George Cole Auctions
Saturday, January 15 at 5pm
Preview Fri 1/14 1pm To 6 Pm
Preview Sat 1/15 1 Pm To 4 Pm
7578 North Broadway Red Hook, N.Y.
Selling Contents From Several Local Estates
FURN: Pr c1800 Chinoiserie Wall Shelves 40.5”H x 3’W x 9”D, English QA Mahog Highboy, 18thC Italian Walnut 2 Door Over 2 Drawer Display Cabinet, 2 Carved Oak Pilgrim Blanket Boxes, Hepplewhite Mahog Sideboard, Sheraton Mahog Drop Leaf Table, Empire Mahog Drop Leaf Table, Empire Bench, Oscar Bach Bronze Base Marble Top Stand, Etc… VICT: English Mahog Desk, Kimbel & Calens Oak Desk, Mechanical Chair/Lounge, Fancy Chairs W/Carving & Inlay, Ptd & Stenciled Marble Top 6 Drawer Chest, Eastlake Oak Dining Table, Marble Top Wash Stand, Hunzinger Rocker, Gothic Revival Pedestal Kenwood The Wherle Co, Newark Cast Iron Rendering Stove, Dome Top Trunks, Soapstone Double ink, Etc… OAK: 2 Section Stackable Cabinet W/Sliding Doors, 2 Section Stackable Bookcase, Fancy Slant Front Desk, Pr Chairs De Moulin Bros Co Greenville, Ill, Set 12 Uphols Oak Frame Dining Chairs, 2 Chifferobes, Hall Stand, Etc… PRIM: Pine Open Top Hutch, Cherry 3 Drawer Chest, Pine 5 Drawer Chest, Blanket Boxes, Blanket Chest, Secretary Desk, Hutch Stable, Lg Spinning Wheel & Yarn Winder, Wainscot Cupboard, Etc… MAHOG: c1900 Empire Style Mahog China Cabinet, c1900 Mahog 2-Part Dining Table W/Band Inlay & 3 Leaves W/10 Chairs, c1910 4 Sided Book Stand, W/Raised Panel Sides, Slant Front Desk, 6 Section Stackable Bookcase, Etc… CHINESE: 2 Chinese Lacquer Cabinets, Set 3 Armchairs, Etc… MID CENTURY & MODERN: Paolo Chair Co Platform Rocker, 4pc Lane Walnut Set – Pr End Stands, End Stand & Coffee Table, Pr Steel Etageres W/Wooden Shelves, Massive Cherry Trestle Dining Table, Simon Li Leather Uphols Sofa & Settee, Mitchell Gold Sofa, Leather Sofa, Contemp Glass Top Dining Table W/6 Chairs, Etc…
MACHINERY & TOOLS: Jet Table Saw W/Router, Delta Dust Collector, Blue Hawk Compressor, Makita Chop Saw, Craftsman Belt Disc Sander, Craftsman Alum Quad/Motorcycle Jack, Etc… Clark Fork 8’ Fishing Pontoon Boat – New In Box Tents, 3 Bikes
Craftsman Tool Cabinets, Stacor 10 Drawer Flat File, 17 Fishing Reels, Troy-Bilt 8.5 HP Snowblower, Craftsman Lawn Roller, Etc…
SMALLS: Sterl 71pc Wallace “Sr Christopher” Flatware Service 61.91ozt (Wt D/N Include 22 Sterl Handled Knives + 8 Sterling Handled Forks), 79pc Towle “Silver Flutes” Flatware Service 79.04ozt (Wt D/N Include 10 Dinner Knives + Cake Server), Bailey Banks & Biddle Tea Caddy, 1707 Tumbler, Howard & Co NY 1895 Chamber Stick, English Bone Handle Crumber, Tiffany Bowl 34.68ozt, 3pc Gorham Veg 40.03ozt, Tiffany Compact, Teaspoons, Lot Sterling Jewelry, Coll Chinese Carved Coral & Quartz Figurines, The Olympia Oak Cased Music Box “Pierced Metal” Disc Player 10”H x 22”W x 19.75”D w/77 15.75” Discs, Pr 18thC Tin Japanned Covered Urns 14”, 18thC Decoupage Wooden Dresser Box, Asprey London Travel Case, W/Gilt Sterl Top Cut Glass Bottles, Brushes, Etc… 104pc Limoges “Trianon” Dinner Service, 17pc 19thC Davenport Stone China, 80pc Limoges Dinner Service, 40pc Noritake “Royal Hunt” Dinner Service, 14 New Chelsea Staff Cups & Saucers + 16 Demitasse Saucers w/13 Cups, 14 Wedgewood “Columbia” 9” Diam Plates, Coll Russian Gzhel Painted Pottery – Plates, Tea Sets, Vases, Chinese Import Soup Bowl, 2 Chia Ching Soup Bowls, Cloisonne Plate – Decorated On Both Sides 9.5” x 12”, Baccarat 9.5” Vase, 7.25” Lalique Vase, 28”H Hurricane Shade 11” Diam 73pc Pressed Glass Moon & Star, Northwood Grape Punch Bowl On Stand W/12 Cups, Coll 12 Russian Lacquer Eggs, 4 Zimbabwe Handcrafted Bowls, 17thC Russian Lock, 19thC Russian Brass Scale, 18thC Shackles, The Adlake Non-Sweating Lamp Chicago, Dietz Acme Inspector Lamp, Coll Typewriters – Corona, Remington 5, Underwood, Royal, Waterford Lamp, 19thC Chinese Ptd Tea Cannister Lamp, Stiffel Floor Lamps, Quoizel Lamp W/Mica Shade, Etc…
CLOTHING & PURSES: St John Jacket & Bag, Alex Wang Leather Bag, “Lafayette 148” New York Blouse, Maison Du Posh Bag, 2 Todd Anthony Beaded Bags, Marina Rinaldi Beaded Bag, Etc…
ARTWORK: 3-18thC Embroidery & W/C On Silk In Orig Frames, Framed 1890 Wedding Fan MOP + Lace, Framed Map Of NY 1832, 3 Framed Pencil Signed Engr On Tissue Paper Sgnd Timothy Cole, 2 Unframed Timothy Cole Engr +Books, Framed Etching Rue Sauton Pencil Sgnd John Taylor Arm w/Book, Unframed O/C Still Life Sgnd Roland Oudot, O/B Landscape Sgnd George Englert, O/C Landscape Sgnd Pierre Ballue, O/B Clown With Laughing Moon Hat Sgnd Umberto Romano, O/B Prayer Sgnd Roberto Romano, 1938 Framed 1st Ed A Map Of City Of Philadelphia Showing The Volunteer Fire Companies, 2 Monotypes Sgnd Lynn Peterfreund, A Chorus Line Poster 6’ x 16”, O/C Still Life Sgnd William Paden, Venetian Mirror 49” x 28.5”, Cabaret Movie Poster, O/C Landscape Sgnd Pini Marini, Etc…
RUGS: 8’ x 10’8” Mashad, 7’9” x 11’1” Kazak, 9’8” x 12’5” Mashad, 9’10” x 13’ Kashan, 7’4” x 10’1”, Kazak 12’1.5” x 12’ Persian, Others, Runners, Scatters, Etc…
THIS IS A PARTIAL LISTING! For more info: or 845.758.9114
DIRECTIONS: Just N. Of CVS On Rt 9 In Red Hook, 12571.
(~¼ Mile N. Of Intersection W/Rt 199)
George W. Cole & Robin B. Mizerak, & Elmer LeSuer.
TERMS: Cash or known check… Bidding Directly With Us – 18.8% buyer’s premium w/3.8% discount for cash or known check, For Live Online Bidding – 23.8% buyers premium. In order to start auction on time, cut-off time for absentee & phone bid placement is ½ hr prior to announced auction start time.
Advance Bidding & ONLINE Bidding For
The Full Catalog Is Open Now At
17pc Davenport Stone China Venetian Mirror
O/C Still Life Sgnd Roland Oudot
Standing 4 Sided Bookcase – 7’x30”x29.5”
104pc Limoges “Trianon” Dinner Service Cherry Trestle Dining Table – 74”x41”x30”
2 Sterling Flatware Sets, 71Pc Wallace “Sir Christopher”
& Towle 79pc “Silver Flutes”
The Olympia Oak Cased Music Box – 20”x22”
Plus 77 15.75” Discs
QA English Mahog Highboy – 77”x47”x24”
Pr c1800 Chinoiserie Wall Shelves – 40.5”x36”x9”
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George W. Cole Auctions & Realty | 7578 North Broadway, Red Hook, NY 12571 | (845) 758-9114 |
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036