William Smith Exciting Tuesday Evening Auction
Antiques, Accessories, Silver, Jewelry, Clean Modern Furniture and more
Smith’s Auction Gallery
1064 RT 12A • Plainfield, NH
Tuesday, March 7th at 5:30pm
Preview Monday, March 6th from 12:00-5:00
and from 12:00 noon on Tuesday
For our first sale in March we have packed the gallery with a good assortment inc. items from the estate of Albert C. Moore of Wilton, NH, from an old Lebanon, NH estate, a Bedford, NH home and quality furnishings from a Barnard, VT home and others for a most interesting auction. Please plan on attending.
In Part: 38” Chippendale 4 drawer chest; nice pine two-part corner cupboard with butterfly shelves and 2 raised paneled doors below; 38” Chippendale maple and wavy birch slant lid desk on bracket base; 19th C. Federal two-part secretary in mahogany; set of 4 Windsor chairs; pine bucket bench; 2 pine hutch tables; tavern table; pine floor cupboard; country pine storage bin; 3 18th C. armchairs, inc. banister back; pair of 18th C. English Prince of Whales carved chairs; Wm. And Mary open armchairs; English joint stool; Federal full size tester bed; early hired man’s bed; French butchers block; early night stands; 19th C. cherry dining table; cottage pine chest; early wing chair; country small pine dry sink
Victorian: Oak 7 drawers lockside chest; Sunderland book table; split pedestal base dining table; set of 6 rose carved chairs; walnut drop center marble top chest; marble top commode; Vict. settee; walnut 6 drawer chest; upright Victrola with records; sev. Walnut marble top stands; walnut what-not Accessories: reverse painted Vict. table lamp; Vict. slag glass table lamp, about another dozen lamps; reproduction Tiffany floor and table lamps; sev. pattern glass lamps; sev. mechanical banks inc. Creedmore; dog and other iron doorstops; sev. old quilts; sev. needlework samplers; daguerreotype collection inc. Gutta-percha cases; old ice skates; duck decoys; top hat; fur coat; large ships wheel; ships power drive; Meissen and German figures; Royal Doulton figures; Royal Dux parrot; Lalique vase; Taft-Keene NH pottery pitcher; stone grapes; Christmas collection of Yorkies; large collection of fashion dolls, Danbury Mint & Franklin Mint; sev. country baskets; tin Popsicle sign; two marble chess sets; candle collection inc. Yankee candles and pie form candles; horsehead hitching post; stoneware; spatterware; Seth Thomas ships clock; other clocks; wrought iron peels; waffle iron; two powder horns; Marlin gun; bed warmer; and other country; 2 Inuit sculptures; andirons and related hearth
Other: Scinde flow blue platter; other flow blue; Wedgwood; Chinese bowl; sev. Asian items; Waterford, Simon Pearce and Steuben glass; sev. pieces of sterling silver, inc. partial flatware set and tableware; various silver medallion spoons; coin silver; 2 French Don Quixote political posters; WWI poster Jewelry: Over 50 gold rings men’s and women’s, some with stones and most 14k and 18k; 24k gold Bicentennial Commemorative coin; ladies diamond ring; 14k tennis bracelet with diamonds; pair of 14k diamond earrings; diamond and sapphire necklace; other jewelry lots
Quality Custom: Ethan Allen furniture in “like new” condition, inc. dining table with two fitted leaves and pads; set of 6 Ethan Allen Queen Anne style chairs; Ethan Allen 5 piece bedroom set; pair of Ethan Allen Pembroke tables; Ethan Allen coffee table; leather sofa; Marlborough Country barn sofa; England La-Z-Boy sofa; pair of wing chairs; other pair of Norwalk wing chairs; Sumpter cabinet chest on chest; pair of bedside lowboys; pair of French style armchairs; sofa table made by Derek Keyes; two reproduction round oak tables and chairs
Special Interest: good cast iron kitchen range/stove, Taunton, MA. Stove Co.
Oriental rugs in room and scatter sizes, including 3 Ethan Allen
room size rugs
This is just a sample the gallery is packed –
to see it all you must come. No internet bidding
at Smiths, just great auction fun.
Terms: Cash-Check-Major Credit Cards:
18% Buyer’s Premium Reduced to 15% with Cash or Check
No Sales Tax • Catered • Comfortable Seating
Auctioneers: William G. Smith and Kenneth R. Labnon
Gallery Manager: Leon Rogers
Visit our Website: www.wsmithauction.com
or email us at: info@wsmithauction.com
William Smith, Inc
Specializing in Fine Antiques
PO Box 49, Plainfield, New Hampshire 03781
Tel. 603-675-2549
NH License #2825 – VT #57-702 – MA #525 – FL #AU-3179
Offices – Plainfield, NH – Greenwich, CT – Sarasota, FL – Phoenix, AZ
We Buy Single Items Or Complete Estat es
Our Rat es Are Competitive
5 Church Hill Road / Newtown, CT 06470
Mon - Fri / 8:00 am - 5:01 pm
(203) 426-8036