Weschler’s Capital Collections Auction
Friday, May 13th at 10am
40 West Gude Drive, Suite 100, Rockville, Maryland 20850
TEL: 202-628-1281
FAX: 202-628-2366
In-Person Exhibition: Saturday, May 7th, 10am to Noon; Monday-Wednesday, May 9th-May 11th, 10am to 4pm; Thursday, May 12th, 10am to 2pm. No appointment needed.
Robert Cottingham (American b. 1935), Ritz Hotel, acrylic on paper, $20,000-$30,000
Claude Conover (American 1907-1994), ‘Yuc’ Studio Pottery Vessel, $10,000-$15,000
Robert Wadsworth Grafton (American 1876-1936), Young Boy Fishing Along the Shore, oil on canvas, $3,000-$5,000
Stickley Eleven-Piece Light and Colored Inlaid Oak Dining Room Set, After Harvey Mills, consisting of: an extension table with three leaves and ten side chairs, $5,000-$7,0000
Berlin Porcelain Mythological Plaque of ‘The Birth of Venus’, KPM, Early 20th Century, $700- $900
American Repoussé Sterling Six-Piece Coffee and Tea Service with Two-Handled Silverplate Tray, Wood & Hughes, New York and Barbour Bros. Co., Last Quarter 19th Century, $3,000-$4,000
Patek Philippe 18-Karat Yellow-Gold Split-Second Chronograph Open Face Pocket Watch, Genève, Retailed by E.A. Whipple, Springfield, Mass., $3,000- $5,000
Charles White (American 1918-1979), ‘Sound of Silence II’, 1978, lithograph in color, $7,000-$9,000
Two Similar Chinese Export Famille Rose Large Mugs, Early to Mid-19th Century, $1,000-$2,000
John Dreyfuss (American b. 1949), Lyre, 1993, bronze sculpture, $5,000-$10,000
To preview the complete catalogue visit weschlers.com, invaluable.com or auctionzip.com
For more information on any lot in the sale, call 202-628-1281 or email info@weschlers.com
Bid online, by phone or by absentee bid.
Our next Capital Collections Auction is September 16th. Consignment deadline: August 12th We are always accepting quality consignments. Contact us at info@weschlers.com to learn more. Weekly Metro Online Timed Auctions ♦ Quarterly Capital Collections/Gallery Auctions
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