Skinner Americana Online Auction
Monday, August 9 – Wednesday, August 18
Marlborough, Mass.
Bid on
Set of Four Shaker Yellow-painted Graduated Bentwood Pantry Boxes, 19th century
Watercolor on Paper “Address to the Sons of Temperance,” 19th century
Gilt Molded Copper Gamecock Weathervane, late 19th century
William Matthew Prior (Massachusetts/Maine, 1806-1873), Portrait of a Young Girl
Three 18th Century American Pewter Tankards, from the John A. Schneider Collection of Early Pewter, Greenwich, Connecticut
Society of the Cincinnati Tea Bowl and Saucer Made for and Owned by Joseph Howland, China, c. 1790
“Dipt” Fan Slip-decorated Pint Creamware Mug and Cover, England, early 19th century
Patriotic Sand Picture in a Bottle “Silurian Sands/Mississippi River,” Andrew Clemens, McGregor, Iowa, late 19th century
Queen Anne Carved Cherry High Chest of Drawers, attributed to Elijah Booth, Woodbury, Connecticut, c. 1760-70
Eight Silver Communion Cups, many by Zachariah Brigden, Boston, Massachusetts, from the First Congregational Church, East Hartford, Connecticut
Antonio Nicolo Gasparo Jacobsen (New York/New Jersey, 1850-1921), Portrait of the Ocean Liner Horatio
Leander Allen Plummer II (Massachusetts/Maine, 1857-1914), Carved Plaque of Two Trout, 25 x 40 in. 13 Inlaid Cherry Tall Clock with Masonic Motifs, possibly Connecticut, early 19th century
MA Lic. 2304
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036