Tom Hall Single Owner Equestrian Antiques Auction
Auction Begins 10:00am Tuesday, March 23
Online Bidding is Open!
Pre-bidding is open and continues until auction goes live
This will be a one of a kind auction!
Auction preview:
12-4PM Monday, March 22, 2021
or call for a private appointment.
Wonderful one of a kind collection of English fox hunt, steeple chase, equine antiques and Asian items!
Highlights: E. Drouot French bronze work horse and wagon, Austria cold painted bronze figures, rare cast iron Cincinnati Stove Works Advertising piece, inkwells, Hagenauer figures, Oil paintings including early John Frederick Herring Jr., elaborate riding crops, buggy whips and walking sticks, horse measuring devices, Meerschaum pipes, trophies including two headed sterling vase, early brass and copper horse hair singeing tools, curry combs, medicine bits, Hadley china, cut to clear glass depicting equine related scenes, tooled leather Western and English saddles and so much more!
This is a one time opportunity!
You will not find a collection again like this for a long time. Asian items include Japanese roof tiles, 20th-century palace vases, carvings, Satsuma tea set, Kimono and Obi textiles, etc.
Full terms available when registering to bid at
www.tomhallauctions or
Items located at Tom Hall Auction Gallery
4644 Main St (Rt. 309), Schnecksville, Pa. 18078
Shipping is available.
Tom Hall Auctions, Inc. (AU-1734) • 610-799-0808
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036