James D. Julia Annual Summer Fine Art, Asian & Antiques Auction
August 24th, 25th & 26th 2016 in Fairfield, Maine
Important Collection of Nautical Related Paintings from a Maine/Texas estate
Auction commencing at 10am each day.
Preview: Tuesday August 23rd: 9am-5pm;
Wednesday-Friday, Aug. 24th, 25th & 26th: 8am-10am
(and during auction)
For over 30 years James D. Julia, Inc. has marked the end of summer with the largest Fine Art, Asian & Antique auction in new England and not only will this be no exception, James D. Julia
Inc. will bring to market our best selection of any summer sale to date. Offered in this sale will be a great diversity of categories which provides a rare opportunity to purchase outstanding examples. So, once again, mark your calendars as this will be a sale not to miss! Continuing highlights at www.jamesdjulia.com – Full Printed catalog available.
Important Collection of Nautical Related Paintings from a Maine/Texas Estate
Fitz H. Lane Montague Dawson (1 of 3) James Bard Robert Salmon James E Buttersworth (1 of 3)
Important Collection of Nautical Related Paintings from a Maine/Texas Estate
Emile A Gruppe (1 of 20) Andrew Wyeth (1 of 2) Jack Gray (1 of 3) Arthur Meltzer (1 of 6)
Fabulous Selection of Weathervanes Attr. to Thos. Brooks &
Chinese Export Rose Mandarin Dinner Service
Dwarf Clock Walter Cornell, Newport
Aaron Willard
Contact Bill Gage, Tony Greist or Katya Tilton | Email: antiques@jamesdjulia.com | Tel: + 1 207-453-7125 | Fax: +1 207-453-2502 | www.jamesdjulia.com
Fairfield, ME | Boston, MA | Auctioneer: James D. Julia | Lic#: ME: AR83 MA: AU1406 | NH: 2511
There will also be preview during each auction session. Special preview can be arranged by appointment.
View entire catalog online www.jamesdjulia.com | Online Bidding Available – Invaluable.com | Bidsquare.com
DAY 1: Wednesday, August 24th at 10 am
650+ Lots of American & European Paintings, Bronzes & Prints including Edward Redfield, Kenneth Nunamaker, Arthur Meltzer, William J. Glackens, Abbott Fuller Graves, Andrew Wyeth, Friedrich Kuhnert, large selection of Waldo Peirce & much more. As always we will offer a large selection of Cape Ann School & Gloucester/Rockport paintings including 20 works by Emile A. Gruppe, Aldro T. Hibbard, Wm. L. Stevens & more; Selection of French & European paintings; Selec-tion of bronzes by Abastenia St. Leger
Eberle, Carl Kauba, Jud Hartmann, Renee Sintenis & more.
DAY 2: Thursday August 25th, at 10 am
600 Lots American & European Furniture & Accessories, Folk Art Portraits, & Historical & Political; An absolutely out-standing selection of Nautical Art including works by Fitz H. Lane, James Bard, Montague Dawson, Thomas Hoyne, James Buttersworth, Robert Salmon, Joseph B. Smith, Antonio Jacobsen, SFM Badger & more. A fine selection of Weathervanes including a rare leaping stag attributed to Washburn, Horses, Gabriel blowing horn, Quills, Pig, Rooster & more; Clocks including Simon & Aaron Willards & Abel Hutchins tall clocks, Simon Willard Banjo clock, Rare Dwarf Case Clock Walter Cornell, Newport & more. Fabulous selection of Folk Art including Cigar Store Indian Maiden Attr. to Samuel Robb along with Cigar Store Indian Chief Attr. to Thos. Brooks; Painted Wood Ships Figureheads; Geo. Washington cast iron countertop figure & trade figure, Wonderful painted Fireboard, Monumental Folk Art Pigeon Heads, Carved Paddle-board & much more. Historical & Political includes a Historic New England fowler Inscribed & Dated 1776 used by Benja-min Baldwin at the Battle of Bunker Hill, Deaccessioned by the Rochester Historical Society; Significant Civil War – GAR Artifact Collection; Outstanding Folk Art Carved Lincoln inspired walnut wall mirror, Civil War Battle Flag & Confederate Battle Flag. Other important categories include Folk Art portraits; Silver; Important Federal Chippendale & Early Furniture incl. highboys, secretaries, chairs, & stands; Textiles including important quilts & samplers, Rugs; Lighting; Outstanding collection of nautical items incl. sextants, lights, ship models, & much more.
DAY 3: Friday, August 26th, at 10 am
MORNING SESSION: 300 Lots of Victorian & modern furniture & accessories incl. Large dining room set by Andrew Will-ner, Important & Monumental Le Funi Urn By Gio Ponti, 1927, Large selection of Native American items, Important collec-tion of rare Quimper pottery, Wicker furniture, Art pottery including a collection of Roseville pottery, Lamps, Quantity of Sterling silver, Russian items, Chandeliers, Cast Iron garden furniture, Doorstops, Music Boxes & more. AFTERNOON SESSION: 280 Lots of Asian items including Furniture, Jade, Bronzes, Porcelain, Cloisonné, Paintings, Scrolls, & Textiles including an Important pair of porcelain plaques by Wang Dafan, Republic Period, Fine Cloisonné Ming Period basin, Extensive Chinese Export Rose Mandarin Dinner Service with Bird-in-the-Lantern Border & much more.
1800+ Lots over 3 days
A Fabulous Selection of 20 Works by Emile A. Gruppe
Emile A. Gruppe Aldro T. Hibbard (2 of 4) Antonio Cirino
Percy A. Sanborn Whaling Scene Watercolor Montague Dawson (1 of 3) Thomas Hoyne (1 of 5)
Oil On Canvas by Fitz Henry Lane Depicting New Bedford
Harbor William J. Glackens Rockport, MA 1936 Howard Terpning John S. Sargent
antiques@jamesdjulia.com | + 1 207 453 7125 | www.jamesdjulia.com
Adams, Willis S 1459
Adriani, Camillo 1428
Akers, Vivian M 1025, 1026
Allsburg, Chris Van 1404
Anilson 2461
Appleton, Jean 1552
Ariza, Gonzalo 1333, 1334
Atherton, John 1236
Avery (School of), Milton 1235
Bachman, A 1549
Badger, Solon F M 2091, 2092
Baker, George H 1638
Bales, Charles T 1565
Barberiis, Eugese 1339
Bard, James 2058
Bargue, Charles 1581
Bassford, Wallace 1592
Beaman, Gamaliel W 1147
Bensell, George 1252
Berjean, P 1324
Berry, Patrick V 1466
Beyschlag, Robert J 1359
Biggs, Walter 1391
Binks, Reuben W 1616
Bliss, Robert 1480-1482
Blue, Bob 1039, 1127
Bogdanove, Abraham 1042
Bonnar, James K 1495
Bordon, Joao B 1336
Borget, Auguste 1282
Bourne, J 1397
Bowman, George 1636
Bradley, Ann C 1605
Breck, John L 1382
Bricher, Alfred T 1173, 1534
Brown, Carroll 1595
Brown, Ellen 1091
Brown, Harrison B 1497
Brown, Wm. Marshall 1380
Browne, Margaret F 1606
Bruestle, George 1413, 1528, 1628
Bullas, Will 1626
Buttersworth, J 2024, 2084, 2085
Buttersworth, James (After) 2194
Cadenasso, Giuseppe 1504
Cafferty, James (Attr) 2298
Caggiano, John 1168
Cahoon, Martha 1475-1478
Carlier, C 1574
Carlson, John F 1178
Carmichael, Irene F 1612
Chadwick, William 1041
Champney, Benjamin 1496, 1607
Chandler, William 1618
Charlet, Frans 1356
Chase, Frank S 1433
Cheney, Russell 1446
Churchill, William W 1227
Cirino, Antonio 1126
Clark, C Myron 1461
Clays, Paul J 1345
Cleminson, Robert 1310
Coccorante, L(Circle) 1297
Codman, Charles (Attr) 1029
Coggeshall, John I 1511
Cole, J Foxcroft 1518, 1519
Congdon, Anne 1505
Cookman, Charles E 1225
Coolidge, Mountford 1082, 1501
Coppedge, Arthur L 1211
Corey, Bernard 1148, 1430, 1431,
1440-1442, 1471-1474
Corot, Jean-Baptiste (Attr) 1366
Cortes, Edouard L 1272, 1273
Crivelli, Giovanni (Attr) 1292
Crockwell, Spencer D 1398
Cropsey, Jasper F 1200
Cross, Roy 2177
Curtin, Thomas R 1450-1454
Curtis, Sidney W 1632
Daele, Fritz Van Den 1360
Davis, Charles H 1425
Davis, William R 1072, 1081,
1467, 1469, 1470, 1502, 1510
Davydov, Viali 1344
Dawson, Montague 2012-2014
De Grailly, Victor 1202
De Grailly, Victor (Attr) 1379
De Longpre, Raoul M 1277
De Severinus, A 1320
De Simone, Antonio 2219
De Tivoli, Rosa (Mnr) 1293
Deering, Roger 1046
Dehn, Adolf 1193
Del Sarto, Andrew (After) 1298
Delleani, Lorenzo 1343
Delsaux, Willem 1557
Di Cavalcanti, Emiliano 1337
Diehl, Arthur V 1456
Diemer, Michael Z 2221
Dixon, Francis 1523
Dodge, William 1223
Donaghy, John 1416
Douglas, Walter 1604
Dugmore, Arthur R 1321
Duncan, Darwin 1610
Dunn, Harvey 2339
Dunnage, W 2178
Dunning, Robert S 1387
Durand, Oscar 1644
Duverger, Theophile E 1354
Early, Ralph (Attr) 2320
Ebert, Charles H 1383
Edzard, Dietz 1358
Emerson, Charles C 1622
English, Frank F 1515
Enneking, John J 1177, 1455
Epstein, Sir Jacob 1395
Etnier, Stephen 1047
Fahnestock, Wallace W 1437
Falardeau, Antoine-Sebastie 1299
Farndon, Walter 1509
Feliz, Karl E 1558
Fery, John 1520
Fisher, James P. 1624
Fitzgerald, Edmond J 1066
Fletcher, Edwin 1512
Foglein, Istvan 1357
Folinsbee, John F 1418
Fournier, Alexis J 1412, 1465
Fowler II, William 2222
Fox, Robert A 1517
Furlong, Charles W 1258
Gabriel, Francois 1576
Gaucher, Dominkique 1105
Gillette, Lester A 1128
Gisson, Andre 1275, 1276
Glackens, William J 1120
Gonclaves, Gilmar 1332
Goodacre, Glenna 1268
Goodwin, Arthur C 1458
Gordon, Gertrude 1600
Gosz, A 1579
Graeme, Colin 1306
Graham, William 1377
Grant, Gordon H 1513
Grant, Jeffrey 1149
Graves, Abbott F 1019
Graves, Mike 1521
Gray, Jack L 1100-1102
Grinnell, Roy 1257
Grosz, George 1210
Gruppe, Charles P 1150
Gruppe, Emile A 1110-1113, 1121-1123, 1135-1140, 1151-1157
Guillaumin II, Armand 1575
Hacking, Grant 1323
Hagborg, Otto 1363
Hall, Lither K 1621
Hallowell, George H 1403
Hampton, W 1617
Hardwick, Melbourne H 1145
Hardy, Anna E 1022-1024
Harpignies, Henri-Joseph 1369
Harris, Charles G 1522
Harsanyi, Charles 1634
Hennessey, Tom 1623
Henry, Edward L 1199
Hering, Georg W R 1287
Herter, Albert 1226
Hess, Benedikt 1201
Hibbard, Aldro T 1114-1117
Hills (Attr), Laura C 1608
Hinckley, Thomas H 1516
Hoertz, Frederick J 1170
Holzauer, Emil 1596
Homer, Winslow 1061
Honymar, Richard F 1631
Howard, Marion P 1420
Howes, Jerome 2338
Hoyne, Thomas M. 2276-2278,
Hurd, Peter 1614
Huse, Marion 1390
Ilsley, Frederick 1067
Inglis, john J 1381
Iwill, Marie J 1348, 1349
Jacob, Alexandre L 1279, 1280
Jacobs, M.H. 1085
Jacobsen, Antonio 2060-2061,
2099-2101, 2225
Jacobsen, Antonio (Attr) 2226
Jamieson, Francis E 1566
Jan Wyck (Attr) 1289
Jennys, William 2403
Johnson, Ben 1238
Johnson, David 1419
Johnson, Eastman 1411
Jones, Hugh B 1414
Karfiol, Bernard 1020, 1021
Kaula, William 1629
Kearns, Stapelton 1068, 1169,
Kennedy, Norman 1613
Kirchner, Ernst L 1553
Kirsch, Johanna (Attr) 1559
Knight, Louis A 1027
Knowles, Kenneth 1118
Krehbiel, Albert H 1639
Kroll, Leon 1222
Kuehne, Max 1599
Kuhn, Walt 1479
Kuhnert, Friedrich W 1319
Kupka, Frantisek 1325
Landseer, Edwin H (Attr) 1304
Lane, Fitz Henry 2128
Langlais, Bernard (Attr) 1092
Lavalle, John 1405
Lawson, Ernest 1179
Le Nain (Attr) 1288
Le Witt, Sol 1234
Leason, Percy 1246
Lehmann, Rudolf W A 1300
Lehtis, Allan 1245
Leighton, Lord Frederic 1340
Leroux, Louis Hector 1364
Lester, Adrienne 1305
Leuus, Jesus M 1239
Lewis, Edmond D 1203, 1388,
1427, 1493
Lidderdale, Charles S 1567
Lidderdale, Charles S (Attr) 1362
Lie, Jonas 1198
Lloyd, Glennis 1083
Locatelli, Romuldao B F 1351
Long, Winfred C 1086
Longfellow, Ernest 1460
Lopes, Francisco B 1393, 1394
Low, Will H 1593
Lowmans, Alexander F 1255
Luce, Maximillien 1577
Luks, George B 1385, 1386
MacPherson, Earl 1228
Mandrovsky, Boris N 1642
Manocchia, Adriano 1256
Mario, Ivan 1551
Maris, Jacob H 1346
Martin, Francis P 1303
Martins, Aldemir 1330
Meade, John 1060
Meert, Joseph J P 1594
Meier, Theo 1352
Mellor, Everett W 1571
Meltzer, Anna E 1206
Meltzer, Arthur 1182-1190
Merfelt, Gerald 1609
Meucci, Michelangelo 1361
Michel, Georges (Attr) 1367
Miller, Charles H 1468
Miro, Joan (Attr) 1328
Mitsutani, Kunishiro 1285
Mollerberg, Nils 1230
Montezin, Pierre E 1281
Moore, Jay 1253
Moore, Robert E 1637
Mora, Francis L 1444
Morrell, Wayne B 1131-1134
Morris, E. 1308
Morse, C Roy 1439
Moses, Grandma 1247
Mostyn, Thomas E 1384
Movalli, Charles 1129
Muir, Emily 1069
Murphy, John F 1389
Namur, Francois 1278
Neff, John A 1087
Nelson, Robert A 1406
Nguyen, Tim 1240, 1241
Nicholas, T.M 1119
Niles, George E 1500
Nowell, W Charles 1601, 1602
Noyes, George L 1410, 1508
Nunamaker, Kenneth 1181
Nungarrayi, Gabriella P 1550
Onderdonk, Julian 1407
Owen, Robert E 1434
Page, Edward A 1174
Palmer, William C 1641
Palumbo, Alphonse 1620
Pascal, Paul 1582
Patterson, Charles R 2179
Paxton, William M 1221
Peirce, Alzira B 1011-1013
Peirce, Alzira B (Attr) 1014
Peirce, Waldo 1000-1010, 1048-1057,
1075-1080, 1093-1099
Perkins, Sarah B (Attr) 2072
Peters, Carl W 1175, 1176
Peterson, Jane 1396
Philipp, Robert 1229
Phillips, Ammi (School) 2104
Pinto, Silvio 1335
Poirier, Dennis 1164-1167
Portinari, Candido 1331
Poskos, Peter 1392
Post, William M 1429
Prior, William (Attr) 2071, 2405
Proctor, F W 1438
Prout, Samuel G 1568
Quartley, Arthur 1172
Radimov, Pavel A 1555
Ranger, Henry W 1417
Redfield, Edward W 1180
Rehn, Frank K M 1071
Reid, Robert 1408, 1409
Remington, Frederic 1249
Renninger, K S 1088-1090
Rettig, John 1447, 1633
Reynolds, Sir Joshua (Attr) 1301
Richards, F 1569
Richards, William T 1144
Richardson, Carrie E 1074
Richardson, Constance 1615
Ritchie, John 1572
Rivas, Antonio 1376
Rix, Julian W 1533
Roberts, David (Mnr) 1302
Roberts, Tom W 1284
Robin, Georges 1283
Robinson, Hal 1424
Robinson, Robert 1399
Rodin, Auguste (Attr) 1329
Rosello, Joaquin L 1375
Rousseau, Margarite 1286
RSH 1254
Sala, Emilio 1353
Salmon, Robert 2023
Salvi, Giovanni B (After) 1296
Sanborn, Percy 2053, 2054
Santoro, Francesco R 1350
Santosh, Gulam R 1326
Sargent, John S 1378
Schall, Jean Frederic 1578
Schelling, George L 1619
Schneider, Theophile 1084
Schulz, Charles 1401
Scott, Henry 2176
Seager, Edward 1640
Sell, Christian 1338
Sickert, Walter R (Attr) 1341
Siems, P.H 2223, 2224
Sievan, Maurice 1207-1209
Skilling, William 1322
Sloan, Marian P 1494
Sloane, Eric 1194, 1195
Smith, Joseph B. 2025
Snell, Henry B 1507
Snyders, Frans (Attr) 1291A
Sokal, Koloman 1242
Souza, Francis N 1327
Sprinchorn, Carl 1205
Sprinchorn, Carl (Attr) 1073
Stevens, William L 1106-1109
Stiepevich, Vincent 1355
Stone, Don 1044
Streator, Harold A 1146
Striebel, John H 1402
Strisik, Paul 1161-1163
Stubbs, William P 2349
Stubbs, William P 2093, 2094
Stuempfig, Walter 1212
Sumers, Martin 1237
Swan, John 1449
Tam, Reuben 1045
Terpning, Howard A 1248
Thieme, Anthony 1124, 1125, 1158-1160
Thompson, E 2340
Thompson, George A 1423
Thomson, Tom 1104
Tihansky, Theodore 1524-1526, 1635
Tolman, Ruel P 1630
Trouillebert, Paul D 1368
Troupeau, Ferdinand 1370
Tutwiler, David 1498
Tyson Jr, Carroll S 1028
Valadon, Suzanne 1274
Van Roekens, Paulette 1191, 1192
Vandeverdonck, Francois 1312
Vela, Alberto R 1611
Vickery, Charles B 1506
Vickery, Robert 1244
Volck, Adalbert J 1448
Waldo, Samuel L (Attr) 2417
Warner, Everett 1529-1532
Warren, Andrew W 1029
Washburn, Cadwallader 1037
Waugh, Frederick J 1141-1143, 1514
Weber, Alfred C 1580
Weber, Theodore A 1342
Weiler, Milton C 1627
Weisbecker, Clem 1213
White, Orrin A 1421
Whorf, John 1059, 1103, 1457,
Whyte, Duncan M 1347
Wiegand, Gustave 1527
Wiles, Irving R 1443
Williams, Florence W 1038
Wilson, James P 1043
Winter, Andrew 1040
Wisinski, John D 2336
Wolins, Joseph 1243A
Woodbury, Charles H 1058, 1065
Woodward, Robert S 1196
Woodward, Stanley 1130
Wuermer, Carl 1422, 1432, 1435
Wyeth, Andrew N 1015-1018
Wysocki, Charles 1436
Bronzes & Sculpture
Bartholdi, Frederic A (After) 1214
Barye, Antoine L (After) 1314
Benoist-Gironiere, Ives 1548
Bergman, Franz 1316
Berman, Franz (Attr) 1315
Bjorge, Kenneth 1586
Borglum, Solon H 1259
Conkling, Mable 1219
Cousteau the Elder, G. (Aft) 1318
Cousteau, Guillaume (After) 1317
Cristadoro, Charles C 1270
Davidson, Jim 1584
Deluca, Ferdinando 1372
Eberle, Abastenia St. Leger 1215
Filli, Antonio 1374
Goodacre, Glenna M 1265-1267
Hartmann, Jud 1031-1036
Houser, Allan 1264
Iffland, Franz 1373
Kauba, Carl 1262
Kauba, Carl (After) 1263
Mene, Pierre J 1313
Morioton, Eugene 1371
Picasso, Pablo 1231-1233
Potter, Louis M 1218
Robert, Gilroy 3017
Rocco. Ulysses 1220
Russell, Cs M (After) 1585, 1587
Scriver, Robert M 1261, 1583,
Sintenis, Renee 1216, 1217
Thorsen, Eric 1544
Prints & Photography
Audubon, John J 1538
Audubon, John J (After)
1535-1537, 1539-1542
Benecke, Thomas 1647
Benson, Frank W 1491
Benton, Thomas H 1483, 1484
Calder, Alexander 1492
Callahan, Harry 1171
Clark, Roland 1545
Currier & Ives 1546-1547
Curtis, Edward S 1251
Elliot, D G 1543
Fougerat, Emmanuel 1646
Hagerbaumer, David 1625
Haghe, Louis 1645
Kent, Rockwell 1063, 1064
LaFarge, John 1597
Marsh, Reginald 1486-1489
Mecray, John 2584
Rousseau, Percival L 1307
Shadbolt, Jack L 1554
Sloan, John 1485
Spruance, Benton M 1490
Valente, Alfredo 1643
Walker, Hank 3279
Wou-Ki, Zao 1365
Zorach, Marguerite 1062
Edward L Henry
Ernest Lawson, 1913
Albert Herter George Bensell
Abbott Fuller Graves
Jack Gray (1 of 3)
Robert Reid (1 of 2)
Bernard Karfiol (36” x 46”) Waldo Peirce Collection of 33 works
William Paxton
Kenneth Nunamaker Edward Redfield
Wilhelm Kuhnert
Arthur Meltzer (2 of 9) Andrew N. Wyeth (1 of 2)
Tom Thomson
Frederick J Waugh (1 of 3)
John Carlson William Lester Stevens (1 of 4) Julian Onderdonk Edouard Leon Cortes (1 of 2)
Frantisek Kupka
Robert Strong Woodward
Pierre E. Montezin
Jasper F. Cropsey, 1884 Spencer D. Crockwell
Anthony Thieme (1 of 5)
Grandma Moses
Carl Peters (1 of 2)
John Whorf (1 of 4) Carroll S. Tyson Jr Cadwallader Washburn
Victor De Grailly (1 of 2)
Suzanne Valadon
Eric Sloane (1 of 2)
Louis Aston Knight
Gulam R Santosh
Attributed to Jan Wyck Le Nain
Lord F. Leighton
Francis N Souza
Zao Wou-Ki
William T. Richards
Tom W. Roberts
Frederic S. Remington
Charles Schulz Commissioned for County of San
Diego Bureau of Animal Control John J Audubon (1 of 10)
Romualdo B. F. Locatelli (1 of 2)
Rare Limited Edition of the Abastenia St. Leger Eberle
Rampant Colt Rene Sintenis Jud Hartmann (1 of 6)
Eastman Johnson John L. Breck Benedikt Hess Robert Vickrey
Thomas Curtin (1 of 5)
Fabulous Selection of Weathervanes Attr. to Ths. Brooks & Samuel Robb
Pair of J. Wilson & Son Globes Pair of Monumental Pigeon Trade Figures
Ca. 1880s Trade Sign
18th/19th C American Folk Art Painting Attributed to William Prior
Depicting a New England Scene 1 of 4
Ship Captain Portraits Unsigned
Selection of Roseville Pottery 60+ Pieces of Rare Quimper
Large Native American Collection
Cast Iron Uncle Sam Mailbox Holder, Ca. 1910
Painted Wood Ships
Figurehead of Admiral Perry
Cast Lead Counter Top George
Washington Figure
Painted Fireboard George
Washington Trade Figure
Auguste Edouart Outstanding Album Quilt
Carved Eagle on Stand
Civil War Battle Flag of the 92nd NY Infantry Selection of Nantucket Baskets
Sampler Elizabeth Field,
Wife of Samuel MacIntire
Ship’s Lady Figurehead
Carved Paddleboard
19th C Patriotic Mirror
Selection of Wicker Monumental Le Funi by
Gio Ponti Vase
antiques@jamesdjulia.com | + 1 207 453 7125 | www.jamesdjulia.com
Private Coll. of Early
American & English Silver
Large Selection of Nautical Items
Salesman Sample Canoe (1 of 3)
S. Willard Banjo Clock
W. Cornell Dwarf Clock, Newport Rookwood
Fountain Warren McArthur (1 of 3) Carved Oak Sideboard 1 of 2 Marquetry Chests
Collection of Doorstops
Ames Sword, Model 1872
Pair of Russian Chandeliers After F. Auguste Bartholdi
Brian Stockman,
NH Rare Schoharie Painted Pine Blanket Chest Abel Hutchins, NH Glenna Goodacre (1 of 4)
Aaron Willard Tall Clock
Federal Roll
Top Secretary
Rare MA Table with “Cumberland” Action
Queen Anne MA Highboy
Chippendale Mahogany Blockfront Desk
Red Chimney Cupboard
Hadley Chest
Mahogany Secretary Bookcase
Highly Desirable Figured Mahogany Blocked End
Reverse Serpentine Chest of Drawers
Bergen County, NJ
Corner Cupboard
Gilroy Robert Selection of Sterling Silver
(240 tr. oz. Solid Silver)
Samuel H. Burns Patent
Estate Collection of Stamps Crochet Hook Collection Picasso Pottery Selection of Oriental Rugs
The Butler-Sigourney Family
Boston Dining Table
08-04-16newtownbee6pg.indd 5 8/3/16 8:36 AM
56 — Antiques and The Arts Weekly — August 19, 2016
Contact Bill Gage, Tony Greist or Katya Tilton | Email: an-tiques@jamesdjulia.com
Tel: + 1 207 453 7125 | Fax: +1 207 453 2502 | Web: www.jamesdjulia.com
Fairfield, ME | Boston, MA | Auctioneer: James D. Julia Lic#: ME: AR83/NH: 2511/MA: AU1406
Incredible Asian Art & Antiques
Important Pr Polychrome Decorated Phoenixes
Important Lot of Three Chinese Export Armorial Tureens with Underliners
Li Chen 7/8 Chinese Export Rose Mandarin Dinner Service with
Bird-in-the-Lantern Border
White Jade Vase with Cover
Gilt Bronze Bell with box
Fine Carved Chinese Aloeswood Libation Cup
19th C Gilt Bronze Dog Paperweight
Carl Kauba Pair Carved Jade Figures
Pair of Porcelain Plaques
by Wang Dafan, Republic
Jade Scepter
Pair of Covered Cloisonné Dishes
Gilt Splashed Bronze
Footed Censer Bamboo Brush Pot
Jade Boulder Wang Qi Plaque
Coral Carving
Chinese Hardwood
Moongazing Chair
Emerald Green Sword Handle
Jade Pendant
Pair of Satsuma Stems
China Trade
Japanese Cloisonné Vase by
Kewade Shibataro
Large Inlaid Wall Panel
Antonio Jacobsen (1 of 7)
Joseph B. Smith James E. Buttersworth (1 of 3)
Robert Salmon James Bard Portrait of the Steamboat “Daniel S. Miller” on the Hudson
Montague Dawson (1 of 3)
Rare Ming Dynasty
Cloisonné Basin
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036