Mooney’s Fresh To Market Antique Estate Auction
”Croton On The Hudson”
February 7th 2017 @ 10:00 am
Bid Live at
There will be Antique Lighting: Jefferson Table Lamp, Bulova Harp Lamp, Mid – Century, Art
Deco etc. Furniture from all Periods: Victorian, Country, Primitive, Moderne. Oil Paintings by
Listed Artists: Portrait of Sarah Siddons – Gainsborough Dupont, Outsider Art Attributed to Ellis
Ruley “Wild Fantastical Animals” and Many More. Bust of Young Girl Marble Sculpture. Antique
Clocks, Antique Big Chief Moon Bank, Hartford Fire Insurance Double Sided Flange Sign etc.
Large Carved and Painted Folk Art Eagle, 19th Century American Encaustic New York Tiling Co.
Bird Dog Tile, Small Collection of Black Americana.
From the Estate an Antique Steinway & Sons Concert Grand Piano
As Usual Lots of Estate Jewelry: 14kt & 18kt Rings, Bracelets with Diamonds and Diamonds
and More Diamonds and So Much More!!!!! Silver Coins, Gold Coins!!! 19th Century High
Wheeler Bicycle, Porcelain Advertising Signs
So come in out of the cold and come to Mooney’s on February 7, 2017 at 10:00am
We have room for a few more Interesting and rare items – Give us a call.
We will be Selling 300+ of the Finest and Unrivaled Antique
and Collectible Lots to the Highest Bidder.
Viewing: Monday February 6th from 10am to 5pm and Tuesday, February 7th from 8am to 10:00am Start of Auction.
Questions or just to save a seat, Please call 518-634-2300 or cell 845-234-0083 You can email us at • BUYERS PREMIUM IS 12%
Mooney’s Auction Service • 2450 Route 145, East Durham, NY •
19th Century Wicker Carriage
F. A. Whitney Co.
1890s Hertz Brothers
Mahogany & Marble Table
Antique Steinway & Sons Concert
Grand Piano Type One
Regulation Pool Table + Accessories
1972 Honda Mini Trail Motor Bike 19th Century High Wheeler Bike,
Leather Springer Seat
Antique Portrait of
Sarah Siddons Gainsborough Dupont
Antique Leaded Stain
Glass Window Panel,
Church in New York
Antique Chinese Palace Vase
– Gold Gilt & Enameled
19th Century Cast Iron
Tree Form Hitching
Post Old Green
Biedermeier Cylinder Top
Secretary – Flame Mahogany
Cohn-Stone Hand Blown Over Size Art Glass Bowl
Coca-Cola 1933 Two Sided Porcelain
Fountain Service Sign with Orig. Bracket
18Th Century Two Part High Boy –
Mahogany w/ Orig. Hardware
Antique Jefferson 1859 Sharps Four Shot Pepperbox Serial # 51455
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036