Brzostek’s Two-Day On-Site Live and Online Unreserved Real Estate & Antiques Estate Auction
Saturday & Sunday, July 24-25, 10 am
Preview 9-10 am
6107 NYS Route 26
Whitney Point, NY
Auctioning On-Site only-Following the Auction of the Real Estate on Sat., July 24, 10 A.M.-Furniture of Pillared Mansion-Antique Furniture: Wal. Vict. Cylinder roll Secretarydesk, Mah. Empire drop front desk, Wal. Vict. fainting couch, Wal. Vict. pedestal podium, Wal. Vict. tables, Gilt Vict. 10’h mirror, Mah. tilting table, Fancy carved heads stand, Music chair, Empire Mah. fold-over table, Empire & Vict. side chairs, 1920’s Feudal Oak Castle Dining Room set w/9’l Trestle table, side & arm chairs; 6’l Carved wood sideboard & China cabinet; Cherry twisted leg drop leaf table, Wal. Vict. arm chair, Shoe stool, candlestands, Curio cabinet, platform rocker, recliners, Antique Rd. Oak Dining room table, 6 matching Antique Oak spindle back Dining room chairs, Marquetry Inlaid 19th Century linen cupboard, enamel drop leaf table, Step back Antique cupboard, 3 Antique high chairs, Antique pedestal Dining room table, 6 Oak slat back chairs, Martha Washington sewing cabinet, wicker corner shelf, Butter mold carved dresser, Wal. Vict. hall rack, Schoolmaster’s desk w/chair, Mah. Kneehole desk, Oak flat top desk, Oak commode, Empire Mah. chest of drawers, 30’s Waterfall Bedroom set; Mah. Marble top console cabinets, wicker table & chairs, Bird’s-eye dresser w/mirror, Mah. library table, Oak sm. Sewing table, Bird’s-eye Maple rocker, wainscoted wardrobe, bookshelves, Antique Wicker porch furniture incld.-Sofas, Chaise lounge, Loveseats, chairs, ferners, tables, rockers, end tables, library table; Rattan porch furniture incld.-Rockers & chairs, Glider sofa,metal cribs; cast iron patio table & chairs, Ice cream table & metal chairs, cradles, Wicker Mortica chair, Queen bed w/spring & matt., Mah. Windsor style rocker, King size Wicker head board w/twin beds, Mah. dropleaf table, pr. Of Twin beds, Antique Mah. fold over table w/carved paw feet, sm. Mah. wardrobe, Birch spindle back rocker; Collectibles: Cast iron Antique urns, Oil Paintings, oval Antique painted portrait on porcelain in Gilt frame, table & floor lamps, Sterling S & P’s & misc.;books, woven baskets, kerosene lamps, photo albums, Modern sm. stained glass windows, figurines, Bisson’s heads collection, Vienna Regulator clock, Antique Tiffany style leaded glass chandeliers, pottery, painted tins, Kitchenware, primitives, crocks & jugs, copper & ironware, wooden bowls, leaded glass Tiffany Style table lamp, spinning wheel, drying racks, pocket watches & jewelry, Hunter Elec. Fan, Slag glass Tiffany style table lamp, wicker baby buggy, lanterns, decorations, bird cages, Religious statues, American Oriental rugs, Brass convex glass frames w/portraits, pictures of relatives, linens, Plaster figure of Conquistador, trunks; Glassware: Tea sets, Depression & clear glass, Milk bottles; Housewares: Computer & printers, Women’s & Men’s clothes, TV’s, plus more!
Auctioning-Sun., July 25, 10 A.M.-Contents of the Carriage House & Contents of the Pool House. Check website for a complete listing! Terms on Personal Property: Full payment due day of Auction by Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Debit Cards. Checks w/Bank Letter of Guarantee. Twelve percent buyer’s premium. All items sold in “AS IS” condition. Subject to errors and omissions. Refreshments available. Driver’s license required for bidding number. All statements made day of auction take precedence over printed material. Property is protected by Closed Circuit TV Alarm Systems. Auction 8092/93/21.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036