Skinner Inc. Luxe Living: The Bostonians
April 14 at 10am
Marlborough, MA
Previews April 7-13 by appointment
1 Interior of a prominent Boston couple’s historic home of an elegant collection of fine furniture and decorative arts, which are featured in this auction
2 Fairyland Lustre from over 200 lots of Wedgwood on offer
3 Staffordshire Creamware Cauliflower Coffeepot and Cover, 18th century
4 Six-piece Tiffany & Co. Sterling Silver Tea Service with Monogram for the Wife of Louis Comfort Tiffany
5 Pair of Carved Gilt Wood Mirrors, 18th/19th century
6 George III Mahogany Bureau Bookcase with Clock, c. 1780
7 Pair of Japanned Side Cabinets, 19th century
8 English Regency Mahogany Sideboard with Two Ensuite Pedestals, c. 1820
9 English Georgian Red Lacquer Japanned Secretaire, early 18th century
European Décor & Design Online | April 2–12
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036