Farrin’s Country Auctions – 2 Day Antique & Sporting Auction
Saturday, Sept 30 & Sunday, Oct 1 commencing at 10A.M. each day!!
36 Water Street, Randolph, Maine 04346
Rusty Farrin — Maine License #0356
Day 1 will feature good painted country items, stoneware, paintings, red ware, country furniture, Oriental rugs, signage and much more.
Day 2 will feature guns, ammo, mounts, sporting equipment and much more.
PREVIEWS: September 27,28 and 29,2023 from 9A.M. till 4P.M. and from 8A.M. to auction time the day of the auction!
For photos and descriptions please visit our website at: www.farrinsauctions.com or visit www.auctionzip.com, ID#2955. Please call the auction gallery to leave phone bids and absentee bids. We also offer on line bidding through www.prozibid.com and invaluable.com Contact information: Auction gallery – (207)582-1455 Rusty’s cell – (207)431-0031 • Josh’s cell – (207)431-7682
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036