Golden Gavel Guns & Fishing Sportsman Auction
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Preview: 9:00 a.m. Auction Start: 2:00 p.m.
An impressive collection of long guns,
swords, bayonets and pistols
including a 1916 Colt officer’s Model 88. An assortment of military and hunting items. An estate of a former charter boat captain including many custom fishing poles, tuna rods and reels. Many lots of fishing lures, tackle and associated items. Two prominent collections of trophy room mounts (African and North American) including an African mount of a rare fringed ear oryx and an unbelievable standing display of an African lion standing over a Grant’s gazelle. North American mounts include buffalo, moose, bear, waterbuck and more. Many species of mounted fish, saltwater and fresh.
1982 Uniflite 38’ fiberglass sportfisherman, twin Detroit diesels.
TEL. (860) 623-2100 or (888) 457-7778
For color images and further information visit our website at
Email with questions
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search our Auctionzip Auctioneer ID#: 2791
Auctioneers: Patrick Soucy, Ralph Labozzo
700+ Lots expected for each weekly auction.
Estate auction every Thursday evening!
Terms: Cash, Checks, Master Card, Visa, Discover, Debit Cards.
Gun sales – A $25.00 FFL transfer fee will be added per gun.
You must be 21 years or older with valid ID to bid on and purchase alcohol.
Onsite Bidders: 18% buyer’s premium, 3% discount for cash or
approved check, all sales final.
Online Bidders: 21% buyer’s premium. All sales final.
Directions: From I-91 exit 45, go to Rte 140 East (cross over Rte 5, travel
1 mile, see Plaza on left). 15min. north of Hartford, CT &
15min. South of Springfield, MA.
Always accepting quality consignments for our auctions.
Call to discuss. We offer a full auction service and will
sell anything of value for you.
Come join us for a fun, fast paced, friendly auction!
Sat Feb 16 5:30 pm Early Bird Auction
7:00 pm Estate Auction
Thurs Feb 23 5:30 pm Early Bird Auction
7:00 pm Estate Auction
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036