Sun, January 15, 2017
Preview 10:00 Auction 11:00
Contents from Historic Schenectady Stockade Home Built 1685,
and a Long Island Estate Pocket Watch Collection,
Period, Vict, Early Asian Furniture
Over 300 items to choose from
Carman & Lillian Road, Guilderland, NY
Partial Listing: Period Vernacular 9’8”long Drop Leaf Maple Quilting Table, Period Dovetailed Cherry 4 Drawer 42”wide Slant Lid Desk, Early 1-Drawer 42” Worktable, Early 4’round 2-Drawer Dough Table, 4 Early 6-Board Blanket Boxes, Early Folk Art Printed Wardrobe, 19th Century Jap Lacquer Dressing Screen, 19th Century Anglo-Dutch Embossed 4 Panel Dressing Screen, Early Chippendale Carved Curly Maple Mirror, Classical Early Gilded Mirror, Ornate Lift Vict Sewing Table, 2 Vict Oval Marble Top Tables, Renn Revival Walnut Chair, Ornate Oak Lift Top Hall Seat w/Hat Hooks, 2 “S” Roll Top Desks, Vict Walnut Cylinder Desk, Mission Oak 1-Drawer Desk, 2 Mission Oak Side Chairs, Oak ½ & ½ , Victorian Walnut Desk, Jeweler’s Desk, Early 5’ Workbench, Mahog Ball & Claw Ft Drop Leaf Table, 19th Century Chinese Blanched Arm Chairs, 19th Century Tansu Burl Wood Multi Drawer Cabinet, Early Tall Asian 42”Square Table (36” Tall), 1940s Pepsi 5 cent Mailbox Soda Machine (excellent condition), Mid Century Dining Room Table w/Chairs, China, Buffet, Wingback Chairs, 19th Century 3pc Iron Bistro Set, Pr Iron Leaded Glass Transit Windows, Variety of Early Iron Garden Gates, 3 Single Gates, 3 Prs Iron Gates, 3pc Iron Gates, Misc Iron Garden pcs, Early from Stockade Home 4 Pr Black Quarter Moon Shutters, Oriental Carpets, Kashan 13’x10’, Mahal 16’x10’, Small Runners and more…
Collectibles: Costume Jewelry, 1600s Spanish Plate, 1700 Hand Carved Donkey holding up Oil Lamp, Variety of Primitives, Iron/Copper Pans, Early Cannonball, Fireplace Tools, Ice Cutting Saw, Candlesticks, Early German Candy Molds, Early Iron Horse Doorstop, Group of Small Bronzes, Brass Microscope, Early Gold Scale, Brass Transit, Bausch & Lomb Early Projector, 5 Vict Photograph Albums, Variety of Early Tintypes, Large Group of B&W Photo News Releases, Variety of Cameras, Early Inkwells, Oak Wall Crank Phone, Early Dovetailed Sponge Painted Box, Snowshoes, Early Skis, Vintage Bonne Cross Country Skis, Books – Set of 3 Longfellow, Set of 3 Milton’s Paradise Lost (Dante’s Inferno) by Dore, Set of 3 The Play by Shakespeare, Group of Vict Clothing – 1880s Hats, Childs Clothes, Variety of Artwork, Oil on Canvas, Majolica 2pc Planter, 1920s Reverse Painted Ceiling Lights, Early Quilts/Linens
Clocks & Pocket Watches: Variety of Early Mantel Clocks, Key Wind Gilbert Banjo Clock, Several Vict Mantel Clocks, Bank Clocks, Pocket Watch Collection – 100s of Pocket Watches, Parts, Tools, Cases, Wristwatches
Lathes, Machinist Tool Box, Huge Variety
Toys: Several Early Fisher Price Toys, Roy Rogers Tent w/Box, Early BB Guns, Model Hook & Ladder Fire Truck w/Box, Buddy L Trucks, 3pc Farmall Tractor/Implements w/Boxes, Matchbox & Vintage Racing Cars, Model Kits, Variety of 1950s Dolls, Houses, Furniture, GI Joe Foot Locker, GI Joe Amphibious Truck w/Box, 6 Million Dollar Man in Rocket & more.
LLBean 13’ Kayak & LL Bean 10’ Kayak,
Tractors: New Holland 17LA w/5 Attachments (see pics) 500HRS Brush Hog, Bucket, Backhoe, Frail Mower, Forks, 135 Massey Furyson Farm Tractor, Club Cadet Riding Mower, Venteck Multi Use Tractor 6’ Brush Hog, Rot Tiller, Plow Blade (26 Hrs), Arien 13HP Snow Blower.
Terms: Cash or Good Check – No Out of State Checks,
No Credit Cards, 10% BP
For Photos & Directions see our website at
or #16751
Joe Mazzone, Jr., Licensed Auctioneer
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036