Hartzell’s Auction Gallery Inc. Outstanding Folk/Outsider Art Sale
With Antiques, Toys, & Primitives
Selling from a Canadensis & Northern New Jersey Estate
On Saturday, January 28th @ 10am
Preview: Thursday, January 26th 10am to 4 pm &
Friday, January 27th from Noon – 6pm
Folk / Outside Artists Include: Myrtice West, Purvis Young, Jimmy Lee Sudduth, James Rizzi, Moze Tolliver, Sterling Strauser, Jack Savitsky, Finster, Perkins, Lancaster & More.
Primitives Including: Blue Decorated Stoneware, Redware, Yellowware, Baskets, Wire & Tinware, Early Blankets & Textiles, Tramp Art, Woodenware & More.
Gold & Silver Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Turquoise, Indian & Mexican Jewelry.
Edison Fireside Phonograph W/Horn.
Glassware: Carnival Glass, Art Glass, Weller Pott ery, Early Glass.
Smalls: Slides, China, Porcelain, Fountain Pens, Early Hardware, Bronzes, Pipes, Cocks, Lighting, Books, Violins, Rugs & More.
Adverti sing: 1915 January Coca Cola Calendar & Trays, Toys, Dolls, Cast Iron Mechanical & Still Banks, Tootsie & Arcade Toys, Typewriters, Etc.
Furniture: Primitive Shop Counter, Cupboard, Cherry High Chest, (2) 2 Pc Pine3 Corner Cupboard, 2 Pc Cherry Stepback, Early Blanket Chests, Country Furniture, Hanging Cupboards & More.
Terms: 18% Buyer’s Premium, 3% Discount for Cash or Check,
23% Live Aucti oneers.
Taking Phone, Absentee Bids up to 24 Hours prior to sale.
521 Richmond Road, Bangor, PA 18013
610-588-5831 • 1-800-724-6808
FAX: 610-588-6206
PA # AU – 000395-L • AH – 1919 • EST. 1943
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036