Douglas Auctioneers – Single Owner Estate Auction
Friday May 31 at 6pm
(413) 665-2877
Route 5, South Deerfield, Mass. 01373
Fine Art: Paintings: Sir Peter Lely (Portrait of Oliver Cromwell) Samuel Lovett and William Jewett, Anton Otto Fischer, Arada Edvi-Illes Jeno, Marjorie Clarke, Edith Hunsberger, “AB”, Ramsay McInnis, Prints: Valerie Thornton, Luigi Kasimir, Johann Michael Muller, Louis Orr, Jolin Ogilby, Jacobus Houbraken, Geny Garston, Monica Shaw, Currier & Ives, Jean Nicolas Laugier, Charles Rosenberg, William E. Marshall, William James Bennett, David Loggan, Cho, E Duncan, L. Haglie. Sliip Engravings, Katsuyuki Nishijirnsa, Mabel Oliver Rae, James Gillray, and more, Sculpture: Karen Worth, bronze of 2 elephants, bronze Washington plaque, collection of small bronze medallions of famous people.
Furniture: Early: Georgian mahogany chest on chest, 4 Hepplewhite dining chairs, Hepplewhite bow front chest, Chippendale and Sheraton tables, Chippendale chests, Queen Anne table, tilt top tea table, Chippendale chairs, mahogany secretary, 2 pc mahogany step back cabinets, Bible box, Victorian – Custom – Modern: Banded edge dining table, 12 mahogany Chippendale chairs, mahogany sideboard, pair- of Butler’s chests, handkerchief stand, silver chest, bow-back Windsor armchair’, leather wing chair, bamboo par lor set,
sofas, Queen Anne style secretary, marble top half commode, leather trunk, block-front desk, and more.
Paul Revere: Map engraving “A View of part of the town of Boston in New England and British Ships of War landing their Troops!”
Silver: Sterling: George I 2-handled cup with cover 1714 by Bowles Nash, 4 pc tea set by George Angell 1864, 5 pc tea set by Wm. Adams, 1930, 3 pc tea set by Robert and David Hermell 1797, 4 pc tea set by Harry Atkin 1919, other tea sets, teapots, bowls, English berry spoons, 41 pc Towle “Mary Chilton”, 79 pc International “Orchid”, coin silver and more. Silver Plate: Candlesticks, 1800 Sheffield run, serving dishes and frays, tea set and more.
Military: Antique iron cannon 35” signed “EEL”, 45-star battle flag (10 x 20), Crocheted U.S. flag and other U.S. Flags, WWH uniforms and helmets, Russian flag and German items, U.S. Bayonets and more.
Nautical: Ship models of the Cutty Sark, Old Ironsides, Coast Guard Cutter and another, 3 cased sextants, binnacles, cornpasses, and more.
Glass and China: Wedgwood plaque of St. Paul’s Cathedral, 150 pcs Copeland Spode “Newburyport”, 62 pcs Royal Worcester “Delecta”, 50 pcs Copeland Spode “Spode’s Gloucester”, 196 pcs Copeland Spode “Trade Winds” (worn), 28 pcs Spode “45783”, 28 pcs Royal Worcester “Embassy”, 93 pcs Copeland Spode “Spode’s Fitzhugh”, Examples of Mason Ironstone, Royal Worcester, English Rockinglrarn, Spode, Stoneware southern jug by Chester Howell, and more.
Accessories: 3 Asian needlework eagle and flag pictures, cross needlework, Liberty Bond posters, Maps: 1806 Boston with its environs, also France, England and Wales maps, Illuminated manuscript and music pages, Books: The Wliite House Galleiy of Official Portraits of the Presidents and an early leather bound bible, 2 knife boxes, brass Samovar lamps, Imari, Celadon and Chinese blue and white vase lamps, teak and potteiy lamps, 2 oriental rugs, watercolor of the British Royal Coat of Anns (1846), African carvings, 4 cased clarinets, brass andirons, fender and screen, 8 branch brass chandelier, and sconces, 3 balance scales, Indentures: 25+ fiamed and 15+ unframed, mahogany tea caddy and boxes, gallery clock, English and American pewter, quantity of brass candlesticks, 3 Chippendale mirrors and more.
PREVIEW: THURS. 8am-4pm & FRI 8am-6pm
Absentee and Phone bids accepted • View Numbered Catalog Online
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036