Coyle’s Two Session Antique Estates Auction
July 26
VFW Hall, 123 Holliston St., Medway, MA
Session 1 – 2:30 PM Rugs & Curiosities
Session 2 – 5:00 PM Estates Auction
PREVIEWS: Open! Mon., July 25th – 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM and Tues., July 26th – 9:00 AM to 1⁄2 hr. before sales
We are pleased to offer a Two Session Antique Estates Auction featuring fine quality selection of Antique American, English, French style furniture, fine porcelain and pottery, artwork, sterling, fine jewelry, lamps, bronzes and much more including collection of over 130 fine lots of interesting items from Part II of New England gentleman’s collection of Chinese jade, porcelain and pottery, antiquities, silver, bronzes, etc. collected over many years. In addition, antique furnishings and art from a Boston area home, fine Brookline apartment as well as several nice country items from an early Framingham, MA home and others with selected additions. Many fresh to the market offerings with no reserves in both sessions. Items arriving daily. 375 + choice lots.
SESSION 1 AT 2:30 PM Oriental Rugs and Curiosities:
15+ Oriental Rugs incl many scatter sizes and 3 nice large Kilim carpets, auto accessory lot incl hood ornaments, Rolls Royce car clock, etc., old watch parts incl faces etc, stone artifacts, ar- rowhead collection, Royal Copenhagen figures, groups of Royal Doulton Character jugs, several nice lots of vintage costume jew- elry including Rhinestones etc., lot with sterling rosaries, beads, etc., lot of approx. 100 old watch faces with enameled Waltham Watch factory plaque, lg lot old watch & clock parts including hands, springs, gears, keys and more. sm. Microscope set, inter- esting vintage fishing lot w/ creels, rods, folding net, case, etc.,
FURNITURE: Mid-Century modern Lane “Brutalist” china cabinet with interesting block design, 18th C burled small sized walnut secretary desk with nice interior, round Empire style ma- hogany center table with nice claw feet, Bigelow and Kenard Bos- ton Grandfather’s clock with moon dial, antique maple 2 over 4 tall chest, good antique rosewood claw foot card table, antique English slant lid desk, antique Continental burled inlaid chest, nice Asian lacquered 3 draw sideboard, antq English mahog 2 over 3 chest with bracket base, nice 2 pc French green chaise, beautiful rosewood inlaid game table, campaign style 3 part desk with leather top, good antique country corner cabinets with panel doors in walnut, campaign style mahogany tall chest with metal rim, 2 leather bound brass tacked camphor chests, antique inlaid half console table, several country one draw stands, nice pr of French style caned armchairs, Victorian ebonized gold pedestal with revolving top, nice 2 draw antique stand w/ cookie corner and delicate legs, Empire fall front secretary desk, pr of Chippen- dale style end tables with b&cl feet, good antique 2 draw blanket chest, fancy mahog oval mirrored music cabinet, nice country 6 board blanket boxes, MCM style furniture including “Wink” chair, Tomlinson lamp table, unsigned Charles Webb rocker, etc., Round oak china claw foot dining table with 6 leaves and set of 6 oak chairs plus armchair, Marble top French server with mirror, nice wag-on-the wall brass clock, 4 stack inlaid Asian nesting ta- bles, lg tall gold decorative carved mirror, 3 nice mahogany cam- paign style nightstands, unusual decorated high back hall bench, antq. mahog corner chair, Fr. style dressing screen, good group of antique and other furniture arriving this week from local home and more.
ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST: 3 antique Revolvers in- cluding Pepper Box 5 shot pistol (Manhattan NY cast), Allen and Wheelock revolver #843 Pat’d April 1845, Purdy London Revolv- er, fun vintage Tom Morrow beach blanket with family beach day graphics, interesting tray lots with antiquities etc.,
ACCESSORIES: Wonderful very large Dresden “Wine Festival” with 12 figures (approx. 23” L, 23” H, 15” D) with beautiful figures and detail, and 2 beautiful Dresden style figural groups incl coach and mother with children, 12” cameo art glass vase Le Verre Francais, Haviland Limoges dinner set for 8 + with large number of serving pieces, Willie Socop RA Austrian 14” bronze “Meditation”, pr Continental figural gilt cvd table mirrors, 70+ pieces of Waterford crystal Stemware including wines, cham- pagne, tumblers etc., Lg. Inuit figure made by Charlie Inukpuk, Pr. of Modern style glass conical lamps, Noritake Murimura china small teaset, 12 pc Royal Crown Staffordshire Luncheon plates, Loetz pitcher with Millefiore vase, 9 pc enameled cloisonne lot w/20th C pot w/ foo dog handles, Group of framed MCM Harris Strong tiles in 2 tall wall frames, beaded chandelier with crystal, Pr Dresden style figural lamps, group of early carved figures (2 Santos & 2 figural angels, lot with Moorecroft and sm Rookwood statue, modern art glass and paperweights,
ASIAN and JADE to include: 9 1⁄2” covered jade jar, 3 3⁄4” spin- ach jade bowl with 2 handles, 9” jade dragon handle bottle shape vessel, 20 1⁄2” jade cong, 2 pc lot darker green congs (8” & 5”), Several nice jade discs, misc lot of jade with buckles, etc., and many more interesting lots. 8 lots of Snuff Bottles including jade, porcelain, glass etc., 18” Chinese vase with birds and floral green accents, 4 Chinese export bowls with Christies Label “Nanking
Two lovely 6’ tall antique painted silk panels
Decorated French style hall bench
Antique inlaid sewing/game table
Antique rosewood claw foot card table
Collection of 23 antique coin silver spoons made by Benjamin Frobisher engraved JQA to MCA (J.Q.A represents John Quincy Adams; “M.C.A” represents his daughter in-law, Mary Catherine Adams, who was married to John Quincy Adams’ second son , John Adams.)
Cargo”, Chinese black glazed pottery bottle, Chinese ginger jar with dragon, 2 14” Chinese vases with figures, 14” Asian vase with butterflies, Bronze lot w/elephants, 11” Celadon cong vase, 15” round form Chinese vase with dragon handles, Asian incised mortar, Persian lustre bowl in fitted box, several Chinese porcelain vases, 10” Chinese pot with dragon, Small collection of Cliff Lee pottery, early ovoid pottery pot, reverse painted pillar and scroll shelf clock, Chinese red glazed rectangular pots w/applied tubular handles, various antique Chinese bronze mirrors, Celadon vases, 9 Chinese glazed bowls some w/decoration, 6 1⁄2” double gourd Chinese vase, Export plates and vases, lg lot of Rose Medallion, 2 Chinese carved ink blocks, stone vessel lot, Persian “Rhages” one handle bowl 4 1⁄2” D, 2 Chinese red glazed bowls, collection of sm scholar stones, Chinese cream painted jar vase, 6 circular Chinese glazed small bowls, 2 green Chinese glazed bowls one with drag- on, lg enamel/brass footed 11” censer, Chinese lotus blossom jar, 2 Chinese cong vases (Celadon and brown), bronze figures and censers, lot of Chinese tea bowls (hare’s fur, etc), 13” bronze gilt buddha, Chinese black 9” glazed vase, Hindu figures, lg footed glazed pottery censer, and many other Chinese and Asian pottery, porcelain, bronzes etc. as well as 3 lots of Chinese Scrolls, etc.
STERLING: Important collection of 23 antique coin fiddle handle silver serving, tablespoon, and several teaspoons made
by Benjamin Frobisher engraved JQA to MCA (J.Q.A represents John Quincy Adams; “M.C.A” represents his daughter in-law, Mary Catherine Adams, who was married to John Quincy Adams’ second son , John Adams.), Sterling silver flatware set (w/lun- cheon and dinner knives (appr 38 troy oz), partial Sterling silver flatware set (no knives appr 58.5 troy oz), pr Fisher sterling can- delabras with tulip décor, Asian motif antique sterling lot, Sterling bag lots, lot Mexican Silver ornate martini shaker and 6 stems), 12 sterl. gold wash ornate cocktail forks, and more.
FINE JEWELRY: 18k white gold pave diamond heart pen- dant necklace with pair earrings, 18k Seaman Shepp shell clip earrings, 18k multistrand necklace, Sterling bangle with 14k sea motif decoration, 18k yellow gold choker w/medallion pendant and 18k gold band, 18k white gold necklace and earrings with aqua drop stones, 18k Omega lady’s wristwatch #7760.10.00, 18k gold pocket watch, 14k lot w/pearls, and more.
ARTWORK: 2 large 6’ antique beautiful painted silk panels and 2 complementary narrow silk painted panels all with scenes and figures, lovely landscape o/b “Summer Outing” with children signed Eduard Veith (Austrian) with early labels on verso (18 1⁄2 x 24 1⁄2), Group of 3 Viktor Korecki landscape paintings (2 9×13 and 1 13 x 9), w/c Stanford Stevens Santa Maria Shrine Canary Islands 1930 17 x 13 1⁄2, pr J&E Gould Toucan prints (C. Hullman-del Publ.) 20 1⁄2 x 14, Stephen Elmer o/c pheasants in landscape, 7pc Ellen Day Hale estate labeled pastel drawings, 4 early bird prints George Edwards 7 1⁄2 x 9 1⁄2, 2 George Elmer Brown o/b paintings 10x 13 1⁄2, E. Page o/b marine with rocks Maine, Vic- torian fruit still life paintings o/c (3), Still Life o/c with flowers and pottery, Saddleback Mountain o/b signed C.L Dodge (with Label) 9×12, Howard Russell Butler NA o/b “Old Faithful Geyser 1920 (7”x 10”), Lithographs by Lowell Nisbett include Brooklyn Bridge, Chromolitho of Westpoint by Andrew Melrose 22 x 36 C1880 Haley & Steel label), Richard Bassett still life painting, sm house in landscape signed Hendricks A. Hallett, 3 R. Maurer w/c military scenes, 2 Todd McKie lithographs, 2 small paintings by Carol Haerer, sm J. Cameau Haitian o/b, several nice lithographs, 32 Boston prints incl Bunker hill, 2 o/b paintings B. Robinson and barn/farmer & sunset abstract, Limestone and Sail 11/50 wood- block print Carroll Thayer Berry and more.
TERMS: Left bids and absentee bids welcome. M. Coyle Auction Lic 2369, 15% Buyer’s Premium – Cash/check/MC&Visa 508- 733-6868, No Food will be offered–
DIRECTIONS: Sale held at the VFW Post 1526, 123 Hol- liston St., Medway, MA off Route 109 Email: coylesauction@
Sampling of some of the jade to be offered
Group of 3 Viktor Korecki landscape paintings (2 9×13 and 1 13 x 9)
2 green Chinese bowls
5 Chinese pottery vases
Spinach Jade 2 handle bowl 3 3⁄4” H
Carved dragon handle 15 1/2” Vase
Persian “Rhages” one handle bowl
Chinese glazed bowls and censer
2 Green jade cong vases (8” & 5”)
Lot including Moorcroft and Rookwood
Lot with jade including buckles etc.
4 Chinese export bowls with Christies Label “Nanking Cargo”
Persian lustre bowl in fitted box 5 1⁄2” Restored
Ovoid glazed pottery vase
Wonderful very large Dresden “Wine Festival” with 12 figures (approx. 23” L, 23” H, 15” D) with beautiful detail
Chinese bronze mirror in fitted box
Mid-Century modern Lane “Brutalist” china cabinet with interesting block design
12” cameo art glass vase Le Verre Francais
1 of 3 lots of Rose Medallion
8 Chinese tea bowls
Landscape o/b “Summer Outing” with children signed Eduard Veith (Austrian) with early labels on verso (18 1⁄2 x 24 1⁄2)
Sampling of fine jewelry includ- ing 18k jewelry some with diamonds, Omega 18k watch, Shepp shell earrings etc.
Chinese blue and white pot with dragon
Chromolithograph of West Point c 1880 Andrew Melrose (Haley and Steele label)
Saddleback Mountain, ME o/b by C.L. Dodge and other signed and unsigned paintings.
3 Antique Revolvers
Mexican Silver ornate martini shaker and 6 stems and other sterling
Group of Scholar trees
4 early bird prints George Edwards 7 1⁄2 x 9 1⁄2
Harris Strong MCM framed tiles
Lot of glazed Chinese vases
J&E Gould Toucan prints (C. Hullmandel Publ.) 20 1⁄2 x 14
Two George Elmer Brown o/b landscapes (10 x 13 1⁄2)
13” gilt bronze Buddha
9” Chinese cong pottery vase
9 piece lot jade/hardstone discs etc.
Victorian glass lot
20 1⁄2” Jade Cong
1 of 2 Chinese ink blocks
Carved figural Continental table mirrors
Interesting lots including bronzes etc.
Two Chinese vases
Lot of 6 snuff bottles
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036