Guns, Ammo, Reloading, Fishing & Mounts
Saturday– June 18 at 9 AM
643 Kriner Rd, Chambersburg, PA
Preview Friday, June 17 from 3-6 PM and Sale Day from 8 AM
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: A strong sale from start to finish with great items in each category! Auction will begin promptly at 9 AM with cataloged firearms and then onto non-cataloged items. Online bidding available on catalog firearms only.
Non-cataloged items available to in-house bidders and open to absentee (left) bids. BE SURE TO READ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR FIREARMS.
TERMS: Cash. Visa/MC/Discover accepted. 13% buyer’s premium discounted by 3% for
cash and acceptable check will be applied to all winning bids. Online buyer’s premium is
18%. Statements made day of sale take precedence.
Our Service is the Difference
Phone (717) 263-6512, (800) 315-3265, AH002001, AY002190
Auctioneer John F. Kohler, Jr. AU000507L
Auctioneer Heather R. Kohler AU005651 • Apprentice Auctioneer Tye Schwartz AA019486
GUNS (Sold at 9 AM): 70+ Cataloged lots. Complete listing
online or by phoning (717) 263-6512 & requesting catalog.
AMMO: Winchester 22 long rifle; Federal upland load shot shells; Winchester Super X; Remington Express 20 g; Remington Nitro magnum 20 ga.; Remington center fi re cartridges; Express Bullets 55 gr–50 pt; Remington 38 special pistol/ revolver; Nosler 270 cal.; Hornady; Federal; Remington 22 cal; Winchester Super X 22 cal. etc. TOO MUCH TO LIST.
RELOADING: Supplies; D-Terminator digital scale; powder measure kit; JR3 reloader; accessories; lrg. amount of dies; shell holders; burring tool; Dillon Precision reloader; Midway/ Dillon cartridge gauges; priming tools; Lyman 2 Die rifl e set; and much more.
HUNTING: Gun cases; rifl e scopes; Vanguard spotting scope; Leica binoculars; rifl e cleaning rods; rifl e rests; gun locks; leather slings; Wyoming saw; large axe; camping items; hunting knives; Bausch & Lomb Ray Ban glasses; new & used gun parts; game & bird calls; holsters and more.
FISHING: Orvis fishing rods; fi shing reels; tackle box; fly tying equipment; fl ies; fi shing vest; fl y tying books. MOUNTS: Full bear; standing bear; (2) full bears at tree; bear head; full bobcat; antelope head/neck; deer head/shoulders; wild boar head; full red squirrel + Ducks Unlimited wood carving GENERAL ITEMS: Large corner 2 pc. gun cabinet; work bench; tool box; hiking shoes; outdoor boots; camo coats/ pants; Olympus camera; magazines; parts cabinet; books; and more.
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036