Douglas Auction
Friday, June 10 at 6 pm
Route 5, South Deerfield, Mass. 01373
Preview: Thurs. 8 AM – 4 PM & Fri. 8 AM – 6 PM
FURNITURE: EARLY: 2-part corner cupboard, 2-drawer blanket chest, 2 over 3 Chippendale chest, English oak blanket chest and others, candlestands, chairs, 2 joint stools, Sheraton drop leaf table, unusual ornate olive wood partner’s desk attr. to Vester & Co, Jerusalem. VICTORIAN & MODERN: Mission oak flat top desk by Bourn-Hadley Co, walnut cylinder secretary, 4 Nichols & Stone Hurricane chairs (1938), and more.
JEWELRY: 50+ lots to include: diamond rings, Native American jewelry, gold nugget, gold necklaces, bracelets, bangles, rings, earrings, pendants, cameo, and more.
ART: Elice Davis Pieropan (4), Norman Guthrie Rudolph, N.R. Tupper, Elton E. Thresher, Joyce Roybal, Charles Russell Loomis, William L. Williams (4), Ben Drabeck, Iver E. Paulsen, PRINTS: Guillaume Azoulay, and more.
INKWELLS: A collection of 20+ inkwells including tea kettle, snails, stone, glass, and more.
SALT & PEPPER: A collection of 90+ early glass salt and pepper shakers including a quantity of Christmas salts, Spangle, Rubina, Amberina, Sandwich, Mt. Washington, decorated milk glass and others.
CLOCKS: Ogee and mahogany shelf clocks, Ithaca double dial, marble mantel clock, Tiffany Carriage clock, Mission oak and Gingerbread.
STERLING: Large basket by Grogan, 110 pc. Lunt flatware set “Mount Vernon”, Tiffany “Olympian” punch ladle and more.
ACCESSORIES: Mixed metal dish by Los Castillo, early brass candlesticks, cast iron fireback and parlor stove by Cox & Church – Troy, NY, 10+ baskets by Irene Newell, stoneware crocks and jugs including H & JH Isaacs – Greenfield, MA, Norton, Bennington, Ashfield, and E.A. Hale – North Dana, MA, framed photo Greenfield Tap & Die, antique bottles, art glass including Young & Constantin, 5v. Geo. Washington 1804, 3 globe Gone With the Wind lamp, oriental rugs, pocketwatches, cast iron Fidelity vault bank, and more.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036