McMurray Antiques & Auction – Catalogued Auction #83
Closing Sat Dec 7th at 10pm Est
Kirkwood, NY 13795
Presents our absentee mail/phone bid CATALOGED AUCTION #83 of Patent Medicines, Pills, Tins, Apothecary/Drugstore and Advertising items.
Some of the highlights to include:
Labeled Patent Medicines: Warner’s = Safe Diabetes Remedy, Small Size Safe Compound. Unusual, Dr. Kilmer’s Herbal Compound, Cobalt Blue = NY Medical University, McLean’s Sarsaparilla, Hunt’s Remedy, Dr. Fenner’s = Kidney & Backache Remedy and CoughCold Syrup, Purifico Remedy (Buffalo, NY), Mother Seigel’s Curative Syrup, 2 Sizes = Fink’s Magic Oil, Unusual, Appendixine for Chronic Constipation, Dr. Hoofland’s German Bitters, Dr. Rowell’s Fire of Life (S.F Cal.), Dr. Miles’ Nervine & Cactus Compound, Dr. Jayne’s Carminative. Complete Cases for: Hawker’s Nerve and Stomach Tonic, and Hawker’s Tolu & Wild Cherry Balsam. Etc… Many of the above with Original Boxes Also!
Tins: Scott’s Safety Razor, Seroco: Rare, German Liquor Cure -“Sure Cure” for Drunkenness, Dr. Hammond’s Nerve & Brain Pills w/box, Dr. Worden’s Female Pills, Dr. McBaine’s Famous Blood Pills, Genuine English Pile Cure, 2 sizes = The Wonder Heart Cure, 2 Sizes = Seroco Cure for Tobacco Habit. Unusual, Merrill’s Liver & Kidney Pills, Wrang-Tang Ointment, Garfield Digestive Tablets, Dr. Koch Kidney Tablets & Lg. Size Dyspepsia Tablets, Lg. & Small. Size Jaynes Dyspepsia Tablets, Sample Size = Antikamnia Tablets, Group Lots and Morel!
Tooth Powder Tins: Rare, Pearl Tooth Powder Tin (Seroco), The Druggist Tooth Soap, Dr. Camp’s Tooth Soap, Arnica Tooth Soap, Freeman’s Toothache Wax. Tooth Bottles: Colgates Dental Powder, Brown’s Camphorated Dentifrice, Calder’s Saponaceous Dentine etc…
Pills: Seroco: Mexican Headache & Neuralgia Cure, Sure Cure for the Tobacco Habit, Dr. Hammond’s Nerve & Brain Pills. Complete, Balm of Tulips display and Nice, Starks’ Headache Powders Counter Display and Morel!
Apothecary: Label Under Glass Jars in Amber, Green and Cobalt Blue! Wooden Drug Jars, Nice Blue Ceramic Drug Jars. Inverted Merck Jars, Scarce, Mallinckrodt Chemical Works Inverted Jars, Powers & Weightman Morphine Sulphate Tin, Pill Silverer, Unusual, Tire-Lait Glass Breast Pump w/Box. Scarce = Sears & Roebuck Homeopathic Medicine Case, Smith’s Homeopathic Medicines Case etc…
Veterinary: Labeled Bottles = Nice, Sealed Wilbur’s Golden Healing Oil, Unusual, Dr. J.M. Stewart’s Lightning Remedy (Caro, Mich.), Security Gas, Colic Cure, Fusil Oil-Liniment for Man & Beast. Morrison’s: Old English Liniment and Fever Drops. Merchant’s: Early, G.W Merchant Chemist, Gargling Oil Lockport, NY, Large Size, Cobalt Blue Gargling Oil. Sutterby’s Veterinary Colic Cure. Star Spavin Cure (Detroit), Fort’s Western Liniment (Lowell, Ml), Henry’s Electric Ointment, Clayton’s: Sedative Medicine & Blood Purifying Tablets Tins: Rare, Dr. Claris’ Gall Salve, 2 Sizes: Newton’s Heave, Cough Distemper & Indigestion Compound, Lg. Size Dr. Lesure’s Electric Hoof Ointment, Unusual, Security Condition Powder, Hamilton’s Salve & Gall Remedy, etc… Packages: Peoples Stock Remedy, Lenhart’s Horse, Cattle & Poultry Powder, Poultriotone, Farris’ Colic Remedy for Horse Colic etc… Complete Humphrey’s Stable Case, Dr. Daniels’ Home Treatment Wood Thermometer.
Signs: Dr. Clayton’s Dog & Cat Medicines. Dr. Daniels’ Anti-Scour, 1910 Pratt’s Calendar and more!
Books: Nice, 1888 Robert Stevenson & Co. Druggist Catalog.
Advertising: Signs: Beautiful, Dr. Henry Baxter’s Mandrake Bitters Cures Dyspepsia & Constipation. Scarce, Merchant’s Gargling Oil for Man and Beast, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, Hartshorn’s Bitters – Cures Jaundice and Dyspepsia. Nice, Large Size Ceramic “Allan’s Perfumes” Counter Display Jar. Complete, 1901 4 Sheet Antikamnia Calendar, Unusual, Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills Wooden Thermometer, Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin Counter Die-Cut, Scarce, Dr. Kilmer’s Standard Herbal Remedies Trade Card. Nice, Bouchard’s French Capsules for Gonorrhoea & Gleet Celluloid Pocket Mirror, Selection of wood shipping crates and more!!!
For a fully illustrated catalog with color pictures send $15.00 to: McMurray Antiques & Auctions, P.O. Box 393, Kirkwood, NY 13795
Phone (607) 775-5972 or Phone/Fax (607) 775-2321 Post auction price list included.
I am currently accepting quality items for future sales.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036