Coyles – Two Session January Estates Auction
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Regency Ballroom at the Double Tree Inn
11 Beaver St, Milford, MA 01757
MILFORD, MASS. — Coyle’s Auction announces a new auction venue for 2025 with its first antiques estates auction of the New Year on Tuesday, January 21. The monthly auctions will now be conducted in the Regency Ballroom at the DoubleTree Hilton in Milford, Mass. Coyle’s is family-owned and -operated by Michael Coyle and Nancy (Coyle) Wyman, and they have been conducting auctions continuously since 1985. The auctions were conducted at the VFW hall in Medway for almost 20 years, but due to changes in the status of the VFW and the building, the town needed the space for the Parks and Recreation Department. The Coyles said they are excited for this new chapter for their auctions by moving the auctions into this new space that will feature easy access from Route 495, a spacious hall, easy loading and unloading, convenient on-site parking and restaurant/lodging on the premises.
This will be a two-session auction featuring an eclectic selection of antique American, English and French style furniture, porcelain and pottery, bronzes, sterling silver, fine art, jewelry and more.
The items have been drawn from a large Chestnut Hill home; estates in Brookline, Boston and East Walpole; as well as antique nautical items from a Cape Cod home with selected additions.
Session one, beginning at 2:30 pm, will feature Oriental rugs; a large collection of more than 35 lots of antique iron banks, vehicles and other iron pieces; as well as interesting curiosities.
Highlights include a Hubley 4-cylinder motorcycle, JE Stevens mechanical clown on globe with original wooden box, Arcade Model T bank with Ford advertising, Stevens Magic Banks, scarce AC Williams domed bank, two Herschell Spillman Amusement park heads, Wilkins fire pumper, rare 14-inch giraffe doorstop, Hubley Santa sleighs, several mechanical and still banks and more.
Session two, starting at 5 pm, will feature a varied selection of antique furniture drawn fresh from various estates to include an antique American Federal mahogany and bird’s-eye maple sideboard with deck top carved legs; Georgian antique wine cellarette with lead lining and reeded legs; a signed Gustav Stickley oak two-over-four tall chest; three antique tall clocks, including one made by John Smith with painted ship dial; French marquetry inlaid marble top commode; J. Wilder Hingham, Mass., older reproduction grandmother clock; Regency oak Pollard secretary desk; and an American Victorian Northwind carved bookcase.
In addition, antique American formal and country furniture, early English tables and chairs, pole screens and Asian furniture will be offered.
Items of special interest will include a grouping of whaling and nautical items from a Cape Cod home to include a Nineteenth Century cast iron sperm whale sign signed D. Baker New Bedford in casting on back, rare 40-inch whale boat tiller arm carved handle, three signed Nineteenth Century blubber spades, “Peters” New Bedford signed Macy, harpoons and whale iron lance.
Many accessories gathered from Boston area homes will be included, featuring a Tiffany Studios New York 16-inch geometric art glass dome shade, bronze 9-inch Tiffany Studios Cobra candlestick, as well as an ornate pair of 30-inch gold gilt bronze candelabras with cupids. A wide-ranging collection of porcelain china, including a 13-piece shell decorated Limoges fish set with 24-inch platter, large groupings of Herend china in various patterns and unusual figures, Royal Crown Derby Bali china set for 12, pair of 10-inch French ormolu potpourri pots, as well as examples of Reynaud Limoges chinoiserie, Copeland, Royal Doulton and more.
In addition, several clocks will be offered, including Chelsea ship clocks; Willard’s patent banjo clock, crystal regulators; Hamilton Watch Co., ship clock in case; and others.
Crystal will include Steuben bowls and figures in original boxes, Waterford and art glass.
Chinese export and Asian pottery including three 10-inch polychrome plates, pair famille rose porcelain jars, Canton, celadon, foo dogs and more will be featured.
Arts and Crafts lighting and accessories as well as Midcentury Modern accessories will also be offered together with a number of bronzes, including a 24-inch Japanese Meiji tiger, Samurai on horseback, Kravitz Nordic soldier scene and others to round out the accessories.
Fine art will include “Getting under Way,” an oil on canvas signed “Marshall Johnson, Jr, 1882” (28 by 48 inches); an Arthur B. Wilder 1902 snow scene oil in a Foster Brother frame; an oil on canvas portrait of Joseph Warner Rose (1773-1826), who was an Antigua sugar planter and US Commercial agent married to Harriet Paine of Salem, Mass.; T.M. Nicholas’ oil on canvas “Apple Street Brook,”dated “’96.” Other artists include Ben Foster, Reginald Weston, Laissement, F.M. Moore, David P. Curtis and many others.
Sterling, jewelry and coins to be offered include a large Tiffany sterling bowl as well as serving pieces, candlesticks and more. Jewelry is highlighted by a gold floral ring with diamond inset with pearls, a pair of diamond and Mabe earrings, watches, a group of antique gold European coins made into pendants, silver coins and sterling jewelry lots will be offered.
The Regency Ballroom at the Double Tree Inn is at 11 Beaver Street (Exit 48 Route 109 West). For information,, 774-571-8263 or email
Session 1 – 2:30 PM Rugs and Curiosities
Session 2 – 5:00 PM Estates Auction
NOTE: PREVIEW DAY OF AUCTION ONLY 9:00 AM to each Auction Time
We are excited to offer our first auction in our new Auction Location for 2025 at the Double Tree Inn in Milford, MA a Fine Two Session Antique Estates Auction featuring a fine eclectic and quality selection of Antique American, English and French style furniture, fine porcelain and pottery, silver, fine art, jewelry, and much more including items drawn from fine a fine stately Chestnut Hill home, Brookline, Boston, E.Walpole, Nautical items from Cape Cod home and others with selected additions for a fine Session 2 sale. Session 1 will include oriental rugs, collection °f 35+ pieces of antique Iron Banks, vehicles and other iron, interesting estate collectibles etc. Many diversified and fresh to the market offerings Phone and absentee bids always accepted and welcome. Reasonable 15% Buyer’s Premium. No Reserves, No online bidding. Seat Reservations are Recommended. Call or text 774-571-8263 or
visit and link to Auction Zip for photos and descriptions.
SESSION 1 AT 2:30 PM RUGS AND CURIOSITIES: Selection of 12+ older oriental rugs, Gustav Stickley Drugget rag, etc. very nice collection of 35+ pieces of antique vintage banks, vehicles and other iron, to include Hubley 4 cyl Indian Motorcycle, Ives Hose reel, Judd Mfg Co dog on Turntable bank, JE Stevens mechanical clown on globe w/ orig wood box, Arcade Model T bank w/Ford Advertising, 3 Hubley Santa Sleiglis, J.E. Stevens Magic Bank, Artilleiy banks, Wilkins fire pumper, Hubley nickel painted dog on pillow, scarce Mr s Ally Sloper doorstop, rare 14” giraffe doorstop, scarce AC Williams domed bank, 2 Herschell Spillman Amusement Park heads, estate collectibles, prints, misc. jewelry, and more.
SESSION 2 AT 5:00 PM – FURNITURE: Antique American Federal mahogany and birds eye maple sideboard with deck top, fine Georgian antique wine cellarette with lead lining and reeded legs, Impressive signed Gustav Stickley 2 over 4 tall chest, Regency oak Pollard secretaiy desk, 19th C non and wood figural candlestick, antique London tall clock, J. Wilder Hingham reproduction mahog Grandmother clock, 3 tall clocks incl John Smith w/ painted ship dial, etc., French marquetry MT commode, 2 antique pole file screens, tufted leather wing chair, Regency MT server, Amer Viet bookcase w/ Northwind carving, Chinese polychrome 2 door cabinet, Rosewood Duncan Phyfe style end tables, 19thC Dutch & Engl Finn, snake skin box w/metal arrow base and much more. ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST: Whaling and Nauti-
cal objects including 19thC cast non sperm whale D. Baker New Bedford in casting on back, 3 19th C blubber spades “Peters” New Bedford & signed Macy, 19thC Harpoon toggles, toggle throwing harpoon, rare whale boat tiller arm carved handle 40” long, whale non lance (orig hemp rope), Nantucket purse signed Alan & Patricia Reed Nantucket 2002, and more. ACCESSORIES: Signed Tiffany Studios New York 16” geometric dome shade, signed Tiffany Studios New York 9” bronze “Cobra” candlestick, pr of 30” gold gilt bronze candelabras with cupids, 3 good antique 10” Polyclnome Chinese plates, Willard’s Patent banjo clock, Beau-tifiil porcelain including 13 piece Limoges fish set w/25” platter, Royal Crown Derby “Bah” place setting for 12+, Limoges jardiniere on stand, 12” Dedliam pottery rabbit charger, Tudric pewter Arts and Crafts tea set, Waterford, Steuben, Pr. 10” French ormolu potpourri pots, Chelsea clocks, Inlaid Georgian knife box, collection of Herend china, serving pieces and figures, Canton, Rose Medallion, Celadon etc lots, Chinese Famille Rose porcelain jars, several nice clocks incl. Chelsea and Hamilton ship clocks, Angelus, crystal Regulators, etc., bronzes incl Samurai on horseback 18” H, Carol Gold MCM bronze, H, Kravitz bronze plaque, per. Arts & Crafts accessories, Black Forest vases, Sar-gadlos, and more. SILVER, JEWELRY & COINS: Tiffany Sterling silver bowl, sterling dresser set, candlesticks, tray lots of sterling silver, etc., 14 and 18k jewelry mcl gold and diamond double floral ring and other Diamond jewelry, 9 gold European
antique coins (made into pendants), 14k Mabe pearl earrings diamond and onyx earrings and more. ARTWORK: “Getting under Way” o/c Marshall Johnson Jr. 1882 (28” x 48”), Arthur B. Wilder-1902 oil in Foster Bros, frame, o/c portrait of Joseph Warner Rose 1773-1826 (Arrtigua) married to Harriet Paine of Salem, MA, o/c Gardner A. Reckard, F. M. Moore o/b Carmel River, CA, T.M. Nicholas “Apple Street Brook” o/c ’96, Ben Foster o/c Autumn Effect, Douglas Flackman Sleigh & Rider, other works by David P. Curtis, Bernard Corey, oil Cardinal shaving H.A. Laissement, Gilbert Smith, M. Selva’60 o/c, W. Colescott abstract gouache, Reginald Weston abstracts 2 w/c & 1 o/b, 2 J.W Charnpney, portrait Thomas Parker Marshall by Wilbur Dean Hamilton o/b, and other artwork.
19th C cast iron sperm whale D. Baker New Bedford in casting on back
24″ Japanese Meiji Bronze tiger
Arthur B. Wilder 1902 oil in Foster Bros, frame
Impressive signed Gustav Stickley 2 over 4 tall chest
3 antique 10″ Polychrome Chinese plates
Georgian antique wine cellarette with lead lining and reeded legs
o/c portrait of Joseph Warner Rose 1773-1826 (Antigua) married to Harriet Paine of Salem
30″ gold gilt bronze candelabras with cupid
Signed Tiffany Studios New York 16″ geometric dome shade
Signed Tiffany Studios New York 9″ bronze “Cobra” style candlestick
18″ bronze Samurai on horseback
“Getting under Way” o/c Marshall Johnson Jr. 1882 (28″ x 48″)
Antique American Federal mahogany and birds-eye maple sideboard with deck top gallery
Signed Carol Gold MCM bronze seated figure
Enameled bird lamps
Royal Crown Derby china set “Bali” place setting for 12+
Signed Alan and Patricia Reed Nantucket 2002
Chinese Famille Rose porcelain jars
Regency Pollard oak secretary desk
Mahogany tall clock made by John Smith with painted ship dial and other tall clocks
Wilder Hingham reproduction mahogany Grandmother clock
Chinese decorative polychrome 3 door cabinet
Reginald Weston abstract paintings
Small American Victorian bookcase with Northwind carving
13 piece Limoges fish set with 24″ platter with shell motif
19th C iron and wood figural candlestick
Collections of Herend Figurines
Rookwood Scenic Vellum plaque
Several nice lots of Herend porcelain
David P. Curtis o/c Darley North Yorkshire
Several lots of Canton
Inlaid Georgian knife box
Black forest carved vases
Willard’s patent banjo clock
Antique painted Dowry chest
Rosewood Duncan Phyfe style stands
French Marquetry inlaid marble top commode
Snake skin box with ornate metal arrow base
William IV carved leather desk chair
T.M. Nicholas “Apple Street Brook” o/c ’96
TERMS: M. Coyle Auction Lie 2369, Cash/check/MC&Visa 508-733-6868, 15% Buyer’s Premium – ABSENTEE AND PHONE BIDS WELCOME, just call 774-571-8263 to arrange. No Online Bidding.
DIRECTIONS: Sale held at NEW LOCATION Regency Ballroom at the Double Tree Inn, (Exit 48 Rte 109 West) 11 Beaver St., Milford, MA 01757. Restaurant on Premises -Email:
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036