Thomas Hirchak Co Online Auction
500+ Lots Antiques, Currency, Collectibles, Art
Online Lots Ending Tuesday, January 12 @ 10AM
131 Dorset Lane, Williston, Vermont
Preview: Friday, January 8 from 11AM-1PM
A great assortment of antiques and
collectibles, including framed and signed
Wallace Nutting photographs. • 800-634-7653
Antiques, Collectibles &
Wallace Nutting Photos
Lots Close Mon., January 11 @ 10AM
Washington County, Vermont Location
Preview: Fri., Jan. 8 from 11AM-1PM
Sterling silver
Tools, incl., antique planes, from Middlebury Vermont collection
Paintings, watercolors, prints
Rinsai, Buzaemon 1791- 1865 Japanese Wood Block
Oriental rugs
China, glass and porcelain
Handmade quilts
Cut glass
Watches and pocket watches, incl. Mickey Mouse Watch
Buck and doe mounts
Pocket and sheath knives
Railroad bench
Dental cabinet
18th and 19th century paper money
Furniture from Vermont homes including step back cupboard, 19th Century Austrian Painted Armoire
Sheraton Dropleaf Table
c. 1820 Nantucket Secretary (Willis Henry Provenance)
Chippendale Ball Foot Bowfront Chest
Civil War Era Leather Covered Dometop
English Period Hepplewhite Slant Front Desk
(2) Cellos
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036