Gateway Gallery Annual Memorial Day Auction
Monday, May 30, 9 am
Country Antiques, Collectibles & More
643 Kriner Rd, Chambersburg, PA
717-263-6512, 800-341-3265
Rare William McKinley tin horn noisemaker walking stick. “Patriotism, Protection, Prosperity” completely made of tin. Prosperity was the slogan used by McKinley during his 1896 presidential campaign.
Spoon with acorn and feather shape, dated 1942
FURNITURE: Red paint corner cupboard; blue paint dough tray w/lid; sewing stand; wash stand (open, oak & pine); punched tin pie safe, orig. paint; red paint child’s rocker; dovetail blanket chest; 1 drawer table; primitive cupboard; early cradle; Victrola; corner chair; stands; wing back chairs; bookcases; oak ext. table; chairs; painted rocker; cupboard base; painted screen; recliners; LR suite; table/chairs; slant front desk; glider rocker; corner cabinet; DR suite; & more.
FRANK FEATHER ITEMS: Spoon w/acorn & feather shape, dated 1942; Cane – hand rest w/acorn & flower, body of cane “Charity, Faith, Trust in the Lord, Love, Hope, Peace, Jan. 1941”.
SPECIAL ITEM: William McKinley tin horn noisemaker walking stick. “Patriotism, Protection, Prosperity”, completely made of tin, measures 33” in length, impressed on the side “Pat. Apl’d for – The Winfield Mfg. Co. – Warren, O”.
VINTAGE/COLLECTIBLES/DECORATOR ITEMS: ABC plates; cast banks; Cold Spring Dairy (McConnellsburg) milk bottle caps; Marx Bros. Popeye w/birdcage windup toy; camel back trunk; PA inspection stickers (‘45 & ‘48); framed local calendars; airplane & other toys; china sets; ultrama-rine glass; custard glass; piggy banks; Clough Civil War Dag. – Shpg.; Dolls (AM, Jenny Lind, Lg. AM, AM#10, AWW sleepy eye); kitchen clock; snow globes & mod. music boxes; cup/saucer sets; Victorian purse; orig. Barbie & Ken dolls; early bottles; white carnival bowls; 1890s shoes; oriental style rugs; children’s books; board games; Red Skeleton framed & signed clown print; Mark Twain Noe “Lazy Summer Day” print, signed; Souvenir Ruby glass, china & other glassware & much more!
JEWELRY: Gold/Sterling & costume jewelry – squash blossom necklace; turquois/sterling pieces; jade; amber necklaces; cameos; 10, 14 & 18K gold rings; 18K ruby/gold earrings; Bakelite and more.
PERSONAL PROPERTY: Sewing related items including Pfaff Surger, Yarn, Knitting machines etc; cassette/ 8 tracks; general household; angel & Thomas Kincaid throws; purses; mod. Coca Cola items; baskets; price guides; wall hangings; rollaway bed;& more
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Some wonderful items in this sale; Don’t miss this “Holiday Sale”. Auction begins at 9 AM in Back Gallery. Main Gallery at approx. Noon. Jewelry at 4 PM. Frank Feather items at 5 PM, McKinley cane at 5:30 PM and Furniture approx. 6 PM.
Preview Sunday, May 29th from 1-3 PM and Sale Day from 8 AM
TERMS: Cash. Visa/MC/Discover accepted. 13% buyer’s premium discounted by 3% for cash and acceptable check will be applied to all winning bids. Statements made day of sale take precedence.
Our Service is the Difference
Phone (717) 263-6512, (800) 315-3265
AH002001, AY002190
Auctioneer John F. Kohler, Jr. AU000507L
Auctioneer Heather R. Kohler AU005651
Apprentice Auctioneer Tye Schwartz AA019486
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036