Old Kinderhook Sweet Summer Sale
June 8
3350 US Highway 9
Valatie, New York
Tuesday, June 8th at 2pm
In person preview times: Tuesday June 1st thru Monday June 7th 11-5 and 10-12 on the day of the sale.
Old Kinderhook Auction Company is proud to present our June Sweet Summer Sale, a multi-estate auction that must not be
missed. Highlighting the sale will be an important coastal scene by Francis Augustus Silva, a single owner collection of over 100
Staffordshire figurines and Majolica, many lots of luxury home furnishings by Baker, Chapman, Drexel and others, as well as some
funky finds from all around, such as paintings by Earl Swanigan and Lewis Smith. Rounding it all out will be a large offering of fine
art and frames, silver and porcelain (And of course and as always, things that make you go “Wow”).
All to be sold with no reserve
Online Bidding through www.LiveAuctioneers.com, www.Invaluable.com, www.Bidsquare.com, and www.AuctionZip.com
Directions: We are approximately one mile north of the Hannaford traffic circle in Valatie, and three miles south of exit 12 on I-90 (the Berkshire Spur).
Single Owner Collection of Stafforshire
Philadelphia Theorem
Modern Sculture by David Hayes
Fine and Custom Furniture
Lewis Smith
Francis Augustus Silva
Eugenio Bonivento
Chapman Floor Lamps
Single Owner Collection of Majolica
Bruce Crane
Over 75 Frames Including Examples
by Stanford White, Newcomb Macklin, etc.
Many American Portraits Including Rare
Family Portrait
Asian Antiques
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036