Gustave J.S. White ~ ESTATES AUCTION
On-the-premises “Thompson Farm”
30 Rockbridge Rd, Little Compton, R.I.
WEDNESDAY, September 13 at 10:30am
Antique Furnishings, Carpets, Silver, Paintings
Inspection: Tuesday, September 12 from 1–4pm
and one hour before the sale on Wednesday
This sale will comprise the partial contents of “Thompson Farm” together
with antique furnishings from the Estate of Marjorie Crutchfield Wells
of Newport.
This is the most beautiful location for an auction that we have ever seen, and we are hoping for a gorgeous September day. However, should September 13 be stormy, the auction will be held the next day, Thursday, September 14 at 10:30
“Often On-Site, Never On-Line”
(401) 841-5780 | Gallery phone on Tuesday: (401) 662-1284
Articles include: Tiger maple furniture, (R.I. highboy, dining table and 8 chairs), Northhampton tallcase clock, set of hoopback Windsor chairs, glove cupboards, apothecary chests, Old Town ribbed 15 ft canoe with 4 paddles, half-hulls, decoys, dioramas, woolies, early 19th C. bowfront bureaus, large painted blanket chests, salesman samples, jade & jadeite, poudreuses, tantaluses with full complement of bottles, palace carpets, including pictorial Kerman (15’ 6” x 19’), Caucasian rugs, Howard Chandler Christy posters. Large quantity of sterling (Kirk & Sons, Ti any, Dumme & Co., Gorham, Lunt). Paintings by Hjalmar “Cappy” Amundsen (4), Sydney R. Burleigh (4), C. Gordon Harris (2), Lee Lufkin Kaula, Mary Post, Shirley Cean Youngs
Directions: Wend your way to Adamsville (a Little Compton hamlet).
¬ then take Old Harbor Road to right on Brayton Point Road to site.
Follow red auction arrows.
Size: 10’ 8” x 14’ 7”
Gibson (Maryland)
Spalding C: 1915
Shirley Cean Youngs
“Thompson Farm”
o/board, H. Amundsen
Howard Chandler Cristy
Daniel Webster, full-length
(H.E.C. Peterson), has tear
Length: 38”
| 37 Bellevue Avenue, Newport, RI
Michael Corcoran, Gustave J.S. White ~ ESTATES AUCTION
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036