George Cole Auctions – Hudson Valley Multi Estate Sale
Sat January 6th at 4pm
7578 North Broadway, Red Hook, NY 12571
Is Proud To Present:
PREVIEWS: FRI. 1/5: Noon-6pm • SAT. 1/6:1pm-4pm
And Preview In-Person Other Days By Advance Appt • Preview Online 24/7
PICKUP: SUN 1/7:10am-Noon • MON 1/8:10am-4pm • After That M-F 1pm-3pm
Limited Seating First-Come, First-Serve • Come Hungry, Our Caterer Has Online Bidding Will Be: From Our Website, Bidsquare, LiveAuctioneers Direct Bidding With Us: Absentee, Phone Bid (Absentee & Phone Bids Must Be Set >1 Hour Prior To Session Start Time
George Says There Is Something For Every Good Boy & Girl… And Yep, Even Us Naughty Ones Too!!!
Primitive 2-Door Cupboard
Oak Curved Glass China Cabinet
Sampling Asian Furniture
Biedermeier Sofa
0/C Rocky Mountain Bird Sgnd David B. Poole
Oak Ped Base Dining Table w/Brass Trim
Asian MOP Inlaid Jewelry Boxes & (Jade?) Covered Urn
Sampling Quantity Sterling Items
FURN: Biedermeier Sofa 31″H x 8’L x 29″D, Biedermeier Day Bed 40″H x 76″W x 39″D, Prim Pine 2-Door Cupboard 6’H x 62″W x 17.5″D, Biedermeier 1-Drawer Ped Base Table 30″H x 40″Sq, Dough Box, Empire Uphols Recamier, Viet Marble Top Walnut 5-Drawer Dresser, Viet Mahog Bookcase 5’H x 63.5″W x 13″D, 19thC Sewing Stand W/Elaborate Brass, Burl Walnut, Kingwood & MOP Inlay 28.5″H x 23.75″W x 16″D, Mid-East Carved & Inlaid Bench 15″H x 72.5″W x 22.5″D, 19thC Wicker Chaise Lounge, Pr Oak Elaborately Carved Side Chairs, Pr Continental Carved Ladder Back Chairs, Etc… OAK: 4′ Diam Base Dining Table W/5 Winged Griffin Base, Set 6 Dining Chairs, Elaborately Carved Curved Glass China Cabinet 66.5″H x 51″W x 19″D, Sideboard 40″H x 66″W x 26″D, 2-Door Armoire 64.5″H x 46″W x 18″D, Curved Oak China Cabinet 62″H x 38″W x 15″D, Bookcase 54″H x 38.5″W x 12″D, 2-Door Bookcase 51.25″H x 30″W x 11.25″D, Uphols Recamier, Etc… ASIAN: 4-Door China Cabinet 79.5″H x 6’W x 19″D, Set 8 Chairs, Coffee Table W/Elaborate MOP Inlay 14.5″H x 60″W x 35.5″D, 2-Door Lacquered Cabinet 37″H x 25.5″W x 12.5″D, Japanese Rolling Tansu 2-Door/2-Drawer 37″H x 36.5″W x 20″D, Elaborately Carved Nest Tables, Carved 6-Drawer/2-Door Dresser 70″H x 6’W x 19″D, Chinese Lacquer Elaborately MOP Inlaid Screen 43.75″H x 59.5″W x 14″D, Carved 4-Door/4-Drawer Cabinet 31″H x 6’W x 19″D, Heavily Carved W/Delicate MOP Inlay 3pc Parlor Set – Sofa 38″H x 69″W x 21″D w/Pr Armchairs – 38″H x 26.5″W x 21″D, MOP Inlaid 3-Drawer China Cabinet 20.5″H x 52″W x 31″D, MOP Inlaid 1-Drawer End Stand 22.5″H x 22″Sq, Lacquer 2-Door Display Cabinet W/Carved Panels 72.5″H x 31″W x 16.5″D, 2-Door Over 4-Draw-er Carved Cabinet 62″H x 41.25″W x 19″D, Pr Carved 1-Drawer Over 2-Door End Stands 24″H x 26″W x 18″D, Hexagonal Display Case W/ Carved Dragon Top 80″H x 24″Diam, 8Pc Dining Set – Table44″W x 68″L W/2 Leaves, 6 Chairs + China Cabinet 80″H x 5’3″W x 16″D, Carved Coffee Table W/M0P Inlay 19.5″H x 50″W x 31″D Cabinet W/8 Sliding Doors + 5 Drawers 70″H x 59″W x 18″D, Etc…
MID-CENTURY & MODERN: Oak Ped Base Dining Table W/Brass Trim Sgnd Jean Claude Mahey 29″H x 47″W x 86″L, Parquet Top Chrome Base Coffee Table 21.5″H x 30″Sq, Mainline By Hoker Walnut 9-Drawer Dresser 62″H x 5’W x 19.25″D W/Matching Tall 4-Drawer Chest 42″H x 34″W x 19.25″D, Amer Of Martinsville Walnut Bar/Record Cabinet W/3Drawer Base 58.5″H x 54.5″W x 18.5″D, Walnut Lift Top 1-Door/l-Drawer Cedar Chest 31″H x 44″W x 19″D, Bassett Walnut 5-Drawer Chest 43″H x 36″W x 19.5″D, Bassett Walnut Sideboard 30″H x 48″W x 17.75″D, Amer Of Martinsville Walnut 2-Drawer End Stand 25″H x 24″W x 28″D, Dexel Heritage Walt Disney Coll 54″Diam Marceline Dining Table, Etc… MAHOG: Chippendale Style Block Front Secretary Desk, 2-Door Bookcase 55.5″H x 52″W x 14″D, 2-Door Bookcase 52″H x 40.25″W x 12″D, Elaborately Carved King Poster Bed, Empire Style Desk, Empire Style 1-Drawer Double Ped Table, 2-Drawer Dresser, Con-temp 3-Door Console Table 34.5″H x 6’W x 18″D, Pr Uphols Arm Chairs, Leather-Top Credenza W/Center Pull-Out Desk & Convex Glass Panelled Doors, Etc… WALNUT: Custom Made Peace Design
Online Bidding Will Be: From Our Website, Bidsquare, LiveAuctioneers
Oak Ped Base Dining Table w/Brass Trim
Table 36″H x 4’W x 28″D, 3pc 30>s Parlor Set, Etc… OTHER: Sectional Sofa, Pr Ped Based Swivel Leather Uphols Lounge Chairs, Rosewood 46″ Diam Extension Table W/2 -19.75″ Leaves, Leather Uphols Armchair, Chinoiserie 4-Door Cabinet, Pr Italian Inlaid 2-Drawer Stands -1 W/Marble Top, Italian Elaborately Inlaid Game Table W/lnterior Roulette Wheel, Checkerboard & Backgammon, 8′ Sofa, 3O’s Ptd Scretary Desk, Restoration Hardware Steel Framed Mirrored 3-Drawer Desk, Uphols Settee, Kincaide Chifforobe, Etc… PATIO & OUTDOOR: 4-Section Wrought Sofa W/Matching Armchair, Pr End Stands & Coffee Table, Wrought Bench, Pr Bamboo & Wicker Glass Top Tables W/Pr Chairs Each, Pr Folding Gio Dea Folding Chairs, Wrought Console Table W/Marble Top, Teak Tile Top Table 30″H x 32″ Diam, Cast Iron Sides Slat Seat Park Bench, Metal Bench, Pr Cast Cement Curved Benches 18.5″H x 56.5″L x 2’D, Granite Column W/Cast Iron Base & Flame Finial Top 61″H x 15″ Sq, Moton Add Motor Tri Cycle E-Bike, New Boxed Folding Tent, 3 Marble Slabs 30″x25″xl” + 26″x25″xl” + 25″Sq x 1″, Etc…
HOUSEHOLD: New Boxed Frameless Neo-Round Sliding Door Clear Glass Shower, New Dawn Stainless Sink Cabinet, Power Tools, New Boxed Wolverine Paper Shredder, LaCimbaldi M21 Espresso Machine, Cesadio Coffee Grinder, Etc… EXERCISE EQUIP: Sev Pcs Gym Equip Including – Trim Line 3650 Tread Mill, And Others N/A At Time Of Typing, Etc…
SMALLS: STERLING: 78pc Watson «Lotus» Flatware Svc, 62pc Arm-ston Flatware Svc, 26pc Gorham “English Gadroon” Flatware Svc, Compote, 3pc Real Silver Factory Tea Set, Gorham 3 Pint Tea Pot, Compotes, Creamers, Vases, Etc… Barbour Silverplate Co Embossed Dresser Frame ll”xl5″, 59pc Limoges Sigma Luncheon Set, 73pc Royal Doulton “Marlborough” Dinner Svc, 47pc Noritaki “Ireland” Dinner Svc, 24pc Rosenthal Partial Dinner Svc, Paul Muller Selb Dinner Svc, 45pc Booths Dinner Svc, 53pc Luncheon Set, 24pc Cut Stemware, 15pc Etched Stemware, Chinese White Jade or Alabaster Covered Urn 12″H x ll”Diam, 2 Elaborately MOP Inlaid Jewelry Boxes 15.75″H, 20.5″W x 9.75″D, + 19.75″H x 15.25″W x 9.5″D. 9 Chinese Carved Wood Figures – Eagle + 10.75″H x 20″ W + Scholar 18.5″H x 10.5″W, Etc… BRONZES: Deco Dancer 22» Sgnd M. Pellier, Skeleton Warrior Sgnd Milo 15″. Deco Woman W/Pr Dogs Sgnd Milo 11.25″, Deco Woman Archer W/Pr Dogs Sgnd 11.5″, Bronze Of A Woman Sgnd Erte 16.5″, Bronze Of A Woman Sgnd Pittaluga 14″, Bronze Of A Woman Sgnd Nick 12″, Bronze Writer’s Guild Of Amer Trophy To Judith Pinsker For General Hospital 1997, 2 Vienna Bronzes, Etc… JEWELRY: Sterling Cuff Sgnd Marc Antia, 14K Vintage Piccard Ladies Wrist Watch, 14K Ring W/Spinel or Onyx Surrounded By Diams W/Matching Earrings, 14K Ring W/Amethyst, Pr 14K Earrings W/Mabe Pearls, 14K Turq Drop Earrings, Pr 14K Carved Coral Earrings, 19thC Enameled Sterling Ladies Open Face Watch, 5 14K Bar Pins, 14K Bangle, Pr 14K Cuff Links, 3 Lorgnettes – 1 Is Sterling, 15 Necklaces By Cynde Clark From Sealark Studio Stonington, Maine, 3 Huge Lots Costume Jewelry, Judith Leiber Sleeping Cat Purse W/ Orig Receipt $9451, 2 Ferragamo Purses + 3 Paloma Picasso Purses, Coll Vintage Fans + Lace, Woman’s Vintage Hats & Hat Boxes, Full
Direct Bidding With Us: Absentee, Phone Bid (Absentee & Phone Bids Must Be Set >1 Hour Prior To Session Start Time)
Asian MOP Inlaid Jewelry Boxes & (lade?) Covered Urn
Sampling Quantity Sterling Items
Length Raccoon Coat, Sailor’s Outfit, Louis Vuitton Garment Bag, Etc… LIGHTING: Pr Vintage Farberware Brooklyn Brass Desk Lamps W/Case Glass Shades, NIB Akari Light Sculpture By Osawu Naguchi, Cast Bronze 3O’s 6-Light Chandelier 23″H x 22″ Diam, Leaded Glass Chandelier 13″H x 50″W x 19.5″D, Pr Leaded Frosted Glass Chandeliers 7.5″H x 20″ Diam, 19thC 2-Arm Chandelier 35″H x 41″, Leaded Slag Glass Dome 11″H x 18″ Diam, Stingray Base Table Lamp W/ Leaded Slag Glass Fish Light 15.5″ Mid-Century Table Lamp Sgnd Jo Wallace, Etc… Roseville Pottery – Pr White Rose Ewers 955-10″, Luffa Jardenier & Stand, Matte Green Umbrella Stand 16″, Stoneware, 2 German Steins 20.5″H, Etc…
ARTWORK: 2 Japanese Ptgs, 1 On Silk Of Ducks 46″x24″ + On Paper Of Deer 52″x25″, Block Print “Pavone Con Macchie” Sgnd C. Moser ’27 14.5″Sq, 2 Vintage Posters – Hollywood Or Bust + The Belle Of NY, Feather Art Of US Eagle E Pluribus Unim, 0/C Rocky Mountain Bird Sgnd David B Poole, 0/B Winter Landscape Sgnd DCEissen, 1875 Odd Fellows Litho Promised Relief, Period QA Inlaid Walnut Framed Mirror 24″xl4″, Vintage ICart Etching Leda + The Swan (Unfortunately Cropped), Indo Embroidered Pc 3’x64″, 0/C Children’s Corner Sgnd Terese Blood, 8 0/C Sgnd Christine GLickman, Tapestry 76″x51″, MOP Inlaid Folding Screen, Tin Mountain Dew Sign 34″x58″, Tin Coca-Cola Signs 24″ Diams + 36″ Diam, Tin White Rock Sign 32.5″ x 56.5″, Etc…
RUGS: Vintage Deco Chinese, 7’ll”x9’9″, Vintage Deco Chinese 7’10″x9’9″, Vintage Deco Chinese 9’l”xll’5″, Kirman 8’9″xl2’8″, Sarouk 8’10″xl2′, Heriz 8’xll’4″, Persian 7’ll”xll’, Persian 9’4″xl2’7″, Semi-Antique Prayer Rug 4’2.5″x6’3″, Plus Many Other Runners & Scatters, Etc…
For More Info Visit Us At: or Call (845)758-9114.
Directions: Just N. of the CVS on Rt 9 in Red Hook, NY 12571. (~1/4 Mile N. of Intersection w/Rt 199)
Auctioneers & Appraisers: George W. Cole & Robin B. Mizerak, & Elmer Lesuer.
TERMS: Cash or known check…Bidding Directly With Us-20% buyer’s premium, For Live Online Bidding:
Our Website 23%, 24%, Live Auctioneers 27% Buyer’s Premium. In order to start auction on time, cut-off timefor absentee & phone bid placement is 1 hour priorto announced auction start time.
Advance Bidding & ONLINE Bidding For The Full Catalog Is Open Now From Our Website
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George W. Cole Auctions & Realty | 7578 North Broadway, Red Hook, NY 12571 | (845)758-9114 |
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036