Tag Along Estate Sale – 3 Day Rye Estate
Fri, Sat, Sun Nov. 3, 4 & 5 10 – 4
4 Eldredge Court, Rye, N.Y.
Incredible lifetime collection of wooden standing silent butlers. Folk Art, painted wood, African American, English, Native, Disney and more, large collection of Black figurines, banks, cookie jars, large amount of l9th century oil paintings, Judaica including Menorahs, Tzedakah boxes, Vintage foil Art, glass flower pictures, old mannequins, clocks, cabinet full of Jewish postcards, monkey collection, cloisonne. Advertising & Display. FURNITURE: pr white sofas, Chinoiserie dining table & set of 12 chairs, chest, tray table, Library table, crystal chandelier, Oriental carpets, marble top French dresser & night tables, pair marble topped Regency style coffee tables, modern Furniture, rattan furniture, Ivers & Paul upright piano. OTHER: Minton China, crystal, sterling, jewelry, bronzes, marble status, mother of pearl Boxes. Oversized perfume bottles. CLOTHING: Closets full of designer and vintage clothing, shoes, bags, and scarves. Misc. Outdoor furniture, tools, books, antique signs, old boxes, WW11 memorabilia.
DIRECTIONS: Boston Post Rd, (US1) Rye, NY (Near Rye Golf Course)
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036