WEDNESDAY, October 27, 5pm
Viewing at noon
Washington Lodge Masonic Temple •
1515 Ten Rod Rd, North Kingstown, RI
For more pictures see (auctioneer # 2954)
• **Day of auction 401 265-5104**
FURNITURE: Queen Anne tavern able; tavern table; period inlaid flip top table; mahg twisted column with dolphin feet; low boy; flip toy card table; Hepplewhite 4-drawer bureau; period 2 over 2 bureau; French curio cabinet; Many Oriental rugs – 4’x7’, 8’x10’, 10’x3’ runner
BRONZES: Rare bronze boy signed St. Leger Eberle, 105” tall; bronze kneeling Indian by Mary Abestena St. Lyer Ebirle; 16” bronze of 3 mountain goats (5 of 16) by Una Rawnsley Hanbury; 2 bronze ducks by W.H. Turner; bronze “Rocky Mountain High” by J. Shirley Bothum; bronze of a woman by Lillian Baer, 1911; bronze girl w/ turtle by M. J. Cornwell, Gorham, 1909; bronze Indian by T. Baur, 1885, 14” tall; bronze by Harry Jackson, 14” tall; Austrian bronze (Cold painted) – BK on bottom; bronze baby by Dora Clerke; bronze plaque of Roosevelt by Anna V. Hyatt; 1886 “Weighing the Baby” Rogers Grouping 21” tall
SCRIMSHAW ETC: scrimshaw dbl pie crimper (crack); scrimshaw wart hog tusk of steamship, NY; 5” scrimshaw of clipper ship “Democracy”; 7” scrimshaw whales tooth men whaling; 3 ½” scrimshaw tooth; 12 large Inuit items incl: (man w/ harpoon 12” tall x 18”long, man and boat, bust of person 6” x 8”, early 50’s man w/ spear, 1940’s Oriental looking man w/ kayak signed M. Kumalman, Eskimo holding seal, man signed Henry Povongnituk;) 21” wa lrus cribbageboard; 3 ½” signed ivory Japanese man
MISC: Eli Terry pillar & scroll clock; E. Howard banjo clock; 19th cent. Grandfather clock face; copper sailboat weathervane top; Decoys: (excellent red breasted merganser decoy; French broad river decoy; decoy by White; Samuel A. Stevens decoy; goose decoy by P. Constant); pr period andirons; Tiffany letter holder & bladder ends; 11” wide Indian basket; 3 Indian baskets, one with bone handles; Pabago & Pima basket; 13” Navajo basket; Las Cruces pot; Pueblo pot; ship model in display case “Harpooner”; boat model in case “Alexandria”; 3 sailboats; wood carved whale; whale harpoons; Brown Bro Huntington jug; Charlestown jug; 6 oil lamps; watches; Chelsea barometer & clock; ship’s brass engine telegraph; 2 Carl Zeiss Jena microscopes; Vict. Naval station pointer by Henry Hughes; antique brass nautical parallel rule by Bliss, NY; Edison phonograph; miner’s lantern; trolley car bell; 2 stain glass doors; bottles of marbles; 9 canes; 42” metal eagle;
GLASS/POTTERY: L. C. Tiffany – 3” vase, goblet 6” tall, 4” cordial and foot dish; 9½” possible Loetz vase; 9” Galle vase; Mary Gregory pcs; Wedgewood “Landscape” serving pcs; 8½” cut nappy dish w/ strawberries; 2 cut glass punch bowls – 12”x10”; 23” cut glass trumpet vase; signed Hawkes cut glass covered dish; 10” Hawkes water pitcher; Hawkes Millicant pattern bowl; Hawkes “Gracia pattern dish & underplate; Hawkes vase w/ sterling base; cut glass Libby candy dish “Intaglio” pattern; 2 Libby camel candlesticks; pr Libby animal glasses; Honesdale 12¼” orchid pattern vase; Lalique 6” vase; Anasazi Tularose pitcher with dog handle, 6”x7”; 1884 Rookwood 9”vase – “Dancing Crabs”; Rookwood bird bookends & bird ashtray; Moorcroft 6” vase; Crown Milano vase; peach blow pitcher; peach blow darner; Mt. Washington rainbow basket; Mt. Washington Burmese lily vase; Burmese trumpet vase; Burmese butter dish; rare Vaseline cut cologne; Sandwich Vaseline colognes; Weller jardinière & pedestal; Amberina glass ware; over 20 pc Royal Bayreuth; over 80 early tumblers; painted lamp shade w/ birds & flowers
EPHEMERA/BOOKS: 5 trade card albums; signed 1993 Frank Sinatra poster and tickets; 1796 RI state map; “Supplement to Small Yachts” 1896, 1st edn; 1891 “Small Yachts” by C. P. Kunhardy 1st edn; 1928 “American Whaling” book; many books on whaling; Civil War and painting books; books on boats; 2 John Stobart books; many more books;
MILITARY/TOOLS: Power Master cross bow; Savage 32 cal. pistol; German WWI sword; Hopkin & Allen dbl barrel shotgun; tiger maple black powder rifle – W&G Chance, Birmingham; Savage 20 gauge shotgun; 1952 Hosin Nagant rifle; Dika Spam 45 black powder rifle; Skeleton key pistol; Ruger 22 pistol; 38 Smith & Wesson pistol; Allens patent 1845 pistol; Allens patent single shot hammer pistol; war medals; Kobalt tool chest & contents; chisels
PAINTINGS: pastel signed J. H. Twachtman, landscape; 3 paintings by Laurence P. Sisson “Booth Bay Harbour, Maine” 24”x15”, “Evening Whispers” 24”x36” and oil/b “Seascape 24”x36”; oil/b by Edgar Samuel Paxson of Indian, 1906, 5½” x 4½”; Woodland scene by J. H. Beers, 1878; oil/c trees by Emile A. Gruppe, 30”x36” (Occum Pond NH); oil/b by W. A. Walker; w/c sailboat in Harbor by Anthony Thieme; 3, C. Gordon Harris paintings – one “Wickford Town Dock” 28”x22”; 2 w/colors by S. R. Chaffee; oil/c by G. W. Whitaker; w/c sailboat by E. S. Watson; “Schooner Alabama” by Renault; oil/c clipper ship, 1928 by Gordon Grant; oil/c by A. Bulow; w/c by Paul Landry; w/c by James Cree; oil/c by Nickerson; oil/c tug boats by John Tayson; oil/b by F. Usher DeVall; o/b of Mary Greenleaf, 1786; 6 pastels by Ralph Williams; oil/b by Albert Looking Elk; w/c by Loring W. Coleman; oil/c by J. Syer; sailing picture by Leroy Neimann,77; etchings & engravings by Y. E. Soderberg; 2 oils/c by G. De Rgillite; G.A Hays 8” x 9” painting; 2 Stacy Tolman paintings; 2 prints by John Stobart; 2 Oriental pictures, signed
TOYS: 35” Smith Miller fire truck; Smith Miller dump truck; Smith Miller cab & trailer; Drome 00 28 & 19 gas powered race cars; Texaco fire chief truck; #48 Zilotone toy & disks; Lucky Shot toy; Singer child’s sewing machine; 1928 pick-up truck; fire chief car; American Flyer #4633 Lone Scout train; 4 pc Buddy L cast iron train set (engine is 26” long); 4 pc Ives train set; 4 Lionel standard gauge trains #’s 418, 419, 490
Cash • RI or known check only • Mastercard/Visa 15% buyer’s premium, 3% discount cash or check DEALERS – BRING PROOF OF TAX NUMBER
276 Widow Sweets Rd • Exeter, R.I. 02822
401 265-5104
DIRECTIONS: • FROM CT: Take 95 N to exit 5A (102 S).
Follow 102 S, cross over Rt 3 and continue on Rt 102
for approx 9 mi. Temple is on left.
• FROM MASS: Take 95 S to exit 9 (Rt 4).
Follow Rt 4 to exit 3B (102 N). Stay on 102 for ¼ mile.
Temple is on right.
book “Small Yachts” by C.P. Kunhardt, 1st edn
oil/c by Guy Wiggins, landscape, 1921, 25” x 30”
W. Aiken Walker painting “Southern Homestead”
pastel landscape signed J. H. Twachtman
bronze girl w/ turtle by M. J. Cornwell, Gorham
L. C. Tiffany 3” vase
watercolor sailboat by Anthony Thieme
Eli Terry pillar & scroll shelf clock
scrimshaw whales teeth, one by Ed Fowler
Queen Anne tavern table Painting 24”x15”by Laurence P. Sisson
brass parallel rule by Bliss, NY
9” Rookwood vase “Dancing Crab” #162C
oil/b by Samuel Paxson, 1906, of Indian
oil/c 16” x 20” seascape by Karl Nordstrom
red breasted merganser decoy
painted lamp shade floral
18” long, Inuit man & boat
Indian basket 11” wide
E. Howard & Co banjo clock
12” Honesdale etched vase
Hawkes center bowl and candle sticks
3 whale harpoons
oil/c trees, 30” x 36” by Emile Gruppe
period inlaid flip top card table
scrimshaw double wheel pie crimper (crack)
3 cut glass Vaseline colognes
boat model in case “Alexandria”
4 pc Buddy L. trains (engine 26” long)
“Brown Brothers Huntington” jug
rare bronze boy signed St. Leger Eberle, 10.5”
bronze “Valley of Dahls” by J. cut glass punch bowl
Shirley Bothum
bronze Indian by Theodore Baur, 1885
Allens patent single shot pistol
period 2 over 4 bureau
Anasazi Tularose pitcher with dog handle
hand carved wooden whale
L. C. Tiffany 4” cordial
#28 Thimble Drome car with box
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036