Joseph Kabe Estate Auctions
Saturday, June 19th
Time 12:00 P.M •
Preview 10 A.M Day of Sale
or by Appointment
230 Broad St Milford Ct 06460
This is an outside auction please bring a chair.
Partial listing to include: Period Furniture, Tall inlayed Chest, Wing Chair, P.A Tall Chest, Regency Linen Closet,
Federal Work Table, Tea caddy, Rosewood Fire Screens, Banquet Table, Six Chippendale Chairs, Tall Poster Bed,
Blanket Chests, Oxbow Chest, etc Early Samplers, Coat of Arms Silver Thread Banner, Pr. of Early Putti Cherubs 3’, Early Decanters , Oriental Collection, Fine China, Oriental Rugs, Slag Glass Lamp, Maps, Painting, Silver Flatware set, Toby Mug collection, Royal Daultons, Rose Medallion, Majolica, Henry Moore signed Lithos, Etc
Please go to for info and photos
Contact 203-877-0143 or 203-980-0606 • Email
Sampler Sally Hannaford
18th Century Wing Chair
Landscape Painting
Silver Flatware 112 pcs
Pr. Putti Cherubs 3’ Oriental Rugs
Pennsylvania Tall Chest
Southern tall Chest
Banquet Table Coat of Arms Textile
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036