O’Connors Book Sale – Outdoors (not an auction)
Sat, October 8 at 10 am
Preview 9 to 10 am
Historic & Nature Series; hard/soft cover books; early & later Bibles; some stamps; great mixed pp. Large offering.
Rt 20 & 397, Altamont, NY
Rt 20 W from Albany • 518-356-5021
Auctionzip.com #13106 • Cash or local checks
O’Connors Tool-Equip Auction
Sat, October 1, at 10 am
Preview 9 to 10 am
Outdoors Only (Wear coats and gloves)
Snap-on & Craftsman toolboxes, riding mowers (as is); socket & other wrenches; aluminum & wood ladders; antique & late bikes; tires; old case tedder-plus; grinders; trim saws; blade sharpener; buggy seats; Arctic Cat parts; Weber grill; shelfing; lots of tool lots
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036