Leland Little – Signature Winter Auction
Saturday, December 2
Hillsborough, NC
Gold and Gem-Set Flower Brooch, France
Platinum, Diamond, and Sapphire Ring
High Karat Gold and Gem-Set Bracelet, Gilan
Heavy Gold Bracelet, Hammerman Brothers
Hugues Claude Pissarro (French, b. 1935), Le Jardin de Mazzao, Sous La Niege
Large Korean Painting of a Monk, Joseon dynasty, 63 inches
William McGregor Paxton (American, 1869-1941), Woman with Gloves
Virginia Tooled Leather Key Basket, mid 19th century
J. Clayton Bright (American, b. 1946), Ware Horse
Sonia Delaunay (1884-1979), Le Jazz II
Japanese Porcelain Arita Blue and White Map Dish
French Empire Dore Bronze Mantel Clock, Signed S. Malsan & Cie
Antique Charleston Cast Iron Garden Bench, John B. Riley, 19th century
Queen Anne High Boy, mid 18th c., direct descent from the Cudworth family, Scituate/Norwell, MA
Mid-Atlantic Federal Inlaid Desk, att. Maryland, early 19th c.
American Chippendale Dining Table, att. Massachusetts, circa 1770
LelandLittle.com • 919-644-1243 • Hillsborough, NC
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036