Americana Auctions Sizzling Summer Estates Auction
Sunday, August 1, 11 am
380 Winthrop Street
Rehoboth MA 02769
500 fresh items from estate of T. Grieg, Jackson NH & Nantucket mansion, etc. Incl. many Nautical pieces, Fine artwork, Much silver, Period furniture & Oriental rugs, Asian ceramics, 1839 JJ Audubon 1st Ed. book BIRDS OF AMERICA, Decoys, Musical Instruments (Levi Brown rare inlaid banjo), Canes, Militaria, Early Photography, & more! Go to our website to view catalog.
Live again! In Rehoboth and online via, and
Preview: Live in Rehoboth: July 29-31 from 10-4 & Sun. 9-11 & by appt.
Items from estate of T. Grieg, Jackson NH & Nantucket mansion, etc.
SILVER, GOLD & JEWELRY: Many lots! Comyns London 1884 rococo sterling 22î
bureau mirror w/animals & figures; Lincoln & Foss Aesthetic coin pitcher; Gorham
pcs incl. heavy gilt c. 1850 mug, 25 ozt bowl #778 & Newport Scroll 43 pc flatware set;
Tiffany sterling & brilliant cut glass 12î vase; 11 Tiffany ìRichelieuî pattern forks &
12 demitasse spoons; Wood & Hughes Vict. ladle & forks; 2 R&B Francis 1st sterling
flatware sets – set for 12 & set for 8; Interníl tea set & 3-pint jug; Burmese 44 ozt
large figural bowl; 70 American coin spoons; Wallace Poppy 925 bowl; French vermeil
.950 flatware c.1830; Howard 12î square tray; Old Newbury Crafters bowl; Lots of
hollowware & flatware; Set 5 one gram .999 gold Fuji bars; 4 Chinese $1 antique coins
in sterling trays; 3rd Phase Navajo silver Concha belt; Assorted gold jewelry lots, with
gemstones / diamonds.
FINE ART & SCULPTURE: Bronzes: 20î Medieval bronzes of Michelangelo & Rafael
sgd A. Carrier (Belleuse) 1855; 20î classical Pandora sgd. Math. Moreau; 3 Austrian
cold painted birds incl. owl candlesticks; Birds in nest sgd J. Moigniez; Logan í79 ñ
brutalist metal life size tennis player; Artwork: KPM portrait plaque sgd Hartmann;
C.1830 folk art painted fireboard w/country scene; CSS Patrick Henry Civil War ship
by E. Burrell; HC Dunbar ñ Chatham Mill Pond; China Trade ships; S. Fernandes (3);
B. Corey (2); Margie Collis (2); DB Schwartz (2); Impress. Manhattan skyline sgd.
Lloyd Lozes Goff; Daud Akhriev – nude; Proshkin; Huge still life sgd Rendelmann; Emil
Weinreich ñ Danish sea rescue; Pair c.1830 portraits of 1st Prov. RI mayor Samuel
Bridgham & wife by S. Waldo & W. Jewett & c.1840 portrait of Abby Bridgham; Old
Master w/27 figures; 18th C. attr. JB Sarrazin; FC Mathewson w/c Little Compton RI;
WE Chapman; C. Pearson 1855; D. Santilli; Antique Fraktur; Prints: Aristide Maillol ñ
Pair 1939 nudes; Max Weber; Corot of nymphs; Jap. woodblocks;
NAUTICAL & SCRIMSHAW ETC: 2 old/antique shipís figureheads ñ mermaid & eagle;
19th C. Danish wood bust of sea rescuer; 2 antique brass shipís telegraphs; Heavy
antique brass shipís wheel on pedestal sgd. Am. Engineer Co; Wood ship wheel;
Several brass nautical lanterns & lamps & portholes incl Perko shroud; Large binnacle
w/compass sgd Kelvin White; Ship models incl. full laminated hull, pond yacht; Ω hulls;
cased models; 4 whale plaques sgd Beckenhaupt; Whale vertebrae; 2 harpoons; E.
Weinrech ñ Sea rescue painting; 38î nautical horn by Mason; About 80 Japanese
ivory netsukes, some signed; Ivory beer bottle opener of jockey; Huge scrimshaw
whale tooth 33 oz! Several other scrimshaw & polished whaleís teeth ñ CSS Alabama
ship, Charles Manghis, Nantucket scenes, etc; Carved walrus figure; 2 Eskimo figures
carved from whale bone; Whale bone canes; 18th C. iron naval cannon (relic) & 3
balls; Marine barometer; Large Nantucket & other signs; Rare 1900 Lake Champlain
tin COCAINE medical box.
CERAMICS, MISC. & RUGS: Rare English Kinora motion picture viewer & reel;
2 Regina disk music boxes ñ 12 & 16 inch; Rare Haviland Limoges pottery vase w/
rooster; Montblanc 3 pc 1810 desk set 14k nib; Wm. Moorcroft pomegranate bowl;
Much Chinese Rose Medallion & Canton dinnerware; Hetian white jade medallion; Pr.
Chinese oxblood vases; Pr. Chinese stone table screens; Group antique bisque dolls
& clothing; Rare antique spring-loaded ìflyingî metal and wood pidgeon decoy &
metal head merganser duck, pr. Mason challenge grade & other old decoys; Rare
first edition book by JJ Audubon ìBirds of Americaî Vol 1, 1839 by Chevalier; Civil War
brass fleam blood-letting instrument; CW ambrotype of soldier & military medals &
carte de visites of generals etc; Antique carved canes – silver cat, elephant, snake,
gold knob, whale bone, vertebrae; 4 Victorian wood & glass domes; Apothecary box
w/24 bottles; Bing Bros. monkey on bike; 3 US large flags ñ 48 stars; Over 3,000 antique
postcards! Great group of antique photos, cabinet cards, ephemera, etc (Bridgham);
5 Wilton NH measures; 3 early tin lanterns; Antique fly fishing rods & lures; 1921 Lizzie
Borden framed note w/affidavit; 1790 RI US Constitution Ratification document; GOOD
FURNITURE & CLOCKS: Victorian: Rare RJ Horner oak liquor/games/humidor cabinet;
Black Forest carved & inlaid fox bench; Superb French 19th C. iron Bakerís table w/
marble top; 3 oak bookcases incl leaded stacker by G-W; Pair English pub tables sgd
Mitchells & Butler; Period – Geo. III chest on chest; 18th C. Am. highboy; Ca 1820
tambour desk; Inlaid pencil bed & sleigh bed; NH birdseye maple Sheraton server;
American Chipp. tilt top; Bow front chests; Pine trestle table & benches; Peter Hunt
desk; Federal claw foot sofa & 2 card tables; Multi-drawer Vict. hardware cabinet; 2
Thonet bentwood ñ umbrella stand & chair; Old wicker; CLOCKS: 4 tall clocks ñ 18th
C. James Atkinson of London & period American; Elmer Stennes w/rocking ship; 5
Chelsea shipís clocks and barometer; Waltham shipís chronometer; S. Thomas Sonora
Chimes 8 bell mantel;
SPECIAL INTEREST: Pair 82î iron post lamps from Pittsfield MA Union Station by
Stanford White 1880; Rare folk art 19th c. cast iron rooster weathervane on cupola;
Antique 70î wrought iron fireworks display w/eagle; 36î handmade wood carousel
store display, electric; Set 4 heavy brass 40î wide Deco carousel wall lights; Pr. 19th
C. wrought iron floor-standing lightning rods; Rare 1st edition book JJ Audubon
ìBirds of Americaî Vol 1, 1839 by Chevalier; C. 1858 cased Belgian double shotgun
sgd. F. Schepers & LeFever Nitro Special: Eprouvette French gun powder gun & more;
Kowa Prominar spotting scope; Instruments: Antique violins incl Mittenwald; Maggini;
Rosewood inlaid banjo; Fr. Wunderlich bow
RJ Horner
KPM plaque
Many scrimshaw
whale teeth
Many ship clocks
incl. Chelsea
2 Regina
music boxes
Sailor Valentines
(1 of 3)
White lamps
Antique iron
Superb bronze
ship wheel
Fine antique bronzes Whale plaques
Two old ship
Bridgham portraits ñ
1st Mayor Providence
40 antique rugs 60 lots fine silver
Rare Audubon
China Trade paintings
Francis 1st ñ
2 sets
Bakers Table
4 antique
tall clocks
Early fireboard
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036