Fran’s Chappaqua, New York 10514 A Great Estate
Friday & Saturday, June 24 & 25
9:30 – 4:00pm
Dir.: King Street/Rt 120 to Haights Cross Road #2
Contents: 6 Walnut Carved High Back Chairs, Dining Table, Server, Lot Old Kitchen Tools, Old Quality Bric-a-Brac, Howard Miller Grandfather Clock, Conn Organ, Coffee Table, Pair Brajaire Chair, Inlaid Women’s Writing Desk, Carved Armoire, 11 ft. x 20 ft. Room Size Oriental Rug, Oak Center Hall Mirror/Two Pedestals, Fire Place Acc., Gold Guilt Peer Mirror, Lots Records/Stereo, Lots Sm. Tables and Chairs, Iron Outdoor Furn., Bookcase, 4 Poster Spindle Queen Size Frame, Dressers & Chests, Bedding, Quilts, oils, pic., prints, Kitchen Ta-ble/4 Chairs, Kitchen, Related Collections , Fishing, Toys and Games, Gulf, Tin & Wood Box, Cameras, Scrap Metal Dealers Needed, Old Tools and Garage Full, Plumbers, Carpenters, Electrical, Copper Wire, with Lots More. for pix
914-834-0968 / 914-420-9225
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036