Moggie’s R/C Airplanes & Yacht Models, Vintage Kites &
Trains, Steam Engines, Toys
Location: 14 Terrace St. Marlborough, NH 03455
Sunday, October 31, at 11:00 AM
Preview: Sunday, October 31, 2021, 9:30-11 am
Or by appointment the week of the auction or auctioneer ID 31260
Auction Features: Several Jensen Steam Engines many MIB, Victor V-32 Model Sailing Yacht, AM Co Aeromaster Too Biplane Lou Andrews, Victor Model Snipe Yacht, Falcon 56 ARF Mark II, Atlas and Walthers Trains in box, Doc Mathew’s Bingo! Airplane Ace, Thimble-Drome World’s Smallest Engine Little Stinker, Model R/C Engines and parts, Roy Rogers and Trigger Yo-Yo’s, Vintage Paper and Modern Kites NOS, G.I. Joes and many more items – many still in original boxes.
Please go to or our website, for more details and pictures. Go to the auction schedule tab and look for ‘Bid On Line’ button for pictures of each lot. This does not actually cast a bid.
We will be selling auction related items in box lots sizes onsite, in-house only, prior to auction start.
Left bids accepted prior to start of 10:00 am, October 31st.
Preview Sunday, Oct 31, 2021, 9:30 am to auction start or by appointment, with auction starting at 11:00 am. Left and Phone Bids accepted. We accept MC, Visa, cash and approved check. Auction subject to errors and omissions. Statements made on day of auction take precedence over previously written materials. Items sold AS IS, WHERE IS, no returns.
Call for info 603-494-5964 (auctioneer ID 31260)
Brandt W. Onorato – Owner, Auctioneer NH #6052
Christine Becotte – Owner, Manager
Always buying and accepting quality consignments,
one piece or estates.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036