Raucher Brothers Auctioneers Online Auction
Smith College Library Decommission
Online Bidding OPENS Sunday, January 10, @ Noon, EST and
CLOSES Sunday, January 17, @ 7:00 pm (EST)
Live Preview Appointments Available January 14–17
To schedule a live preview appointment,
call 413-537-3177 or email
140 Pine Street, Room 2
Florence, MA 01062
This unique auction features items decommissioned from use in the
recently renovated Neilson Library (Smith College), including several blue/green 1970s Alky chairs designed by Giancarolo Piretti for Castelli; a rare English gate-leg dropleaf table; a Bicentennial replica of the Liberty Bell with vitrine and plinth; a 1906 tabletop statue of Nike Victoria, Winged Goddess of Victory (spelter on a marble ball with a soapstone base); large mahogany exhibit cases; Windsor chairs dated 1903 (by A.H. Davenport Co., Boston); a large collection of historical moveable type and steel type case; several styles of large oak reading tables (including some with lion’s foot legs and some with fluted column legs); many sizes & styles of overstuffed armchairs; a 1968 Raleigh Superbe 3-speed, 24” ladies bicycle made in Nottingham, England; two oil-on-canvas paintings by Thomas Locker; a 9’ print of the City of Antwerp made from 16th-century plates; other original artwork & prints dating from the past 100 years; historical neon signs for the classes of 1917, 1926, and 1928; and more.
For everyone’s health and safety,
live previews will be limited to 10 people at a time.
Live previews are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
Masks must be worn during live previews.
To view the auction catalog and register to bid online
visit https://raucherbrothersauctioneers.hibid.com/auctions/
Raucher Brothers Auctioneers
Through this auction, carefully selected items can return to productive use among members of the Smith College community and general
public. This auction does not include any items from any of the permanent collections of the library.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036