Copake Auction Inc. – 31st Annual Antique & Classic Bicycle Auction
OCTOBER 21, 2023 @ 9AM
266 Rt. 7A – Copake, NY 12516 Ph: 518-641-1935
COPAKE, N.Y. — Copake Auction’s 31st annual bicycle auction will be conducted on October 21 starting at 9 am. This year’s sale will offer more than 900 lots of early period bicycles through modern, exotic lightweights, historical ephemera, accessories, art and collectibles.
The father and son team of Mike and Seth Fallon have turned this auction into a worldwide event hosting international and countrywide buyers. The weekend kicks off with a swap meet conducted in the sheep meadow behind the auction house on Friday, October 20, dawn ‘til dusk, and later in the day (around 2 pm) riders gather for a 10-mile ride around the scenic Copake roads. The auction house encourages anyone to ride alongside the Nineteenth Century high wheels and modern cyclists or just come and watch them touring through the town (an event the locals enjoy watching).
Mike Fallon said he is elated with the offerings of this year’s sale. “We were blessed with four outstanding collections this year. Our auction will give serious collectors a chance to bid on some of the rarest bicycles and collectibles since our landmark Metz and Burgwart museum sales 10 years ago.” Offerings from three prominent Wheelmen families include Ed Berry Jr, Ed and Marion Gerling estate and the Margaret Ann Baker estate in addition to the Lane Motor Museum of Nashville, Tenn. Also offered is the historically significant Nineteenth Century ephemera collection from the Col. Albert Pope family, founder of the Columbia Bicycle Co, direct from his descendants.
Seth Fallon noted, “We have some ultra-rare Nineteenth Century high wheels, hard tire safeties and pneumatic safeties in the sale this year. It will be very exciting! I think the quality and quantity of the items offered for sale is exceptional.” The annual specialty sale will also offer a quality assortment of pinback buttons, postcards, photographs, bicycle catalogs, posters, advertising, books, trophies, medals, clocks, inkwells and more (all bicycle related). Another category in the sale that will draw significant attention will be the impressive collection of 100 early bicycle lamps, including scarce hub lamps, along with bells and cyclometers.
Specifically, the Fallons mentioned important lots, including a circa 1902 Steffy Motor Bicycle, multiple rare high wheels, including a King “The Facile” (one of 15 known examples), an Ariel, and important Serial number 1 Star. For the contemporary lightweight aficionado, there will be machines by Bugatti (11 examples), Eddy Merckx, Cinelli, Hetchins and Frejus, to name a few.
A very generous and special offering to start the sale will be a Nineteenth Century pneumatic safety, which was lovingly restored by a team of the Wheelmen and benefits St Jude’s Children’s Hospital. With the generous contributions from the bicycle community through the years, the Fallons have raised more than $40,000 to date for St Jude’s.
Copake Auction is at 266 East Main Street. For information, or 518-641-1935.
Featuring the Collections of Margaret Ann Baker (Maryland), Ed Berry (Oregon), Lane Motor Museum (Nashville, TN) Ed & Marion Gerling Collection
This sale will be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC as well as all online Bidding Platforms
Gallery Preview: Oct. 19-20: 10-4 PM
Terms: Cash – Visa – MasterCard – Discover – 20% Buyer’s Premium (25% B.P. for Live Auctioneers, Invaluable and Auctionzip) -First time buyers must establish credit prior to auction to pay with check
Michael & Seth Fallon 266 Rt. 7A – Copake, NY 12516 Ph: 518-641-1935
930 Lots
Masi Nuova Strada
Dalzell Replica
John S. Freese Tandem
1902 Steffy Motorcycle
1886 Rudge Bicyclette
High Wheel Bicycle
OVER 150 Bicycle Lamps
C. 1870 Stevens Brown Toy
William Allen Rogers — Orig. Illustration —
1876 Ariel High Wheel
Eureka Hub Lamp
56″ Columbia Expert
Pony Star Serial
F.W. Read Original Illustration for Life Magazine
C. 1892 Hard Tire Safety With oldest known Derailleur
High Wheels
19th c. Boneshaker
C. 1880’s Star High Wheel
C. 1892 Eagle
Original 1897 Chicago Cycle Exhibition Artwork
OVER 300 Pinbacks
Early Bamboo Bicycle
Rex Pneumatic Safety
1920’s Elgin Motobike
Inkwell. Ex: Roger Johnson Collection
19th c. Wooden Tricycle
Frejus Light Weight
SWAP MEET: Friday Oct. 20:6 AM, $25 Vendor/Free to Public/Food Truck On site – WWW.C0PAKEAUCTI0N.C0M
bid online live with # liveauctioneers hvaluable AuctionZip (id# 2438)
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036