Poster Auctions International – Rare Poster Auction
NEW YORK CITY — The 90th Rare Posters Auction from Poster Auctions International on Tuesday, July 18, features rare and iconic images from a century of poster design. The collection includes Art Nouveau, Art Deco, Modern and contemporary lithographs, as well as decorative panels, maquettes and original works.
Jack Rennert, president of Poster Auctions International, said, “This milestone sale features a true constellation of great poster art, from the most sought-after works to never-before-seen masterpieces by the leaders of lithography. New and seasoned collectors alike will find something special in this auction.”
The auction will begin with 25 aviation posters, including a 1909 maquette by René Lelong, Meeting Aérien de Reims ($7/9,000). Other notable lots include M. Dessoures’ 1910 Semaine d’Aviation / Caen ($8/10,000) and Modern designs by David Klein and Otto Nielsen (ranging from $1,000 to $1,200).
Next, 24 designs for automobiles will be auctioned. Highlights include Walter Thor’s 1906 Darracq ($7/9,000), Alexis Kow’s 1929 Grand Prix du Cap d’Antibes ($4/5,000), and a collaborative maquette by A.M. Cassandre and Charles Loupot for Renault ($30/40,000).
Also, 18 designs for bicycles will be offered; notable posters include Victor Mignot’s 1898 Le Cyclodrome ($4/5,000), Alejandro de Riquer’s 1897 Salon Pedal ($3/4,000), and five speedy designs for motorcycles (ranging from $2,000 to $4,000).
Collectors of war and propaganda images will have 24 images to bid on. Classics include Luciano Achille Mauzan’s 1917 Credito Italiano ($2/2,500), Howard Chandler Christy’s 1918 Gee!! I Wish I Were a Man ($1,7/2,000), James Montgomery Flagg’s rare circa 1917 Speed Up America ($8/10,000) and August William Hutaf’s 1918 Treat ‘Em Rough / Join the Tanks ($2/2,500).
Film buffs will delight in the collection of 12 historic images offered, from the anonymous design for the 1913 release of Fantômas ($15/20,000) to four images for Charlie Chaplin dating from 1915 to 1952 (ranging from $1,200 to $2,000).
From Leonetto Cappiello, 26 works will come up for bid. Iconic lithographs at auction include his 1902 Pur Champagne / Damery-Epernay ($3,5/4,000), the 1903 Les Parfums de J. Daver ($5/6,000), his 1906 Maurin Quina ($3/4,000), the 7-foot-tall 1919 L’Avenir ($4/5,000) and his 1925 Sancta ($4/5,000).
Four original maquettes will be offered: the 1922 Americano Poccardi ($30/40,000), the 1929 Le Bas Revel ($17/20,000), the never-printed L’Huile d’Olive de Tunisie ($8/10,000) and the tender 1919 Children’s Charity drawing ($6/8,000).
The father of the poster, Jules Chéret, will have 19 works at auction, including four iterations for the Palais de Glace (ranging from $1,400 to $5,000), the 1893 Folies-Bergère / La Loïe Fuller ($5/6,000) and his 1895 Pastilles Géraudel ($4/5,000). The original pastel drawing for his La Danse panel — from his series The Arts — is a notable inclusion ($25/30,000). Two original designs for fans are also offered ($4/5,000 and $7/9,000).
Jules-Alexandre Grün — the master of lascivious Montmartre nightlife images — will have 14 works at auction. Top lots include his 1900 La Cigale / T-y viens-t-y? ($2/2,500), his 1901 Plage de Mesnil-Val ($2,5/3,000), his 1906 Casino de Paris ($3/4,000) and his 1910 Monaco / Exposition et Concours de Canots Automobiles ($5/6,000).
For collectors of Alphonse Mucha, treasures abound: 62 lots include his most famous posters, rare proofs and original works. Prized lithographs include his 1897 F. Champenois / Reverie ($20/25,000), his 1896 Zodiac ($17/20,000), the 1896 Four Seasons ($12/15,000), his 1899 Moët & Chandon ($25/30,000), the 1896 Salon des Cent / XXme Exposition ($14/17,000), the 1896 Job printed on silk ($25/30,000), his 1897 Fruit and Flower ($30/40,000), and his 1927 De Forest Phonofilm ($20/25,000).
Mucha was also a fan of sculpture, and a rare bronze statue from 1899, “Femme au Rocher,” will be offered ($70/90,000). And for the second time, one of his esteemed pocket watches will be auctioned — this time, it’s the Autumn image from 1900 ($40/50,000). Two original drawings are also notable: one of his daughter, “Jaroslava,” from circa 1930 ($25/30,000); and the 1929 “Portrait of a Slavic Girl” ($10/12,000).
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec will also have selections available. Top works include his 1896 Troupe de Mlle Églantine ($20/25,000), the 1893 Jane Avril ($50/60,000), the 1899 Jane Avril ($70/90,000) and the 1892 Reine de Joie ($50/60,000).
All 470 lots will be on view to the public to July 17. The auction will be conducted live in PAI’s gallery at 26 West 17th Street, as well as online at, beginning promptly at 11 am Eastern time.
For additional information, 212-787-4000.
FEATURED COLLECTIONS: Automobiles, Aviation, Bicycles, Circus & Wild West, Film, Israel, War & Propaganda. PRINCIPAL ARTISTS: Cappiello, Cheret, Grun, Livemont, Mucha, Steinlen, Toulouse-Lautrec, Yokoo. THE CATALOGUE: The 212-page catalogue is now available for $40.
BID ONLINE, BY PHONE, OR LIVE IN PERSON: To view lots, register to bid, or order a catalogue, please visit:
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P.T. Barnum/ Jumbo. 1883,Est: $25,000 – $30,000
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