Americana Auctions – Winter Estates & Collectors Auction
January 15 at 11 am
380 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth MA 02769
Preview: Live in Rehoboth: Jan 12th-14th (Thurs/Fri/Sat.) from 10-4 pm & Sunday Jan. 15th from 9-11 & by appt.
FINE ART: About 60 Chinese paintings & scrolls from Hydeman estate (many signed but not id’d) – Luis Chan (2); Chan Hun Wong; Chang Hsin-Is; Chi Pai Shih; Yeu Chicka Pu; Hu Nien-Tsu; Chang Chin-Wan; Tao Yi Ching; Sui Sun; Hui-Wan; Pak Yue Leung; Tan Fan; Pau Si Yau; Wong Ying; Chien Sing Au; Yeh Tsui Pai; Sun Tong Jai; Wah Cheong; Wong Wang Fai; Si Sui Shou; Ng Ku-Hung; more. OTHER ART: 2 China Trade ship paintings; Clemente Micarelli (8) incl. ballerinas & 4 Biblical; H. Seben – winter genre; Anthony Benton Gude (2); Gabani, Roma; Barbara Ferrel-Hero; C. Vermoskie (4); John Pauplis (2); PRINTS: Authentic Dali (5) & Picasso prints w/COA; Louis Icart (2); Max Gunther; “Blue Jeans” litho poster; B. Kwanieska; HW Sherman; BRONZES: Moreau “Diana the Huntress”; J. Salmson “Pandore”; Pr superb French bronze & champleve urns w/elephants; Selden bronze; 5 modernist sculptures by M. Bunder. CHINA & GLASS: Collection 80+ pcs Steuben art glass; 10 art glass shades by Quezal, Steuben; Rare Loetz stork vase; 12 Tiffany glass prisms; Tiffany Studios bronze “Octopus” inkstand; Galle cameo vases; Legras Mont Joye vase; Pr. Lalique lion urns; 4 Fostoria candlesticks; 4 large Lladro figures;
R. Satan studio glass vases; Merkelbach fish stein; Early faience steins; Rare Staffordshire plate; Rookwood Pottery; Hawkes cut glass & sterling syrup; Cut & sterling vanity set SCRIMSHAW & RELATED: 15+ whales teeth, some raw, most with scrimshaw; Whale bone items – dominoes set, 3 busks, yard stick, tobacco pushers, scrimshaw pan bone, pulley blocks; 3 Ken Beckenhaupt whale plaques. Also: Anglo-Indian ivory inkstand; Mini carved ivory pcs – secretary desk, bowl, figures; Ivory & wood bust of a monk & 7” plaque of king; Scrimshaw powder horns -1785 Conn. & Lake Champlain; Vict. drinking horns w/silver mounts; 18th c. mini-ivory mechanical Madonna; 3 ivory pocket calendars & pincushion w/measure tape; etc.
CLOCKS & LAMPS: Superb oak & ormolu German bracket clock by Winterhalder & Hofmeier; W&H Art Nouveau mahog tall clock; 2 LeCoultre Atmos; Joseph Doll 1975 inlaid tall clock by Colonial; 2 astral lamps w/fine cut glass shades; Dresden owl lamp; Quezal art glass lamps shades (see Glass).
JEWELRY & SILVER: 50+ lots sterling: 3 tea sets – English 5 pc by Carrington (131 ozt) & repousse German w/tray; P. Revere spoon; 9 pc vanity set by Dom & Haff; 13 pcs. Russian flatware by A. Kuzmichel et al; 8 silver goblets & 8 plates; 50 souvenir spoons; Flatware sets – Reed & Barton “Silver Sculpture” & “English Provincial”, Durgin “Chatham”, F. Smith “Edward VII”; R. Hennell salver 1865; J&J Williams 1865 Exeter & Dublin 1762 ladles; 1838 Asparagus tongs by M. Chawner; Pr. Portuguese candlesticks; Serve pieces & hollowware; JEWELS: Several lots 14K+ necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, etc. w/diamonds & gems; Pr. Percossi Papi chandelier earrings; Iradj Moini multi-stone necklace; more.
ASIAN & AFRICAN ITEMS: 32 pc. Chinese ivory figural chess set; 4 female ivory musicians; Ivory cribbage board, puzzle ball, figures; Japanese – 2 umbrella stands; Pr. Meiji dragon fish sculptures; 23” Imari urn; Kutani warrior; Bronze samurai; Chinese – Rose Medallion garden barrel, platter, teapot, etc; 3 Qianlong mugs, chargers, bowl; Han Dynasty Chinese pottery vases & pots; Tang Dynasty figures. AFRICAN: 20 lots old masks, figures, c. from various tribes incl. Baule (3) – Kple Kle & Goli & Mblo; Mende (Bundu); Punu (Okuyi); Luba; Yombe; Dogon Bombou-Toro figure; Songye mask Kifwebe; Yoruba figure; Ashante chief’s stool.
FURNITURE: Modern – Barcelona X ottoman Van de Rohe, Pr. Castelli Plia acrylic chairs; 6 upholstered chrome armchairs by Stylex; Acrylic rolling carts; 3 pc. Adrian Pearsall coffee table set. VICTORIAN: Super inlaid cabinet attr. Herter; Huge rope-twist 4 post bed; Lion-carved slant lid desk; Curved glass oak vitrine; Oscar Boch m/t iron 54” table; Also: Inlaid mahog. dine table w/3 leaves – Councill Craftsmen plus 12 Chipp. mahogany dine chairs & inlaid sideboard & server; Fine mirrors by LaBarge.
ORIENTAL & NAVAJO RUGS: 30+ lots old Oriental estate rugs – Blue Sarouk, fine Bidjars, Heriz, Rare 11 x 13 ft. Oushak (pistachio), Kazaks, Caucasians, Balouch, Ensi; Serab, 24 ft runner & French Savonnerie; 20+ lots of antique & vintage Navajo rugs – 3rd Phase Chief’s blanket; Yei figural; floral; geometric; whirling logs ca 1900; more.
MISCELL: 4 circa 1920’s slot machines – Mills 10c; Jennings Silver-Chief 10c, Watling Blue Seal 5c, Buckley 5c plus slot machine parts; Pr superb French bronze & champleve urns w/elephants; Tiffany Studios bronze “Octopus” inkstand; Tiffany sterling cane w/tennis rackets; Antique scrimshaw powder horns; Steiff early Teddy Bear & giraffe; Inuit sculpture by B. Saclamana & J. Ayek; Large Swiss music box; 2 NYC iron highway seals by Rene Chambellan ca 1930; 3 antique boat motors – Koban & Auto Marine & Caille 5 speed rowboat motor.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036