Leland Little The Signature Fall Auction
Saturday, September 9
Hillsborough, NC
Gent’s Stainless Steel and Gold Nautilus Watch, Patek Philippe
Art Deco Platinum, Diamond and Sapphire Bracelet, J.E. Caldwell & Co.
Gold, Platinum, Emerald, and Diamond Necklace
Benjamin Chambers Brown (American, 1865-1942), Windswept Tree in Snow
Alphonse Mucha (Czech, 1860-1939), La Tosca
Henry Moore(British, 1898-1986), Standing Female Nude
Diego Rivera(Mexican, 1886-1957), Woman in Apron
Federal Inlaid Mahogany Tall Case Clock, att. Wood & Taylor, NY
Chippendale Carved Walnut Armchair, Philadelphia
Austro-Hungarian Silver, Gilt Metal and Enamel Chess Set, circa 1900
Pair of Chinese Carved Cinnabar Lacquer Peach Form Boxes, 18th c.
One of a Pair of Chinese Porcelain Vases with Horses
Tibetan Thankga Painting of Arhat Hvashang, 18th c.
Impressive Pair of Renaissance Revival Carved Wood Warrior Statues
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (French, 1864-1901),
Mademoiselle Marcelle Lender, en buste, 1895
Gold Femme au Fenetre Pendant, after Pablo Picasso
MA Officer’s Civil War Grouping with Very Rare “MS” Marked Colt Revolver
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036