William Smith THE SPORTING SALE Auction
Upcoming Auctions at Smith’s
Firearms, Antiques, Rustic, Military, Taxidermy and More!
Live Auction: Wednesday, February 2, at 10:00 am
Preview: Jan. 31-Feb 1, 10am – 4pm or by appointment
Firearms: SHOTGUNS by Parker, Browning, Winchester and others, RIFLES by Winchester, Marlin, Midland, Grant, JC Lord and others, HANDGUNS by Walther, Luger, Smith & Wesson, Colt, Remington, and early cased revolvers MISC: ammo, military related, edged weapons, signal cannons; taxidermy; apothecary collection; tool collection; books including Audubon; lead solders; signed documents including Abraham Lincoln and more. Furniture: 19th C furniture; oak files and stacking bookcases; antique dental cabinets; dental chair and related; Regina phonographs; Iron and marble top consoles; Adirondack benches, tables, and chairs; Barney Bellinger coffee table; Mission pool table and accessories; Art Deco rattan; Spode Hunting theme china; Limoges game set; hunt scene artworks and more.
Limited in-house bidding please contact Lori 603-675-2549 (masks required)
Background checks (NICS) required for all modern fi rearms (unless buyer has FFL or C&R).
Please do not bid if you feel you will not pass a background check (see ATF form 4473).
William Smith’s Online Timed Auction
Furnishings from a Fabulous Quechee, VT
Lodge and a Dorset, VT Home
Bidding opens Jan 26th through Feb. 6th
Preview: Feb. 3rd -4th from 10am – 4 pm
Features: quality antique and modern furniture, rugs, Simon Pearce glass and Pottery, Asian porcelain, and artwork; sterling; vintage shaving collection, advertising-War posters; cameras, photos, baseball, and other trade cards; antique dolls and toys; copper; ships and carriage clocks; barometers; percussion guns; fi shing and much more! (This is an online “Timed” auction only)
See items for both auctions online at: www.wsmithauction.com
NH LICENSE #2825– VT #57-702 – FL #AU-4814
– Offi ces –
Plainfi eld, NH – Greenwich, CT – Sarasota, FL – Phoenix, AZ
William G. Smith and Leon Rogers
Buyers Premium in Effect. No Sales Tax
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036