Coyle’s Auction Inc. Two Session April Auction
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
VFW Hall, 123 Holliston St., Medway, MA
Session 1 – 2:30 PM Rugs & Curiosities
Session 2 – 5:00 PM Estates Auction
PREVIEWS: 4/25, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM and 4/26, 9:00 AM to 1⁄2 hr. before sales
We are pleased to offer a Two Session Antique Estates Auction featuring fine quality selection of Antique American, English, French style furniture, fine porcelain and pottery, artwork, sterling, fine jewelry, lamps, bronzes and much more drawn from Chestnut Hill, Brookline, Sudbury, North Hill residence, Weston and others. Many fresh to the market offerings in both sessions with no reserves. Items arriving daily. 350 + choice lots.
Three unusual sterling masted ships
Antique mahogany Georgian 2-piece chest-on-chest w/carved edges and ogee bracket feet
Sporting o/c with hunting dog and hunter in landscape signed J. S. (James S.) Hill 1867 (28 1⁄2”X 35 1⁄2”)
Set of 8 carved mahogany shield back chairs by Joseph Gerte
“Early Autumn” o/b J. Francis Murphy under glass 7 3⁄4 x 9 1⁄2 with
Louis Katz NY label
Antique slant lid desk with Japanese decoration
Boston antique card table with reeded legs
Flemish style armchairs
Fisherman in landscape o/c signed George N. Cass 20×30
Ettore Caser o/b lady in Garden 22 x 27
Japanese Art
Small antique portrait of gentleman 13 x 11
Giuseppi Vasari, (1934 – 2004) ”The Artist” bronze figure on onyx base
A. Hewins 1838 o/c portrait of John Boyden
12” Japanese bronze vase
Vintage Howard w/flowers and other bronzes Johnson iron figural weather vane
French Porcelain decorated 3 piece coffee set
19th C Continental School o/c chickens and roosters in landscape, Artist signed 35”x43”
Unusual bronze and pewter round coffee table designed by Philip Laverne (Asian scene)
Antique Chippendale slant lid desk
Antique tall clock signed Hoadley with brass works
Chinese carved jade/ hardstone sculpture
Unusual oak cash register cabinet
R. Lindner screen print 1968, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Brecht 29 x 19 1/2
Decorative “Karges” Japanese motif sideboard and other fine furnishings
Carved Camphorwood blanket chest
One of five Hazard Durfee paintings
Several nice lots of Sterling Silver
Pair of carved Asian hardwood chairs
Decorative Asian accessories
12+ Oriental Rugs, lg cranberry scoop, primitive foot warmers, antique hat boxes, photo of JFK near Beach w/Dr. Eugene J. Cohen, Horatio Alger Jr.lg book lot, Harriet Beecher Stowe book lot, 35+ Hummel lot, oil lamps, hatpin lot, crocks, artwork, and more.
FURNITURE: Great antique mahogany Georgian 2 pc Chest-on-Chest w/carved edges and ogee bracket feet, Unusual bronze and pewter round coffee table designed by Philip Laverne (Asian scene), good antique slant lid desk with Japanese decoration, nice antique tall clock signed Hoadley with brass works, beautiful set of 8 carved mahogany shield back chairs by Joseph Gerte, antique mahog and bird’s eye sewing stand, antique mustard colored antique 2 drawer dower chest, Boston antique card table with reeded legs, antique Hepplewhite cherry card table, pr antique hardwood Asian chairs, nice heavily marquetry inlaid handkerchief table, antique Chippendale slant lid desk, unusual antique Spanish one door tall cabinet, assembled set (9) antique Georgian dining chairs (some as found), antique candlestand in red, unusual oak cash register cabinet, antq lolling chair, nice mah kidney shaped desk with leather top, good Vict mahog tall shaving stand w/ b&cl feet, nice lg double pedestal DR table w/2 lvs, sm size wing chair w/nice fabric, antique mah Canterbury w/ drawer, nice dec low table butterflies, antq Martha Washington chair, antq inlaid lap desk, zebra design footstool, antique Chippendale mirror, Butler’s table w/tapestry top, carved mahog tilt-top table, 2 draw centennial stand, 2 Hitchcock ltd ed.chairs, nice camphor wood stand/desk, mah lap desk on stand, cvd camphorwood blanket chest, nice group of decorative furn. from Hanover home incl sgnd Karges dining chairs and Asian motif sideboard, Master Craft dining set, Flemish style chairs, and more.
ITEM OF SPECIAL INTEREST: Howard Johnson iron figural weather vane, National cash register, and more.
ACCESSORIES: Paris porcelain 3 pc coffee set w/scenes, Giuseppi Vasari,”The Artist” bronze, Murano cobalt and gilt stemware, Chinese cvd jade/hardstone sculpture, “The Yankee Gazelle” signed bronze, Atmos Clock, group of Chinese hardstone potted flowers, Royal Crown Derby plates etc, pr Chinese 17” L horses, Chinese bronze vase w/ handles, Japanese bronze vase w/flowers, 3 Saturday Evening girl plates, Amelia Peabody bronze bust of Ida S. Bornstein, Lenox Kingsley dinner set for 12, 2 pcs Herend, Baccarat, Copeland, inkwell/ candleholder w/angel, 2 similar antq glazed Chinese crackle urns (as is), Waterford and crystal, cloisonne vases, clocks, Chapman Warrior on horse lamp, blue slip crocks, whale and oil lamps, fancy bronze sconces, Fitz & Floyd china set, Eskimo stone carvings, David Holleman vases, Asian porcelain, and more.
STERLING AND JEWELRY: 3 unusual sterling masted ships, 14k gold Geneve lady’s wristwatch, Japanese cultured pearl strand w/gold clasp, Towle Sterling flatware set, Sterling Silver bag lots, gold and pearl lot, Silv Plate Tiffany & Co. candelabras, small Tiffany sterling bowl, silver pot on stand, and more.
ARTWORK: Sporting o/c with hunting dog and man in landscape signed J. S. (James S.) Hill 1867 281⁄2”X 351⁄2”), 19th C Continental School o/c chickens & roosters in landscape 35 x 43, “Early Autumn” o/b J. Francis Murphy under glass 73⁄4 x 9 1/2 with Louis Katz NY label, 19th C. Amer. School portrait lady with pearl jewelry, A. Hewins 1838 o/c portrait of John Boyden, sm portrait of Gentleman 131⁄4 x 11, Fisherman o/c signed George N. Cass 20×30, Ettore Caser o/b lady in Garden 22 x 27, Bernt Tunold Norwegian o/c 30×39, 5 Hazard Durfee paintings, Millicent Clapp Nantucket oil on canvas, lady sewing watercolor by Francois Grison, R. Lindner screenprint 1968, Bertold Brecht, Wilfred DeGlen Blois 1926 painting, Robert Bruce Horsfall w/c w/stamp, portrait Lucy Colfax Prince, artwork by Ted Christensen, Anna R. Brewster, W.P. Phelps, S.R. Chaffee B. Miller, Churchill landscape collection after Dubigny, Venticinque silkscreen prints, and much more.
TERMS: Left bids and absentee bids welcome. M. Coyle Auction Lic 2369, 15% Buyer’s Premium – Cash/check/MC&Visa 508-733-6868, No Food will be offered –
DIRECTIONS: Sale held at the VFW Post 1526, 123 Holliston St., Medway, MA off Route 109
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036