
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036