Hartzell’s Online Only Single-owner Collection Of Native American & Inuit Art Auction
March 26 at 6 pm
521 Richmond Rd, Bangor, PA 18013
AUCTION WILL INCLUDE: Hopi Pottery, Kachina Dolls, Beaded Pin Cushions, Baskets, Beadwork, Quillwork, Breastplates, Roaches, Iroquois, Zuni, Drums, Fans, Bags, Moccasins, Blanket Strips, Pottery Figures, Catlinite, Carved Masks, Wool Blankets, Decorated Hides, Blackware Pottery, Native American Jewelry, Weavings, Sashes, Quivers/Bows/Arrows, Shields, Prints/Paintings. Inuit related items will include: Stone Carvings, Eskimo Art, Whale Bone Carvings/Sculptures, Keith Heindel Sculptures, Model Kayaks, Dolls, Masks, Carved Bone, Baleen, Otter Fur, Carved Cribbage Boards, Inuit Jewelry, Beaded/Claw Necklaces, Bone Bracelets with Gold Nuggets, Scrimshaw and MORE.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036