Material Culture Ethnographic, Folk, Asian, Ancient, & Tribal Arts
Live Showroom Auction: Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 9AM ET
Public Exhibition: February 20, 21, 22, 11am to 4pm
4700 Wissahickon Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144
582 Lots
Sale includes items from the Estate of Isadore and Nancy Marder, Philadelphia, who formed their collection starting in the late 1950’s through the early 1970’s.
Egyptian Wooden Painted Falcon, Ptolemaic Period, 305-30 BCE. A fine representation of the Horus falcon, the god of the Sky and protector of the ruling pharaoh.
Pre-Columbian Colima or Mohica Redware Duck
Fine Antique African Fetish Figure, Cameroon Grasslands, Ht. 32”
Fine 19th C. African Yoruba Shango Dance Wand, Nigeria
African Baule Figure, Ivory Coast, Early 20th C.
Monumental African Nafana Bedu Polychrome Plank Mask, Ht. 80”
Pair Chinese Kangxi Blue & White Porcelain Vases
Isadore and Nancy Marder, south of France, ca. 1970
Fine African Punu Mask, Gabon
Fine African Pende Mask, DRC
African Dan Mano Mask, Ivory Coast
Rare Pre-Columbian Colima Redware Otter Effigy Vessel
African Bambara Chiwara Headdress, Mali
Rare Raqqa Turquoise- Glazed Bowl, Syria, 13th C.
Iban Dayak Guardian Figure “Hampatong”, Borneo
Fine African Dogon Hornbill Mask, Mali, 19th C.
Antique African Asafo Flag, Ghana
Rare Pre-Columbian Stone Mask, Condor Huasi-Alamito Culture
Tlatilco Pottery Female Figure
Pre-Columbian Huari Mummy Face Mask/Head
Fine Gandharan Carved Stone Figure of Buddha
Tibetan Cast Bronze Stupa, 13th Century or Earlier
Sepik River Charm Mask, PNG
Pacific Northwest Coast Kerfed and Bentwood Box, Late 19th-Early 20th C.
Amazonian Kayapo Indian Ceremonial Headdress, Xingu River Area, Mid 20th C.
Fine Antique Haida Horn Spoon, Pacific Northwest Coast
Pacific Northwest Coast Wood Effigy Halibut Hook, 19th C.
Rare and Fine Inca Period Quipu Recording Tool
Native American Hopi Kachina Mask
Ancient Bronze, Silver And Turquoise Inlay Belt Hook, China
Fine Li Dragon Cover, China, 18th/19th C.
Chinese Blue and White Porcelain Kendi, Ming Dynasty
Taino Transluscent Anthropic Celt
Large Pre-Columbian Tairona Stone Bat Wing Pectoral
Group of 4 Chinese Neolithic Pots, Yellow and Yangtze River Valleys
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036